Ok so after my 6 hour marathon last night I finished up in the academy and am now out in the real world, but I went to bed before I started all that stuff.
Picked a sith inquisitor, the academy is basically a new KOTOR with a few quests that you need groups for, it's just that damn fun, the game and combat already feel so polished and I can tell already there's just so much more to come from it, there are absolutely loads of force powers and attacks available already and I'm only level 10.
The game is amazing so far, way better than I ever thought WoW was, and that's exactly why I'm not going to buy it, because I don't want to ruin my life!
EDIT: Zarlak, not to dampen your hopes, but there are also pretty long waits to get onto the servers, they're mostly full and have queues. I went on the only PvP English one (of course) and only had to wait 15 mins, but if you're a pussy who wants PvE you could be waiting well over an hour. That was also yesterday with less testers involved!