The Official "My Xbox 360 just Died" Thread

I know. Can be a little "Like PS3 more the 360 or ill cut your nuts off" at times.. :D
mines crocked twice.

First time i sent it back because it could run every game except for fifa's :S .

Second time it happened before i had a week in between jobs... i had big plans for xbox during that itme... i managed to borrow a friends :D
This one has only just started. I wouldn't expect any new consoles from Microsoft or Sony anytime soon.

I also predict that PS3 will outsell the Wii before PS4 rears its head.

Are you banking on the fact that sooner or later the wii's power or lack of it will be exposed by the ps3, and the motion controller won't be enough for gamers and the fact that the ps3 offers a built in blu-ray player?

Weaste casual gamers will be buyig the wii for a long time yet and the ps3 will never catch up (just look at the sales figures wii= ps3 x3, even if the ps3 were to some how catch the wii up on monthly sales, it'll pretty much be impossible to overhaul the deficit, plus the 360 will always be eating away at the ps3's targetted market)

oh yeah didn't sony say the lifespan of the ps3 was 10 years (which is very realistic as the cell and blu ray technology hasn't been properly tapped into yet) or will they be forced to release the ps4 earlier due to microsoft releasing the next installement of the xbox earlier (due to messing up the 360 THIS much)?
What do you reckon they will call the next installment of the 360? Or will they start a whole new name/brand. I doubt it with the huge popularity of Xbox Live.

I am guessing everyone knows that they didn't call the Xbox 360 the Xbox 2 as it would be "inferior" to the PS 3.
What do you reckon they will call the next installment of the 360? Or will they start a whole new name/brand. I doubt it with the huge popularity of Xbox Live.

I am guessing everyone knows that they didn't call the Xbox 360 the Xbox 2 as it would be "inferior" to the PS 3.

The fact that they didn't rebrand after the less successful xbox means they certainly won't be rebranding after this one which as a console has been a success, they prevented it from being a major major success by not backing blu ray and the reliability issues.

They may bring out a stop gap console soon if the ps3's power is truely tapped into and may go all out into the console that'll take on the ps4 but whatever they do, they'll most probably will have to come to an agreement with sony over inserting a blu ray drive into any of their future consoles.
"Your console has been repaired or replaced. We are shipping it back to you."

Quicker than I expected, it's been 6 days I think, i wonder how quick UPS will be coming back.
my launch console died on December 16th or something, sent it off and got one back on Xmas Eve.
they'll most probably will have to come to an agreement with sony over inserting a blu ray drive into any of their future consoles.

They could get a licence from the BDA to produce a drive without a problem, but I'm not sure how that works for games. It was Sony that took all the risks getting rid of HD-DVD and promoting the BD format while the rest of the BDA sat on their arses producing small numbers of $1000 players. It is possible that Sony could have exclusive use of BD for the purpose of games on a console. In that case you would be right, Microsoft would have to talk to Sony. The other option would be a combo drive that used BD for movies but HD-DVD for games. The only real difference between to two physical formats at the end of the day is the wavelength of the blue-violet laser. Maybe the concession would be that Sony makes the drive for them? Well have to see.
Are you banking on the fact that sooner or later the wii's power or lack of it will be exposed by the ps3, and the motion controller won't be enough for gamers and the fact that the ps3 offers a built in blu-ray player?

I'm banking on the fact that Wii will not exist in 4 years time. Once PS3 hits around 180 quid is when all the fun and games will begin and Nintendo's hand will be forced. I do not believe that the Wii control mechanism is universal enough from a HCI perspective and that there is only so much waggling and pointing you can do before it becomes tiresome and similar. The more and more HDTVs start to go into homes, the more and more the Wii is shown up for what it actually is, a GameCube with a funny yet novel peripheral. Why is PS2 still selling is relatively large numbers 8 years into its life? It is doing so because it's cheap and it has an unmatched library of games. Will the Wii be the same? I seriously doubt it, there are only so many bowling and skiiing games you can do. Just because people have a Wii does not preclude them from picking up an XB360 or PS3 as they come down in price.

I've never viewed Wii as a competitor for PS3 or XB360, as for a start it does not have the same games, for the most part they are totally different, and nothing is going to change that from the standpoint of the large publishers who view the Wii as a way of making a quick buck with shovelware. Of course there are exceptions, but in the main they do not make money from the larger more expensive games for some reason.

