The Old Republic

Yes this is BioWare's first venture into MMO waters but thats no excuse to not get the basics nailed down.

I can live with bugs, crashes, and heck even downtime...but separate maintenance windows for CST and GMT is hardly a difficult task, its something you ought to nail down from the beginning regardless of your inexperience.
Only a select few games I've ever played do that. It's usually all at the same time, after all they work in USA, they can't come in at silly o'clock in the morning to do maintenance work for us.

Usually it's Austrailia that get's shafted though.

Most big(ish) MMOs have different maintenance times for EU and NA servers.
Most big(ish) MMOs have different maintenance times for EU and NA servers.

I've found it to be the opposite in almost every MMO I've ever played, they can only fix shit when they are at work, they can't fix shit if it's night time for them. Like I said though it's usually the Aussies that get the flack, and it's hardly like it's in our prime time, Tuesday morning is an excellent time for it. It's just a bit weird that it's lasted all day. I get Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday off work which are my gaming days pretty much and it's never hindered me so far. Only today which I was working anyway since they were paying is bank holiday rates. :D
Can anybody help me with my situation??
Built a new pc, my old one ran TOR very laggy on minimal settings but still playable. This pc was not good at all.

My new one includes
I5, radeon 6950, 8gb ram and seems plenty to run TOR
But i have the same issue, the game runs like shit. Slightly better on lowest but medium is pushing it.

All drivers are installed.

The only thing i did not upgrade was my 500gb HDD. I have been told this may increase laggy-ness during games? Havent tried any other game as of yet, but MW3 is installing.
I've got an i7 2600k and HD 6870 which is a slower card than yours and I play SWTOR on max everything. My HDD is also nothing special, standard SATA 7200.

Don't think the game is CPU demanding also, so maybe you have server lag or something?
Also try lowering shadows or turn them off completely. Maybe turn off v-sync if you have it enabled.

Otherwise it should run great on your system even without much tweaks.

Forgot to add, I play it in 1680x1050 resolution so it's probably not as demanding as if you play it in full HD.
Are you running your internet via wireless? I did and my MS was shocking, I changed to wired and bingo fixed.

I have an i5 2500K, 8GB Kingston HyperX, Radeon 6870 and play on max in full 1080 and I only ever get a tiny bit of lag on the Imperial fleet when there are 200+ on it.
They sorted out Ilum, now the dailies and weeklies are PVP based rather than that stupid working with the republic to capture the points.

Spoilered for size


Now you get valor for every kill depending on how many of the turrets you own, so if you own them all you get 200 per kill, if they own some it gets reduced, atm we own them all and have them camped in so my valor is going through the roof, if they get teams out to take the points then we go kill them and take it back, and there is actual open world pvp now on Ilum.
Bought this yesterday. Lost my job this week so instead of doing the sensible thing and preparing to find a new one, I have instead purchased a MMORPG.....

I'm quite looking forward to it though, although the 12gb download is not doing me any favours. Any suggestions on what class to go?

Oh, and is it any good? Which I probably should have asked before actually buying the thing.
I really enjoy it. There's a big patch coming soon with extra content as well, more PVP warzones etc.

Pick the server Nightmare Lands, when the game came up the majority of people went Empire and the Republic were under populated which resulted in a lot of complaints on the forums despite it having nothing to do with Bioware which side people picked... our server has a good proportion though and we get equal numbers turning up to fights.

I'm on the Empire side so I can help if you need it if you join Empire, or we can shoot each other if you choose Republic. :p
Sounds good. I can see that there servers are down currently due to there being some form of patch, so by the time the United game is done everything will be up and running.

Is there much of a story to it? I loved the KotoR games, and my main interest in this game is more for that than the online part.
Yeah the story is good. The story changes depending on the class you play. There are side quests on every planet that fill most of your time that are each different to each other, however if you roll an alt on a different class it will be the same quests when you land, but the main story is dependant on your class with different instances you go to, different NPCs and different voice actors depending on what you are.
im still only level 33, only finding the time to play last couple of days.

