Television The Office, US Version

Right, less than three months down the line and it's all over. It won't go down as a classic. It didn't have the storylines or humour to make it so, but enjoyable nonetheless.

I'm sure it's not a very popular opinion but S9 for me was possibly the best. It actually introduced storylines and drama. Pam and Jim finally had a fight. They introduced two new characters who were better than the outgoing pair, and everything was wrapped up nicely.

My issue with it was that the characters just weren't interesting enough. You can say they're not meant to be as it's a boring paper company office, but we're watching a comedy. Jim and Dwight's dynamic was good, and I actually liked how they became friends in the end. Michael was probably the weakest lead character I've seen in a show though. I wasn't really bothered when he went as it gave the show new life. Found Will Ferrell's stint very strange though. I thought he was going to be a permanent character, then he apparently got brain damage after walking back into the office.

Andy was quite shit too. When he was introduced and he had his anger problems and his issues with Dwight he was a good character worth watching, then he came back and was just irritating. Though when he fecked off the show got good. They even managed to make Erin a slightly interesting character.

Personally I think it'd have done better to have been shorter and wrapped up quicker. I was starting to wonder how they'd wrap it up, with it being a documentary, and Michael with his last line finally gave some indication when he asked "Will you guys let me know when this airs?" It'd got to the point when it was like they didn't know they were in a documentary any more.

I really liked them breaking the fourth wall in S9 though, I just felt that if they were going to introduce Brian and make a story out of him, finish the story. He just fizzled out which was weird.

They did finish it well though which is a real credit to them. I thought the ending to Friends was shit, Scrubs was okay and for some reason I'm blanking on other sitcoms I've watched.

Three great moments though: Jim professing his love to Pam, only for her to reject him; Jim realising Michael was leaving today and saying bye; and Jim telling Dwight that it's about love, and Dwight tearing up. The wedding was great too, of course so was the fire.

One thing that bothered me was BJ Novak's character. Why the hell was he in the opening credits? He was a temp who did feck all apart from go from temp to corporate with a phone call. Then got high, and came back as a pretentious temp. I actually thought that him and Kelly were going to come back, so it was a bit weird when they didn't. Though like I said, the new characters were far better anyway.
Seasons 3 and 4 were classic comedy I thought (and 2 to a lesser extent), but before and after that weren't great bar laughs here and there.
So much baffling stuff in that post, I don't know where to start! Before I do though, I just want to say it's a difference of opinion, I respect that you don't agree!

Right, less than three months down the line and it's all over. It won't go down as a classic. It didn't have the storylines or humour to make it so, but enjoyable nonetheless.

I actually think it will go down as a 'classic' in the same kind of sense as Friends did (though it probably wasn't as popular), it reached immense heights and I'm sure those who loved the show will re-watch a few of the seasons with delight a few years down the line. I definitely could see myself doing so.

I'm sure it's not a very popular opinion but S9 for me was possibly the best. It actually introduced storylines and drama. Pam and Jim finally had a fight. They introduced two new characters who were better than the outgoing pair, and everything was wrapped up nicely.

No it sure won't be a popular opinion I shouldn't think, because it was very hit and miss! Season 8 was awful, 9 was better but especially redeemed itself during the second half with the fourth wall coming down. Before that, it was very run of the mill and often boring stuff. As for the two new characters... they were absolute shite! I understand why some people hated Robert California, but at least he actually had a personality.

My issue with it was that the characters just weren't interesting enough. You can say they're not meant to be as it's a boring paper company office, but we're watching a comedy. Jim and Dwight's dynamic was good, and I actually liked how they became friends in the end. Michael was probably the weakest lead character I've seen in a show though. I wasn't really bothered when he went as it gave the show new life. Found Will Ferrell's stint very strange though. I thought he was going to be a permanent character, then he apparently got brain damage after walking back into the office.

That's probably the most baffling part in your message I feel, I just don't get how you can come up with that. I think Steve Carrell did an excellent job with a really rich character who had a lot to him and managed to create some brilliant moments that will make Michael Scott a classic TV character.

I agree some characters were weak, but even then most of them had their moment at one point or another. Jim and Dwight are of course the stand-outs, but Pam was an interesting character to a certain extent (and very believable in that part). Stanley, Meredith, Kevin, Oscar, Angela, Tobby (I loved Tobby!), Phillys, Creed, Kelly, Ryan, Darryl... All had something about them that made them important to the show, and some other characters were great as well: I loved Hide, Jan, Todd, David Wallace... I thought altogether, there was a pretty strong ensemble.