We are also not going to see any new consoles from Microsoft or Sony for quite a while. Maybe upgrades, but not totally new systems. We have got to the point now where the learning curve and the costs of going to new systems of the complexity of XB360 and PS3 is inhibitive to the old cycles, it simply costs too much on the hardware and software level. We are now at the point the movie industry found itself in with 35mm film. They didn't adopt new film and cameras for big wide screens, they went anamorphic. The XB360 and PS3 are quite capable of producing very high quality results far longer than any of the consoles of the past. Their main problem is doing what they can do at 720p or lower at 1080p. This is quite simple to expand upon without new systems. It's simply increasing numbers of ROPs, RAM, and bandwidth. New models would do this while remaining 100% backwards compatible and allowing games to be played on the new and older models. The new models could do it at 1080p with the older ones doing it at 720p. There simply is no need for a total hardware and system change now.
I'm banking on the fact that Wii will not exist in 4 years time. Once PS3 hits around 180 quid is when all the fun and games will begin and Nintendo's hand will be forced. I do not believe that the Wii control mechanism is universal enough from a HCI perspective and that there is only so much waggling and pointing you can do before it becomes tiresome and similar. The more and more HDTVs start to go into homes, the more and more the Wii is shown up for what it actually is, a GameCube with a funny yet novel peripheral. Why is PS2 still selling is relatively large numbers 8 years into its life? It is doing so because it's cheap and it has an unmatched library of games. Will the Wii be the same? I seriously doubt it, there are only so many bowling and skiiing games you can do. Just because people have a Wii does not preclude them from picking up an XB360 or PS3 as they come down in price.

I've never viewed Wii as a competitor for PS3 or XB360, as for a start it does not have the same games, for the most part they are totally different, and nothing is going to change that from the standpoint of the large publishers who view the Wii as a way of making a quick buck with shovelware. Of course there are exceptions, but in the main they do not make money from the larger more expensive games for some reason.

We are also not going to see any new consoles from Microsoft or Sony for quite a while. Maybe upgrades, but not totally new systems. We have got to the point now where the learning curve and the costs of going to new systems of the complexity of XB360 and PS3 is inhibitive to the old cycles, it simply costs too much on the hardware and software level. We are now at the point the movie industry found itself in with 35mm film. They didn't adopt new film and cameras for big wide screens, they went anamorphic. The XB360 and PS3 are quite capable of producing very high quality results far longer than any of the consoles of the past. Their main problem is doing what they can do at 720p or lower at 1080p. This is quite simple to expand upon without new systems. It's simply increasing numbers of ROPs, RAM, and bandwidth. New models would do this while remaining 100% backwards compatible and allowing games to be played on the new and older models. The new models could do it at 1080p with the older ones doing it at 720p. There simply is no need for a total hardware and system change now.

I get your point but even if the ps3 were to sell at 180. nintendo can afford to drop the price of the wii to a ridiculously low price and still make a profit on the software and would break even on the hardware as its just outdated.
If they were to retail at a price between £50-£100, most people will buy a ps3 AND a wii. Thus its sales will still be going strong.
I think that there is a point when people just want something new. No system I can ever remember has done as well at sub 100 quid than it did at sub 200. The Wii does have a serious problem, and that is that it's based on 8-10 year old technology. When PS3 does start to come into the 180 price range it will make the Wii look very silly indeed. I don't think that it would matter at that point if they could sell it for 50 quid, the masses would not be interested because 180 is well within their price range. It would become like a Vtec.

I'm not really a person who ever bothered about price. My first C64 was 399 I think, my first Amiga 599 or maybe slightly more. I was the only kid in my area with both for quite a while however. The other kids has VIC20s, Spectum 48s, Amstrads, Master Systems, then Atari STs. Unless you hit a certain price (and that is thought to be 199) then you are not going to get mass adoption.
Out of interest where do you think Nintendo will go from the Wii Weaste?

Well, they have enough money in the bank now, their stock is very high, they could raise silly amounts of money. I think that they will do something similar again, but the problem they do have is that they cannot carry on using the same chips for their next platform, it will have to be something totally new on the hardware level, and that will cost them - they have the money to do it though. By 2010 they could easily produce something of PS3 and XB360 standards of hardware for sub 200 quid.

Iwata said in the conference at E3 that they expect people to copy the control mechansim in some way, and that they need to find other new innovations themselves. What they could be is anyone's guess.
I'm banking on the fact that Wii will not exist in 4 years time. Once PS3 hits around 180 quid is when all the fun and games will begin and Nintendo's hand will be forced. I do not believe that the Wii control mechanism is universal enough from a HCI perspective and that there is only so much waggling and pointing you can do before it becomes tiresome and similar. The more and more HDTVs start to go into homes, the more and more the Wii is shown up for what it actually is, a GameCube with a funny yet novel peripheral. Why is PS2 still selling is relatively large numbers 8 years into its life? It is doing so because it's cheap and it has an unmatched library of games. Will the Wii be the same? I seriously doubt it, there are only so many bowling and skiiing games you can do. Just because people have a Wii does not preclude them from picking up an XB360 or PS3 as they come down in price.

I've never viewed Wii as a competitor for PS3 or XB360, as for a start it does not have the same games, for the most part they are totally different, and nothing is going to change that from the standpoint of the large publishers who view the Wii as a way of making a quick buck with shovelware. Of course there are exceptions, but in the main they do not make money from the larger more expensive games for some reason.

