The Old Republic

In fact I don't even have a product code. When I log in to Origin it says no games detected. Such a load of bollocks.

EDIT: Zarlak, how many mails did you get off Origin?

I have one entitled "Order - Order confirmation for #xxxxxxxx"

Yeah that email you got... exact same title... content says

Subject: Origin – Order confirmation for order #Blahblahblah‏

Dear Blahblahblah,
Thank you for ordering from Origin Store on 21 July 2011. The following email is a summary of your order. Please use this as your proof of purchase. If you paid by credit card, please look for EA * on your credit card billing statement.

Order Number: Blahblahblah
Order Date: 21 July 2011
Billing Information:


Product Name Product SKU Amount
STAR WARS(TM): The Old Republic(TM) Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order £4.17
Serial Number: This number right here
STAR WARS(TM): The Old Republic(TM) Digital Deluxe Edition £45.83

SubTotal: £50.00

Shipping: £0.00
VAT: £9.99
Total: £59.99

Additional Product Information:

STAR WARS(TM): The Old Republic(TM) Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order -
1) Go to Pre-order | Star Wars: The Old Republic

2) Click "Register your pre-order" (You will be prompted to log in or create a Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ account if needed)

3) Enter and Confirm your pre-order code when prompted. (This is listed as “Serial Number” in your receipt above.)

4) Complete Registration.

5) You will be notified by email of your early access time at a later date.
I want to know that too, also can we clarify if wanktastic is good or bad cheers.

Also do you really have to buy the game for 40 notes and then pay £20 to play it for two months?

Yes its great, don't expect it to reinvent the MMO wheel but its still a very polished MMO with terrific production values and an authentic Star Wars feel. Oh and its developed by BioWare.

Purchasing the game comes with a one month free subscription, its up to you whether you want to renew after that.
Yeah that email you got... exact same title... content says

Subject: Origin – Order confirmation for order #Blahblahblah‏

Dear Blahblahblah,
Thank you for ordering from Origin Store on 21 July 2011. The following email is a summary of your order. Please use this as your proof of purchase. If you paid by credit card, please look for EA * on your credit card billing statement.

Order Number: Blahblahblah
Order Date: 21 July 2011
Billing Information:


Product Name Product SKU Amount
STAR WARS(TM): The Old Republic(TM) Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order £4.17
Serial Number: This number right here
STAR WARS(TM): The Old Republic(TM) Digital Deluxe Edition £45.83

SubTotal: £50.00

Shipping: £0.00
VAT: £9.99
Total: £59.99

Additional Product Information:

STAR WARS(TM): The Old Republic(TM) Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order -
1) Go to Pre-order | Star Wars: The Old Republic

2) Click "Register your pre-order" (You will be prompted to log in or create a Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ account if needed)

3) Enter and Confirm your pre-order code when prompted. (This is listed as “Serial Number” in your receipt above.)

4) Complete Registration.

5) You will be notified by email of your early access time at a later date.

Yeah I have

Product Name Product SKU Amount Discount
STAR WARS(TM): The Old Republic(TM) 71074 49.99 € 5.00 €
Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digita 71065 5.00 €

Subtotal excl VAT: 54.99 €
Discount: 5.00 €
VAT: 0.00 €
Total incl VAT: 54.99 €

Additional Product Information:

Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Standard Edition Pre-Order Fee - 1) Go to</a>
2) Click "Register your pre-order" (You will be prompted to log in or create a Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ account if needed)
3) Enter and Confirm your pre-order code when prompted.
4) Complete Registration.
5) You will be notified by email of your early access time at a later date.

What a load of wank

EDIT: FINALLY after searching through the entire website and customer service, there's a tiny little link that you can go to for order history and see your serial code.

Ditto :cool:

Cina you'll receive an email when you get in, my guess it that you'll probably get yours anywhere between the 17-19th (maybe earlier considering they got us September folk in today).