Im a jedi shadow (consular) and the story is pretty boring. But apparently past Act 1 it becomes epic. . There are sub classes found within each starter class. So perhaps do a bit of reading and it may become clear which you prefer and suits your play.
I ended up going a Bounty Hunter, it's great fun. I'm level 12 and just landing on the second planet, whatever that was called. Loads of new things kinda get thrown at you at once when you are about to leave so i decided to leave it there for now.

What is the suggestion for using these Hutta Commendation things I collect? Do I save them and buy something epic? I don't even know how they work.
I'm playing a Shadow on my friend's account whenever I go over there. The game is pretty enjoyable so far, but it makes me miss my warlock in WoW despite not playing it in years. I was badass as a DoT dpser but none of the ToR classes are very similar. I guess I could have gone Sage...

The Shadow is level 15. While the story is an important part of the game, in leveling, I normally end up skipping through the dialogue so I can go back to killing stuff and getting xp.

Which team skills are you guys using? I've got slicing, archaeology, and synthweaving.
Jedi consular's story is terrible, whoever told you it gets better after act 1 is kidding themselves. Its mirror the inquisitor is equally boring.

Just recently got my Sniper to 50, it was a pain in the arse to level but the story more than made up for it, terrific stuff.

Oh and just so you all know, Biochem is the only crafting profession that isn't worthless once you reach 50.
Yeah I played consular and the story bored me.

Not sure what to make of the game now, certainly more enjoyable getting to 50 than most MMOs (if a little too quick) but now that I'm at 50 I find myself a bit bored. All I did last week was do the 8 man operation with the guild, which was good fun in fairness. I'll continue to subscribe for now, but really I can't see myself levelling another character, dont have the time, so I guess it's about whether I feel I can get enough game time from my Sage.
Bah, they really need to give EU servers separate maintenance times than the NA ones.

Its my day off today and was looking forward to getting a few hours in only to realise that EU servers stay down for maintenance....until 4pm. Thats right, 4-feckin-pm.
Ive got a lvl 35 Operative, loving the game mechanics for this class. Just so much fun to play it, we can heal / dps / pvp quite well.

Bloody bounty hunters are SO overpowered ;p

Im doing Armstech, Scavenging and Investigation. Heard the game properly kicks off when you hit 50, as usual.

Anyone in Server " Lord Calypho " ?
Ive got a lvl 35 Operative, loving the game mechanics for this class. Just so much fun to play it, we can heal / dps / pvp quite well.

Bloody bounty hunters are SO overpowered ;p

Im doing Armstech, Scavenging and Investigation. Heard the game properly kicks off when you hit 50, as usual.

Anyone in Server " Lord Calypho " ?

Everyone says that, but the fact is that Empire classes are complete mirror classes of Republic classes, so you could also say Trooper's are overpowered.

I've a Sage, we're defnitely overpowered. Switched to DPS for the sake of my guilds raids because we have more healers than DPS at the moment, and now that I have a fair bit of purple gear I can do devastating damage in PvP, add to that, the fact that I can still heal myself for pretty high Hp, and have my forcefield, makes it almost unfair at times. I'm fairly sure we're going to be toned down a bit ourselves.

I have to say, the raids are great, Eternity Vault is excellent and the last boss is great. We've done it and Kragga's a few times now and our gear is good so we're moving up to hard mode, which is a total bitch, but we're getting there. To be fair to Bioware, they're responding well to the lack of endgame and rolling out good content. Looking forward to new warzones because I'm a little fed up of the current ones.
I'm now level 17 and about to leave Droman Kaas. Last thing I have to so is finish the Heroic +4 quest, nobody seems up for it.

For first time in my life I think i've joined the rank of nerdom and become addicted to a MMORPG. Good job the servers are down till 4pk because I actually need to be doing a few things today.