We are also not going to see any new consoles from Microsoft or Sony for quite a while. Maybe upgrades, but not totally new systems. We have got to the point now where the learning curve and the costs of going to new systems of the complexity of XB360 and PS3 is inhibitive to the old cycles, it simply costs too much on the hardware and software level. We are now at the point the movie industry found itself in with 35mm film. They didn't adopt new film and cameras for big wide screens, they went anamorphic. The XB360 and PS3 are quite capable of producing very high quality results far longer than any of the consoles of the past. Their main problem is doing what they can do at 720p or lower at 1080p. This is quite simple to expand upon without new systems. It's simply increasing numbers of ROPs, RAM, and bandwidth. New models would do this while remaining 100% backwards compatible and allowing games to be played on the new and older models. The new models could do it at 1080p with the older ones doing it at 720p. There simply is no need for a total hardware and system change now.

So you expect one of the main reason's the PS3 will succeed ultimately, is because of its huge games catalogue?? Interesting, because I was always under the impression the 360's was larger.
So you expect one of the main reason's the PS3 will succeed ultimately, is because of its huge games catalogue?? Interesting, because I was always under the impression the 360's was larger.

The size of the catalogue is almost non-existant between PS3 and XB360 now, however you went and missed the point totally. PS3 isn't even 2 years old, what does that have to do with an 8 year old PS2 in terms of games catalogue?

Your question here is silly, because the size of PS2 catalogue has nothing to do with PS3 success. It's the reason that PS2 is still selling, not why PS3 is still selling.
So you think the PS3 will succeed for completely different reason. I see.

The PS2 didn't succeed in the end because of an enormous 8 year old catalogue, because it didn't have an enormous 8 year catalogue 3-4 years into its life, duh! The PS2 comment was aimed directly at the Wii in that it will not have that type of catalogue and thus will not have as long legs as PS2 did. It had nothing to do with PS3. However, there was a slight reference in that the PS3 and XB360 titles from the big publishers are not in the main making it over to Wii, and when they actually do, for the most part they bomb.
Biscuit you really are an idiot sometimes.

:)I love you too Elvis.

Posting on 2 accounts is brilliant dont you think ;)


The PS2 didn't succeed in the end because of an enormous 8 year old catalogue, because it didn't have an enormous 8 year catalogue 3-4 years into its life, duh! The PS2 comment was aimed directly at the Wii in that it will not have that type of catalogue and thus will not have as long legs as PS2 did. It had nothing to do with PS3. However, there was a slight reference in that the PS3 and XB360 titles from the big publishers are not in the main making it over to Wii, and when they actually do, for the most part they bomb.

Im not even arguing now. Weaste's like a pit bull.
Sigh, this was inevitable I guess... its not technically my console, its my flatmates, but its still red ringed:


We were playing Pro Evo earlier, and it started crashing. We gave up after a few failed attempts for some darts instead. But I've tried it again later on, it crashed again, then the next time it started I heard slow whirring, and the familiar red rings of death appeared, as if to mock me
Mine's given me the red ring of death this morning. Not that it ever worked properly to begin with.

Not bad considering I've only had it just over a year, and have barely used it.

How much are PS3s these days?
Fecking hell...What's so great about the PS3 that they can get away with prices like that?

I'm not forking out another £300 on one of these things unless there's a good reason, and there's no way I'd pay anything for another X-Box.

It's funny that sitting next to my dead 1 year old X-Box, is my 6 year old PS2, which still works as well as the day I bought it. Is there a single X-Box in existence that will last even half that long?
My 360 is coming up to nearly 2 years without dying. However, the disc drive has been fecked since i bought it, and won't open without hitting it repeatedly when there is no disc inside the console. Apparently, this is also common among alot of 360's though.
Well, the XB360 Elite is 260 RRP.

Well, to be fair, I'd still feel ripped off if I paid £50 for an XBox. If something is already broken you shouldn't legally be allowed to sell it for anything.

£300 is fecking steep for something to play computer games on
Well you get for what you pay for noods.

The PS3 is solid, i mean just look at the Cafe failure rates for that, has there been a reported case of a PS3 going crock here?

(yes i know i started a thread about my audio failing, but that turned to be my HDMI input on my cheapo tv, which is all sorted now)

I have my ps3 since launch nearly

Plus the PS3 is only getting into its stride at the moment
My PS3 broke. It failed to recognise any disk was in the slot, no real reason given. Was returned to a Sony store near me who were sent a replacement. Very odd way of doing it.

PS3 -1 - -54563 Xbox 360
Well you get for what you pay for noods.

The PS3 is solid, i mean just look at the Cafe failure rates for that, has there been a reported case of a PS3 going crock here?

(yes i know i started a thread about my audio failing, but that turned to be my HDMI input on my cheapo tv, which is all sorted now)

I have my ps3 since launch nearly

Plus the PS3 is only getting into its stride at the moment

Well, I paid £300 for my XBox at the time, so apparently you don't. What amazes me is how people actually defend it and go on about how great it is. I don't think I've ever previously felt so ripped off by anything I've bought...and that was before it broke.

I'm wary of paying out silly money for any games consoles now, and in fact probably wont.

I'll get a PS3 when they become more reasonable. Not going near another XBox. I can't even be arsed having it repaired, especially not if I have to pay for the privelidge.