I agree with you about Will Ferrell though, who's one of my favourite comedians by the way, it just didn't feel right. Will Ferrell's persona (and his character in this case) just didn't sit right with the more or less realistic approach (well at least realistic tone) of the show, and I felt his choice was a bit odd. He had his moments (his first scene where neither he nor Michael know they're on the phone to each other, they managed to pull it off pretty well I felt), but in the long run it wouldn't have been a good choice to keep him so they did well to get rid of him I feel.

Andy was quite shit too. When he was introduced and he had his anger problems and his issues with Dwight he was a good character worth watching, then he came back and was just irritating. Though when he fecked off the show got good. They even managed to make Erin a slightly interesting character.

Andy is definitely the one for whom the character development was too erratic and in the end just poor. At first, he was this dick with anger management issues, then they decided to turn him into a nice guy, and then he just became a complete and utter cock throughout the last couple (or three?) seasons. Very weird, and definitely not a character that will make it into the history books. He was very poor when he was the 'lead' man of the show, that coincided with some of the worst episodes.

Personally I think it'd have done better to have been shorter and wrapped up quicker. I was starting to wonder how they'd wrap it up, with it being a documentary, and Michael with his last line finally gave some indication when he asked "Will you guys let me know when this airs?" It'd got to the point when it was like they didn't know they were in a documentary any more.

Ideally, if they wanted to make the 'documentary' thing work, they couldn't really have done more than 2 or 3 episodes. It didn't really bother me though, I thought the UK version had made the choice to follow through right til the end with it being a documentary (and the consequences of this), in the US version it was just a convenient excuse to be everywhere, but it didn't really matter. Until the last series...

I really liked them breaking the fourth wall in S9 though, I just felt that if they were going to introduce Brian and make a story out of him, finish the story. He just fizzled out which was weird.

Those episodes were interesting, as they'd finally decided to actually recognize it was a documentary even though that didn't make it much more understanble how they'd done it for so long without any other consequences. Brian was a bit of a weird one, I guess his part was meant to show that everything wasn't that rosy between Jim and Pam and she could be tempted and the mariage could be in danger and blablabla, but they didn't really need it as the Athlead thing with Jim was sufficient to explain why their couple was breaking down. He was a bit useless in that sense but enabled them to bring the fourth wall down at first in a way where you could feel that they'd been filming for so long (his friendship with Pam). But yeah, weird nonetheless.

They did finish it well though which is a real credit to them.

I'm glad they managed to bring the standard up again a bit at the end of season 9, I would've been disappointed had it ended on top of two very poor seasons, so yeah there was a little bit of satisfaction. And there was quite a bit of emotion for me saying goodbye to all these characters after so long!

Three great moments though: Jim professing his love to Pam, only for her to reject him; Jim realising Michael was leaving today and saying bye; and Jim telling Dwight that it's about love, and Dwight tearing up. The wedding was great too, of course so was the fire.

There were more than three great moments, seasons 2 through 6 were filled with great moments!

One thing that bothered me was BJ Novak's character. Why the hell was he in the opening credits? He was a temp who did feck all apart from go from temp to corporate with a phone call. Then got high, and came back as a pretentious temp. I actually thought that him and Kelly were going to come back, so it was a bit weird when they didn't. Though like I said, the new characters were far better anyway.

I liked Ryan and thought that the new ones were absolute shite, so obviously don't agree with you there. His character development might have been weird, but he was just a weird guy, I didn't find any of it too hard to believe. WOOF!
I've still not finished season 8, and won't be doing. It became intolerably shit.
I think if they stopped it at season five it'd go down as Classic, it just went a bit shit after that.

I agree with what you're saying about the quality, but I think it'll probably still be thought of as a classic for the brilliance of the earlier ones.

Season 8 was the worst, season 9 picked up a bit and the second half was actually pretty good, but can't blame you for giving up really.

Catherine Tate killed it for me, I just couldn't watch it anymore, and even if you told me she was killed off and it became brilliant again I won't forgive them for ever having cast her in the first place so I wouldn't watch the rest.
I agree with what you're saying about the quality, but I think it'll probably still be thought of as a classic for the brilliance of the earlier ones.

