Television The Office, US Version

Well it was good to see Jim and Pam finally fight like a real couple for once, doesn't mean Pam's going to suddenly start cheating on him though.

Helms is off doing the Hangover. Andy's story is that since his dad went bankrupt, he went off with his brother to sell their boat to someone in the carribean and he hasn't felt like coming back since.
Maybe not but it's been leading upto this Jim and Pam fallout all season, He's away from Scranton and this new camera guy is now in the picture. It would be a massive waste of time to build it up all season for them to just have a mini argument on the phone and then make up. I could be completely wrong but Jim and Pam will end the show on a bad note imo.

Like I said she Tweeted this ''Oh man...I'm seriously on pins and needles wondering how fans will react to The Office tonight. Tonight changes everything. Ahhhhh!!!'' before last nights episode, maybe im reading to much into things but it sounds like the start of something major. Im probably completely wrong and with it being a comedy show they will live happily ever after but if that's the case I don't know why they decided to bring this dispute into in the first place they would have wasted a season on a nothing story.
Maybe not but it's been leading upto this Jim and Pam fallout all season, He's away from Scranton and this new camera guy is now in the picture. It would be a massive waste of time to build it up all season for them to just have a mini argument on the phone and then make up. I could be completely wrong but Jim and Pam will end the show on a bad note imo.

Just can't see it, the show is hardly a heavy drama. They tend to gloss over things fairly quickly (I mean the Angela-Senator-Oscar triangle got brushed under the carpet extremely quickly). I do think Jim and Pam will go through a rough patch but in true long series style patch things up in the end.

I think the camera guy coming into it is more to do with them now actually being involved in the show and perhaps revealing to us why the heck they are filming a random bunch of people in the office for 9 years straight.
Maybe not but it's been leading upto this Jim and Pam fallout all season, He's away from Scranton and this new camera guy is now in the picture. It would be a massive waste of time to build it up all season for them to just have a mini argument on the phone and then make up. I could be completely wrong but Jim and Pam will end the show on a bad note imo.

Like I said she Tweeted this ''Oh man...I'm seriously on pins and needles wondering how fans will react to The Office tonight. Tonight changes everything. Ahhhhh!!!'' before last nights episode, maybe im reading to much into things but it sounds like the start of something major. Im probably completely wrong and with it being a comedy show they will live happily ever after but if that's the case I don't know why they decided to bring this dispute into in the first place they would have wasted a season on a nothing story.

I read that more as comment on the reveal of the camera crew. There's no way they would ever break Jim and Pam up, at least permanently, no way. There'll be a rocky road to the end of the series culminating in a happy ending for the two of them. Still it's at least a interesting story line, more than can be said for Erin and Pete which will hopefully get a resolution very soon.

On a side note is there a worse character than Pete? Gabe had a lot of critics but at least he had his moments. I can't think of a single funny thing that Pete has done, attempted to do, or has just been involved in. Written solely as a eventual boyfriend for Erin and nothing else. The other guy Clark is alright, a small part character who has a few moments an episode so even if they're bad you can ignore them.

They really should have written Andy's character out as well, he's going to have missed 8 episodes by the time he's back and they've clearly had no idea how to do that so resorted to trying to make his character the second coming of Hitler, which is completely at odd's with all of last season's writing where he was clearly meant to come across as decent.

Since Michael left they've really had no one to anchor the series around, the show doesn't really work without him although it's still watchable. With Michael there was at least something to centre on with maybe one or two storylines developing in the background with the rest of the cast over a season. Without him they just seem to have gone for a scattergun approach starting a load of stories and then hoping they can build them, and if not, drop them quickly and with little mention.
The last episode was great, I thought. Actually made me laugh on more than a few occasions.
How difficult can it be to hire actual Danes to do the Danish voice over, rather than a drunk Finnish robot.

feck you, The Office.
I don't really get what they're doing at the moment. They're suddenly going back to the fact that the show's a documentary, after ten years. This is beyond daft,
If it's just dawning now on the characters that they've been filmed during a lot of private moments then this might be the dumbest cast of characters in television history.
I've quite enjoyed the last few episodes knowing it's coming to an end soon. Been with these characters for eight odd years, can't help but care about some of them.
Two hour finale next Friday (Thursday).

The quality of the show might have been a bit patchy over the 9 years, but it's no doubt going to be a bit emotional when a show you've watched for 9 years ends.

Going to be great seeing all the old characters again.
Finale is today, should be good, especially with everyone coming back. Quality isn't as good as it once was but it has definitely picked up this season IMO. Dwight as manager is hilarious.
Just started watching (so I probably shouldn't be in here), I've seen the first four, and about 12 minutes into the first episode you see what a perfect couple Jim and Pam would make.

In virtually every sitcom there's a male reacher, and it's unrealistic and boring (Ross/Rachel, Chandler/Monica, JD/Elliott, Ted/Robin, even George Michael and Maebe to an extent), but these two just seem perfect for each other. Not sure how they'd stretch it out over 9 seasons.

Also, Dwight is excellent. Michael isn't quite the pro/antagonist I thought he'd be. I haven't seen too many laugh out loud lines from him, it's more just "I can't believe he said that!" humour which I'm not too keen on.
First season started off slowly but second season the show really starts going. Don't remember exactly its peak seasons, but it's always had hilarious episodes and just great laughs all the time.
A very good series overall. Remakes can be dreadful but they changed it enough that it was it's own show.

