The Official RedCafe PS3 FIFA 10 Tournament 2010

FreakyJim vs Mad (Fenerbahce vs Sunderland) 2-3, 1-5

good games Mad, sadly I'm a bit shit and couldn't do anything
should've let elvis progress instead of me
Xander, I finished my games last week and haven't played FIFA since last week. Need to get a bit of practice in. Does Thursday suit?
FreakyJim said:
FreakyJim vs Mad (Fenerbahce vs Sunderland) 2-3, 1-5

good games Mad, sadly I'm a bit shit and couldn't do anything
should've let elvis progress instead of me

GG mate, I played shit again, couldn't finish a chance to save my life - thankfully my defending doesn't desert me in these games or I'd be jolly well fecked. You're not shit though
Oh dear... I showed them alright..

Lost two straight games... 0-3 and 1-9 :eek:

Couldn't string two passes together. He was well better than me, but I'd have to say those figures flattered him.

Edit: Not on the basis of the two games we played, but on the basis of me knowing I'm not really that poor as I showed today. Missed three or four unbelievable chances when the scores were close.

Anyway, congrats DanNistelrooy and good luck in the next round!
Well played mate, difference in the first game was finishing, you had a couple of one on ones that should have gone in and 2nd game you went all out to get back into it and only had 2 defenders on the counter attack hence the scoreline... definitely flattered me!
What do you like about Lazio if you don't mind me asking?!

Never really played with them before but thought I'd give them a try, strong, quick strikers and midfield and they play the formation that I like to play with. What are the better 4* teams?
I have been using Sunderland purely for Darren Bent, Kenwyne Jones has done feck all for me. I wouldn't mind trying out Lazio though.

Not sure who else i could use.
I've not been a fan of Lazio, it could have been i played with them when i was out of practise but they didn't sit well with me.

So far i've found Birmingham (in online team play), and Stuttgart to be my favourites.
Well played mate, difference in the first game was finishing, you had a couple of one on ones that should have gone in and 2nd game you went all out to get back into it and only had 2 defenders on the counter attack hence the scoreline... definitely flattered me!
Yeah, played with Sunderland earlier and didn't succeed with one chip with Jones, hence why I didn't dare trying them, so ended up shooting wide instead. Could've been an entirely different game had I scored one or two there in the beginning. Then in the second game you go 3-1 up due to me slipping on the X button, pressing square and giving you a penalty once you'd missed the shot. From there on I tried going 3-4-3 with very offensive settings, and you completely out-countered me. Well played anyhow!
Name_Changed, I've sent you a PM as well; we have to play some time tomorrow if we are to play before the deadline.
Name Changed, I've added someone named NameChanged on PSN, don't know if it's you - it couldn't find Name_Changed.

I can't play Friday or Saturday, so we need to play our 3 (That's a lot, Elvis) games before then,

Yea, that's me. I hadn't played in so long that I forgot my username.

For future reference, it is NameChanged! Apologies.
I'm about tomorrow and Friday mate...I've been working 9am - 8pm shifts the last couple weeks, just been fecking knackered mate.

thisis_markus is my PSN give us a shout... on either of those days.

Fancy scheduling the games for 5 o clock tomorrow, and we'll play all 3 (if needed)?
Due to a family emergency, I will be unable to play for the next few days and obviously I will have to bow out.

Apologies to any of those who I have meant to play.
Now I just have to hope my next 3 opponents drop out and I'll be champion.
Xander45 (Stuttgart) 7 narnar (Fenerbache) 1

Xander45 (Fulham) 2 narnar (Bolton) 0

Dunno why it froze Xander, I was trying to change formation then it wouldn't let me take the FK.

Well played though.