The Official "My Xbox 360 just Died" Thread

Well, I paid £300 for my XBox at the time, so apparently you don't. What amazes me is how people actually defend it and go on about how great it is. I don't think I've ever previously felt so ripped off by anything I've bought...and that was before it broke.

I'm wary of paying out silly money for any games consoles now, and in fact probably wont.

I'll get a PS3 when they become more reasonable. Not going near another XBox. I can't even be arsed having it repaired, especially not if I have to pay for the privelidge.

I love my 360, great games, best online service and I think the controls suit me perfectly. I think I have a right to defend the console despite its huge technical failure rate (which *touch wood* hasnt effected me as of yet )
Nearly stunning news today, initially despite last nights red ring of death, the machine fired up, and Pro Evo looked on again. Sadly it crashed again as the teams were about to get under way. No red rings still, but definately fecked
Problem is AFAIK that it's only the RROD that is covered by the extended warranty, not other things.

That's true. But if you sent it off to them would they really send it back still broken with a note saying "Yes your machine is fecked, but it's not the right sort of fecked"?

Maybe they would!
Nearly stunning news today, initially despite last nights red ring of death, the machine fired up, and Pro Evo looked on again. Sadly it crashed again as the teams were about to get under way. No red rings still, but definately fecked
This happend to me, you will find it works for a few minutes for 1 maybe two days then you get the full RROD and it won't work at all. It's just a matterof time.
That's true. But if you sent it off to them would they really send it back still broken with a note saying "Yes your machine is fecked, but it's not the right sort of fecked"?

Maybe they would!

They'd most likely send you a bill for repairs.
In contrast to most people here, I'm quite fond of my xbox. :) Bought a VGA cable thingy off eBay today too, so I can play it HD on my monitor.
In contrast to most people here, I'm quite fond of my xbox. :) Bought a VGA cable thingy off eBay today too, so I can play it HD on my monitor.

Refreshing words, just proves that not everyone out there represents the Caf's PS3 fanboy tendencies :D
Well, I paid £300 for my XBox at the time, so apparently you don't. What amazes me is how people actually defend it and go on about how great it is. I don't think I've ever previously felt so ripped off by anything I've bought...and that was before it broke.

I'm wary of paying out silly money for any games consoles now, and in fact probably wont.

I'll get a PS3 when they become more reasonable. Not going near another XBox. I can't even be arsed having it repaired, especially not if I have to pay for the privelidge.

It'll get fixed for free...
Double the price because they hardly exist as new anymore. As I said, yes some people are that desperate for BC.

It's a supply and demand situation going on here, a little bit like Wii was more expensive than PS3 last Christmas in many places.
aah I see, didn't realise they were out of production. What exactly is the reason for taking that feature out?
Its around Fifa time for me, although last few days its been bitten into playing NCAA American College Football).

Chin up Brad, send it off ASAP then it with come back faster. In that week do some exercise, go for walks, then when its back you can lock yourself in a dark room with a bright screen. Like im waiting to do, but my PS3 is passing the time..
So if I did want to send mine off for repair, do I just stuff it in a parcel and send it somewhere, then wait for it to come back, or what?
Thing is, if I get a PS3, then everytime I fancy playing a game, I have to go out and buy it all over again.

but I'm too fecked off with the general shittyness of the XBox to actually want it fixed.
Yes, stuff it in a box and they'll send UPS round to pick it up.

It takes about 3 weeks.

That still involves me needing to take time off work, or getting someone to sit in though.

I mean, isn't there some law against selling equipment which is proven to be faulty before purchase?

Can't I just get a full refund instead?
Phone box at the end of the street?

There isn't one.

I'll be at work on Tuesday morning. My home phone is fine, but my mobile has stopped letting me hear what people are saying when I attempt to make or receive calls, and my work phone makes a loud screaching noise whenever I dial out to an external number, but the phone guy wont fix it or let me have a new one, because it's not broken enough.

It's fun being me.
Got my 360 back from repair the other day due to the red ring of death... Its the second time this has happened!!!

Apparantly both my motherboard AND dvd drive were fecked!

Am contemplating selling it now and putting the money 2wards uni.
There isn't one.

I'll be at work on Tuesday morning. My home phone is fine, but my mobile has stopped letting me hear what people are saying when I attempt to make or receive calls, and my work phone makes a loud screaching noise whenever I dial out to an external number, but the phone guy wont fix it or let me have a new one, because it's not broken enough.

It's fun being me.

Get UPS to pick it up from you at work. Not hard.

I bought a VGA Cable and some cheapo speakers so i can have 360 LANs with my mates. Also helpful for the regular LAN as i can ha ve both my computer and xbox there so when people play games i dont like i just fire up some Fifa or GTA.

I swear i am not a geek.