Also, what's the best way to make money? I'm looking to build up a hefty bank balance and buy anything I want really.
Slicing is probably still the best way, though they've reduced how much you get for it, but you still make good profits.

Before it was reduced I was making around 150k a day off it by the time I got to 250. You won't make as much now but you'll still get 50k+ if you constantly run missions on it.

Heroics are also great for money, well worth doing them.

PvP can give shitloads if you win, but your character will get raped, it auto puts you to level 50 but most people ARE level 50 now and with their gear they'll destroy you.

Space missions are a bit shit but they give good money too.
Ahh, I actually have slicing at about 70 already so I may work on that. So I just send my companions on missions? I usually send Mako on lockbox missions while i'm travelling by foot, but I assume when I get multiple companions I will start making larger profits?

What's the general code of conduct for Heroics. I joined a group yesterday hoping we all help each other with Friends of Old, but once the party leader had done theirs they fecked off. Were they just being a cocks or was it just the party leader we should have been doing it for. Unfortunately they started a little before I joined the group, which is why we couldn't do everything at the same time.
Everyone says that, but the fact is that Empire classes are complete mirror classes of Republic classes, so you could also say Trooper's are overpowered.

Mercs/Commandos are definitely overpowered though compared to Snipers/Gunslingers.

I mean mercenaries for example can do everything a Sniper can do, add to that they have heals, heavy armour and are independent of cover. Don't get me wrong, I do love my sniper main but he feels weak squishy outside of group PVE.

On my sniper I have trouble killing gold mobs and when I succeed my companion almost always dies and I'm down to like 20% health. On my merc and sorc alts I'm soloing 2+ heroics with ease.
Using my ranged tank companion I can solo level 50 elites really easily. Sages are great.

I haven't played any other class, I'd like to make an alt but it's a big commitment.
PvP can give shitloads if you win, but your character will get raped, it auto puts you to level 50 but most people ARE level 50 now and with their gear they'll destroy you.

There's a separate bracket for level 50s in warzones now since 1.1 came out so characters at levels 1-49 don't meet capped players.
There's a separate bracket for level 50s in warzones now since 1.1 came out so characters at levels 1-49 don't meet capped players.

Oh really? Wasn't aware of that. Haven't done much PvP in recent weeks, mainly just doing Ops and Hard mode on FPs.
You picked the shittest class story in the game, but one of the best classes. Sages are the best healers and shadows are arguably the best DPS. Only problem is that Republic are way underpopulated compared to imperial and a lot of their servers are completely dead. I had a l50 sage but I rerolled to Imperial and a BH because PVP was non existent and it was impossible to get groups.

I'm not sure what to make of the game anymore. As an MMO I still feel it's great but the above is a huge downfall and is killing the game in a way. For now I'll keep playing and leveling the BH but whether I enjoy level 50 is another story entirely. Disappointing
Well you should really do heroics and FPs when leveling. They're the best for gear and alot of FPs are good fun.
The way I've been doing it is clearing all the solo quests on a planet and then grouping for the Heroics before I leave. Leaves me about 2 levels in front of what I should be at the start of the following planet.

It's great because my main gripe with our MMO's is the massive waste of time that is griding, but you can keep up by just doing quests which is fantastic.
Well chances are in TOR that if you do all quests as well as FPs then youll be 50 long before they're over. With my BH though I'm power leveling & ignoring lots, mainly cause I have so much rest XP that I can afford to. I'm level 25 and only 20 hours of play time.
as a shadow tank i stealth through most missions as killing becomes quite repetitive. This usually leaves me a level or two behind on each planet. Then i go on a hardcore grind in pvp
Leveling wise it's far better, but once you get to 50 you realize that Bioware actually put shit all end content into the game & there's not a lot to do. The biggest problem though is the massive population imbalance, it's basically 75% - 25% and getting worse.

Still, it's very enjoyable and I trust them to start sorting these problems, they're already adding lots more end game stuff.
Flashpoints. Basically 'dungeons' that you do in groups of 4 to get good loot and XP. They're story based and long