Last few years were hit and miss but The US Office gets 7/10 from me. I thoroughly enjoyed it most of the time.

Also I have a crush on Angela.
Yeah, season two to four, and a lesser extent five, were magnificent. It was a great show at its best, it just got a little drenched in its own popularity.
Season 5 has probably the best episode, with the fire drill. My two absolute favourite moments in that episode - the cold open, and the cpr training. But season 2-4 was probably the peak albeit I thought all the seasons with Michael were at least decent. Season 8 lacked any real direction and the show missed having someone to anchor episodes around, James Spader's character just didn't fit in at all.

Season 9 was quite good in the end but the one thing that really bugged me was the character development of Andy, which was some of the worst writing you will ever see. They spent all of season 8 trying to make him sympathetic, and really ever since he became a main fixture of the show, then in season 9 he just becomes a complete insensitive arsehole who after spending the last 3 seasons either dating or wanting to data Erin, suddenly doesn't care. I can't help but think the show runners were bitter at Ed Helms leaving for so much of the season to film the hangover.

But otherwise a nice finale, avoided ruining the entire show by some sort of terrible twist, and got all the main characters back together. Not as good as the goodbye Michael episode though, which would have made an excellent last episode to the series and really should have been.
Decent finale.Not quite as emotional as I had hoped for.
Never mind. I'm sure you put those tissues to good use.
Dwight - "We' re third cousins, which is great for bloodlines and isn't technically incest"
Jim - "Right in the sweet spot"

Probably my favorite line of the season.

I wish Michael would've been more involved in the final episode.
Dwight - "We' re third cousins, which is great for bloodlines and isn't technically incest"
Jim - "Right in the sweet spot"

Probably my favorite line of the season.

I wish Michael would've been more involved in the final episode.

He already had his send off, he was always just going to be icing on the cake here.
Season 5 has probably the best episode, with the fire drill. My two absolute favourite moments in that episode - the cold open, and the cpr training. But season 2-4 was probably the peak albeit I thought all the seasons with Michael were at least decent. Season 8 lacked any real direction and the show missed having someone to anchor episodes around, James Spader's character just didn't fit in at all.

Season 9 was quite good in the end but the one thing that really bugged me was the character development of Andy, which was some of the worst writing you will ever see. They spent all of season 8 trying to make him sympathetic, and really ever since he became a main fixture of the show, then in season 9 he just becomes a complete insensitive arsehole who after spending the last 3 seasons either dating or wanting to data Erin, suddenly doesn't care. I can't help but think the show runners were bitter at Ed Helms leaving for so much of the season to film the hangover.

But otherwise a nice finale, avoided ruining the entire show by some sort of terrible twist, and got all the main characters back together. Not as good as the goodbye Michael episode though, which would have made an excellent last episode to the series and really should have been.

That was brilliant! The part he throws the cat on the roof, and he fall on the other side had me in tears.
A very good series overall. Remakes can be dreadful but they changed it enough that it was it's own show.

Last few years were hit and miss but The US Office gets 7/10 from me. I thoroughly enjoyed it most of the time.

Also I have a crush on Angela.

Yup agree with all of that, except for the last part!

I'll definitely re-watch some of the better seasons down the line and I'm sure they'll hold up well.
Complain about the show often but I'll miss it no doubt about that.
Season 5 has probably the best episode, with the fire drill. My two absolute favourite moments in that episode - the cold open, and the cpr training.

Definitely one of my favorite moments.

Dwight - "We' re third cousins, which is great for bloodlines and isn't technically incest"
Jim - "Right in the sweet spot"

Probably my favorite line of the season.

:lol: Yep

That was brilliant! The part he throws the cat on the roof, and he fall on the other side had me in tears.

Also this.

I'll definitely miss it!
I enjoyed the finale, they tied it all up well I think. I hadn't expected Carell to bd back so it was a nice surprise. I'm glad they sort of kept him in the background, his character was already closed off so we didn't need anything else. It would've been nice if he got the last line though.

I'll miss it, but really the quality deteriorated very quickly later on and it was the right thing to do.
Season 2-3 were fantastic, Season 4-5 were decent, after that it went downhill. I tuned out early season 7. Still there have been shows that have outstayed their welcome worse and at least they changed their minds about that Dwight spin-off.
Halfway through the second season and I'm not sure its humour is for me. I'll carry on watching to see the introduction of Andy, for lack of anything better to do, and of course, for Pam.

The problem for me is Michael. He's the main character with the vast majority of lines, but I rarely find them funny. It's like mild shock humour where your reaction is supposed to be "I can't believe he just said that!" He's like a mild version of Cartman.

Still though, Pam.
Just started season 3 (motoring or what?). Fantastic finale to S2, despite half knowing what would happen. Jim was brilliant there.

I thought it picked up hugely halfway through S2, coincidentally around the time they started realising what a character they had in Dwight. He's picked up enormously.
Finally caught up to the end of last season a couple days ago. Had been keeping up with the show and then halfway through it I just gave up and missed half of the season. With this just ended season being the final one I figured I'd just watch the rest of last season and then start this final season soon.