When it happens you'll get a new page asking you to agree to terms and conditions and all that jargon, then you get to click play.
Aye, Aussies got fecked on this one.

That being said you won't be banned if you import a foreign copy and just play on US/EU servers, BioWare have only stated that they can't let you download the origin version until retail release.
I didn't even wait for my email, just opened the launcher and realised I had the option to play. I think I got the email 2 hours later :lol:
How is everyone getting on with this? I have a L22 Jedi Sentinel as my alt and a L26 BH as my main. Loving the BH far more than the jedi, the gadgets are awesome and the storyline is good as well. Considering starting an Imperial Agent alt as their story is like a James Bond story.

PVP I am enjoying as well, Always come in around 45 kills and 6 deaths as the BH. Huttball is hit and miss depending on whether you get a team that knows how to play or not. It can be infuriating at times.
What are the instances/raids like?

Well worked in my opinion, they can be quite challenging if you don't take the right roles, the low level instances are cakewalks to get you used to it but still fun and the higher you get the more challenging it becomes. The way they do the cut scenes is good, you all get a choice of what to say and a dice roll is done and whoever rolls the highest gets to say it, makes the moral choices more fun anyway and makes the instance different each time as you make different choices and the dialogue is always different as each character takes it in turns to speak, saying different things to each other so it doesn't really get stale.

You can enter an instance solo, and if someone else tries to enter solo they will go to their own separate version of the same instance, or if you group up you can go in together.
I'm absolutely loving the Imperial Agent story, crazy good writing by BioWare.

The Jedi Consular story is a huge borefest, as an Agent I'm carrying out assassinations, double-crossing betrayals and telling the Sith to go feck a Consular I'm going around seeking greater knowledge or something.
I'm absolutely loving the Imperial Agent story, crazy good writing by BioWare.

The Jedi Consular story is a huge borefest, as an Agent I'm carrying out assassinations, double-crossing betrayals and telling the Sith to go feck a Consular I'm going around seeking greater knowledge or something.

That's what I found, as a Jedi Sentinel I'm doing the greater good which is boring, as a Bounty Hunter I'm enrolled in The Great Hunt, assasinating my targets, killing the other BH's that turn up to foil me.

What server you on? I'm on EU Nightmare Lands. Have you done PVP yet? Imperial Agent Snipers and Bounty Hunter Mercenaries which I am kick ass.
I've a level 30 Jedi Sage on EU Ubar Wymn, and yeah the story isn't the best. I do like the character though, good for a healer and I can still get lots of PvP kills. Keep meaning to start a game as an Imperial on another server too because I hear it's more fun.

Loving the game though, there's an insane amount of content in it, the PvP is great fun (especially Huttball), the flashpoints are excellent and the overall presentation is brilliant, especially for an MMO.
That will be fine cinc, if anything levelling is a bit fast, the worlds are massive though so if your goal isn't to get to 50 as fast as possible, it will take you absolutely ages to get through all the planets, each one is massive at that rate of hours per week. So if that sounds good then go for it.
That will be fine cinc, if anything levelling is a bit fast, the worlds are massive though so if your goal isn't to get to 50 as fast as possible, it will take you absolutely ages to get through all the planets, each one is massive at that rate of hours per week. So if that sounds good then go for it.

That sounds good. Apart from Hattrick and a bit of FM Live beta I never played any MMO ever, so my learning curve will be even longer for me, which is good.
That sounds good. Apart from Hattrick and a bit of FM Live beta I never played any MMO ever, so my learning curve will be even longer for me, which is good.

That's good, for example on my Bounty Hunter it's level 26, I've put about 25 hours into it so far, so that's translating into about 5/6 weeks of the time you intend to put into it, I've only been to the starter planet Hutta which I completed, then on to Dromund Kaas which I completed, then Balmorra which I am about to complete in a few hours. This is also knowing what to do, where to go and how MMOs work so levelling faster than you probably would and mixing in PVP as well.

