The Official "My Xbox 360 just Died" Thread

I've the R.O.D problems 4 times in the space of one year and each time I managed to repair it but now my xbox360 had an heart attack and can't turn itself on :(
No guarantee since it was bought in Asia as well, I'm truly shagged here

they repair it free no matter what your warranty is if its just the RROD.
Mine broke, had three red lights on it. Opened it, replaced the thermal paste on the heatsinks, and put it back together. Works a treat. Been going well considering thats the first time it broke, and i brought it on the day of release.
Mine has got 2 red lights. :( feck it I'm gunna get a ps3. I had just brought batman aswell. feck Microsoft !!
2 Red lights is fine
4 is loose AV (or detached).

1 is hardware fault (predominantly GPU) and well 3 is... DOOOM!

2 means it's overheated... leave it off for a bit, I've had to fix mine so many times it's a joke, and I have the new board as well 'jasper' I think...

One thing I will say is to those that have had no problems, make sure your box is well ventilated and runs cool, I'm willing to bet that 80% of the problems relate to this. May seem obvious to some but for the others please heed...
Fcuk, just got (1 red light) E74 error, looks like I'm going back in :mad:...

Hows that for bad luck?
well ive had mine off all day, my room is well ventilated and cool, also had a fan blowing near it for a while and its still fecked
Fcuk, just got (1 red light) E74 error, looks like I'm going back in :mad:...

Hows that for bad luck?

ive only had it a year, but for god sake, how annoying :(
Aye, so many faults. :(

Anyway if you're both from the UK, take it back to wherever you bought it from, as long as you've got the receipt.

Don't let them bullshit you about a max 1-year thing, they have to offer either repairs themselves or replacement. Most stores can't be arsed with time demands, so they'll give you a replacement right there. Look up the consumer protection act.
mines has just gone again....3 rings this time - general hardware failure apparently - bought it pre-owned with 2 year warranty which is valid until november

i wonder can i get it replaced - its been 'modified' - anyone know whether they open them up??
not really sure from a technical point of view...

just means it can play copied games
Lots of stories of people having there modified boxes fixed, whether or not that is actually true I don't know... Depends on whether you send off to MS or return to a store, or the general state of your xbox I guess.

I just bought a new one last week :mad:, really didn't want to but I've got a shit load of unfinished games. If anything goes wrong with this one....
My brother is on his third.

I am considering buying a PS3 today. It works out at 275 pounds, with COD4 and Fight Night Round 4. Good deal?
Mine got the RROD a while ago. Had my current one for about 18 months I think.

I play in a online SWOS league (about 50 players over 4 leagues) and at least once per week fixtures get postponed due to system failures. It really is a joke.

I'm sure i'll get a PS3 soon enough, not really any reason to at the moment for me.

Bumpity bump. My X box died again. I only really use it now to watch Sky go, dont really game on it much anymore.

It will cost 75 quid for get repaired the official way. I can jusy buy one for not much more. If i stick my hard drive in a new one, will it let me log in to my account and carry on as usual?
Of course. When I want to play on the Xbox at work, I just bring my hard drive in with me and attach it.

The one at work had the RROD a few months ago and i did the trick with the fans and an ear bud and no probs since. My own Xbox is about 2 and a half years old and still going strong.
I'm pretty sure my disc drive is fecked. Takes at least the tries to get it to play a game, when the discs are completely clean.