I still have to visit Ord Mandell, Alderaan, Tatooine, Taris, Belsavis, Voss, Hoth, Nars Shaddaa, Corellia, Quesh and then Illum the last planet where you PVP at level 50. So if you think what I've done in a week and a half, you'd do in a month and I've still got so far to go.
That's what I found, as a Jedi Sentinel I'm doing the greater good which is boring, as a Bounty Hunter I'm enrolled in The Great Hunt, assasinating my targets, killing the other BH's that turn up to foil me.

What server you on? I'm on EU Nightmare Lands. Have you done PVP yet? Imperial Agent Snipers and Bounty Hunter Mercenaries which I am kick ass.

I'm on Frostclaw EU. I actually started off as a Smuggler but the story was also pretty underwhelming - you're essentially an intergalactic handyman for hire, its silly really.

Yeah I went with an Imperial Agent sniper and haven't looked back since, its also pretty amusing chalking people in PVP with 2 shots. The problem I have with the empire though is that more or less everyone plays them - on my server its something ridiculous like 70:30 also doesn't help that the Dark Side has tended to attract the adolescents and petulant little shits.

I would ideally go Republic but the storylines they have are so underwhelming - their missions on Taris were borderline taking the piss, I probably got bored within the first 5 minutes and just went back to my agent.
Yeah, I think there are more Imperials on our server but it's starting to change, people were whining that the Sith Inquisitor was OP and didn't realise that the Empire classes mirror identically the Republic ones just with different animations and different names. However all trooper abilities mirror the bounty hunter ones, all jedi consular abilities mirror the sith warrior abilities. So now people are rolling jedi consular sage/shadows whichever one it is to match the sith inquisitors in combat.

I still love PVP though my BH has all the gadgets needed. :D
BHs always seem to be topping the PVP charts, did you go Merc or powertech then? Merc healers tend to wipe the floor in PVP from what I've seen.

I'm actually going full-on lightside with my IA, its amusing how peeved off your group gets when you win the lightside convo roll and end up being a carebear throughout a whole instance.
:lol: I hate cnuts that choose to save people when we do flashpoints. feck you! :lol:

Yeah I went Merc, I was a PT originally but rerolled as I hate being tanks.

As I'm a ranged DPS I find they do certainly kick ass in PVP, matched only really by the sniper. The republic tend to just have a hard on for anyone with a lightsaber and rush to them. I can just freely hit them with AOEs while they leave me alone. If anyone comes against me 1v1 I can take them down if they don't get into melee range, the only thing that realy hurts me is a lightsaber stunning me when my breakout is on cooldown or multiple people ganging up on me. Mostly because I know my class pretty well.

Your class is almost matching the BH in PVP for the same reasons, nobody will come near you because they will rush to the jedis trying to plant the objective, and you have some crazy ass snipe attack that removes about 40% of their HP plus an AOE called barrage or something like that, as long as we never go for the doors, we just hang back and let the jedis do it we are free to kill whoever we want. I tend to just sit back, look for 1 v 1s and fire off a stun dart to help the guy on my side out, look for low health people to hit with my overhead missile and finish off so they get sent back to the starting point and whatever jedi they are duelling is free to go and help the objective or someone else in trouble, and then AOE the door with the death from above (which looks epic) to keep them from defusing.

If they come near me I have a flamethrower, a 60 second stun, a 4 second stun, a rocket punch, and a jump thing that sends them flying away a few feet to buy me some time. I can hold my own until someone else comes to help, unless someone else comes to help them and then I'm going down.
:lol: I hate cnuts that choose to save people when we do flashpoints. feck you! :lol:

Yeah I went Merc, I was a PT originally but rerolled as I hate being tanks.

As I'm a ranged DPS I find they do certainly kick ass in PVP, matched only really by the sniper. The republic tend to just have a hard on for anyone with a lightsaber and rush to them. I can just freely hit them with AOEs while they leave me alone. If anyone comes against me 1v1 I can take them down if they don't get into melee range, the only thing that realy hurts me is a lightsaber stunning me when my breakout is on cooldown or multiple people ganging up on me. Mostly because I know my class pretty well.

Your class is almost matching the BH in PVP for the same reasons, nobody will come near you because they will rush to the jedis trying to plant the objective, and you have some crazy ass snipe attack that removes about 40% of their HP plus an AOE called barrage or something like that, as long as we never go for the doors, we just hang back and let the jedis do it we are free to kill whoever we want. I tend to just sit back, look for 1 v 1s and fire off a stun dart to help the guy on my side out, look for low health people to hit with my overhead missile and finish off so they get sent back to the starting point and whatever jedi they are duelling is free to go and help the objective or someone else in trouble, and then AOE the door with the death from above (which looks epic) to keep them from defusing.

If they come near me I have a flamethrower, a 60 second stun, a 4 second stun, a rocket punch, and a jump thing that sends them flying away a few feet to buy me some time. I can hold my own until someone else comes to help, unless someone else comes to help them and then I'm going down.

Thats the one thing I'm envious of with BHs - their animations, that death from above ability is ridiculous. I know the trooper class is an identical mirror but its animations are just so tame in comparison. I mean nothing screams 'feck yeah' more than shooting missiles out of their wrists instead of lobbing a grenade...the mirror equivalent of troopers.
Thats the one thing I'm envious of with BHs - their animations, that death from above ability is ridiculous. I know the trooper class is an identical mirror but its animations are just so tame in comparison. I mean nothing screams 'feck yeah' more than shooting missiles out of their wrists instead of lobbing a grenade...the mirror equivalent of troopers.

It feels so epic. Most of our animations are, the electro dart and the missile that's on a timer, putting your wrist forward and firing it from there, same with the flamethrower.

The tracer missile ability which is our staple once you unlock it I love aswell where you bend forward and fire the missile from your back over your head at them. When it hits plumes of smoke fly off them and it sounds like a firework.

Death from above is something else though, flying up with your jetpack and then nuking the ground with missiles from your wrists, boom boom boom boom.

PT has some nice abilities as well, they have a grappling hook to pull in enemies.

:drool: He uses them both in the first few seconds.
Still? Should be over now, the forums came back up a few hours ago after maintenance. They do maintenance every Tuesday. Never known it to last all day though.

Yeah and it usually finishes at 12am, but they had it set to 4pm today and it's still ongoing. There's now no ETA.

Baffles me that they can't do what most companies do and schedule the US and EU maintenance differently, as opposed to completely fecking up the day for EU players.
Yeah and it usually finishes at 12am, but they had it set to 4pm today and it's still ongoing. There's now no ETA.

Baffles me that they can't do what most companies do and schedule the US and EU maintenance differently, as opposed to completely fecking up the day for EU players.

Only a select few games I've ever played do that. It's usually all at the same time, after all they work in USA, they can't come in at silly o'clock in the morning to do maintenance work for us.

Usually it's Austrailia that get's shafted though.
6pm and servers down for maintenance is poor form by BioWare.

At least Blizzard have separate maintenance times for NA and EU servers so servers are never down during peak hours. BioWare, I am disappoint.
Be fair to them, this is their first MMO which only launched a couple of weeks ago, it was inevitable that issues like these would arise in the beginning.
Be fair to them, this is their first MMO which only launched a couple of weeks ago, it was inevitable that issues like these would arise in the beginning.

I don't mind the downtime itself, its inevitable for new MMOs. I'm just bemused as to why they've done both the EU and NA maintenance at the same time which is never the case in most MMOs. Usually they tend to do them at different times so maintenance only occurs at off-peak hours for both time zones.
I imagine when launching a new MMO, in a first for the company and on such a scale, at Christmas that they are so overwhelmed with everything they have to attend to that they are in a bit of a panic and a daze about it.

Plus am I right to assume that this is the first time they have had to do this?