Yep agree with you.

Catherine Tate killed it for me, I just couldn't watch it anymore, and even if you told me she was killed off and it became brilliant again I won't forgive them for ever having cast her in the first place so I wouldn't watch the rest.

Again, I agree. She was terrible, and no, I can't lie to you by saying she gets any better.

Is she popular in England?
I watched it till the end, and I liked all of the seasons. I liked some less than others, such as the infamous eight season. I still watched it every week, though. One of my all-time favourite tv shows, I think. Some absolutely brilliant episodes and scenes.
She's not particularly popular. The Catherine Tate Show took off with it's "Am I bovvered" catchphrase, but I never liked it and I think it died a bit of a death. Then she became Dr Who's assistant. She's not unpopular, but not someone everyone clambers over. I think.

For me, I was just never taken on Michael. Most of his comedy was him being really eccentric and I got the impression that after most of his lines I was supposed to say "Oh no he didn't!" which I just didn't care for.

I didn't mind Robert California in that he was this weird man of mystery, but he fizzled out. Jan was another. She was this strict boss who didn't like Michael, and then turned into a psychopath who moved in with him. Didn't get why she turned so much.

Again, I know you'll disagree with me, but I didn't mind S8 either; I felt it turned a bit more positive, despite Andy being manager. But it all boiled down to Michael being away really.
Cheers for the answers concerning Tate, I was asking cos I wondered how she got a part in this, she obviously has no talent so I wondered whether it was something like taking a British star to be more popular with the UK audience.
Cheers for the answers concerning Tate, I was asking cos I wondered how she got a part in this, she obviously has no talent so I wondered whether it was something like taking a British star to be more popular with the UK audience.

I don't think they gave a single shit about the UK audience. I could not even tell you what channel it was on here.

This was Tate's finest moment (make of that what you will...)
I think Tate and Spader ruined the show for me, both were terrible characters.

The episodes in season eight (?) where a few of the original crew went to Florida were actually very funny.
Come on, Liam! Season 9 being the best? Michael being a weak leading character?

I don't think I said it was the best. I'd probably have S2 as the best, but I really thought that was up there. Usually programmes take a pretty heavy fall at the back end. I don't know any that haven't.

Simpsons, Scrubs, Friends, HIMYM, Family Guy, and probably others, but I really don't feel this did.

Sorry for ruffling your feathers though guys!
If you don't like Michael i'm amazed you actually watched the show in the first place given for the first 7 seasons the main chunk of basically every episode is centred on him. Steve Carell I thought was actually a remarkable Michael Scott and he was for the most part an extremely well written character who despite being childish, and annoying, they did well to actually make him human as well. In particular most the shows funniest scenes I thought tended to centre on Dwight and Michael together.

As for the video of the other auditions, Seth Rogen would have made a awful, awful Dwight.
If you don't like Michael i'm amazed you actually watched the show in the first place given for the first 7 seasons the main chunk of basically every episode is centred on him. Steve Carell I thought was actually a remarkable Michael Scott and he was for the most part an extremely well written character who despite being childish, and annoying, they did well to actually make him human as well. In particular most the shows funniest scenes I thought tended to centre on Dwight and Michael together.

As for the video of the other auditions, Seth Rogen would have made a awful, awful Dwight.

Personally I think the best scenes were Jim and Dwight's pranks on each other. The show went a bit downhill after they started to end.
Can anyone tell me in which episode Toby walks into Michael's office, greets Michael and Michael responds "Hey Toby mind the door on the way out," or something like that. Been looking for it for ages. Don't tell me I imagined it.
Can anyone tell me in which episode Toby walks into Michael's office, greets Michael and Michael responds "Hey Toby mind the door on the way out," or something like that. Been looking for it for ages. Don't tell me I imagined it.

Sorry, not sure of the episode, but know it's season 4. Skip to 5 minutes 10.
I googled it because I wanted to know myself. I vaguely remembered the line, but I honestly couldn't say if it was in the actual series.
Just watched the first 7 seasons of this and I'm skipping the last two but I have to say the first 7 seasons make it one of if not the best sitcoms I've ever seen, Carrel is a great actor.
Just watched the first 7 seasons of this and I'm skipping the last two but I have to say the first 7 seasons make it one of if not the best sitcoms I've ever seen, Carrel is a great actor.

The Mrs and I have been watching them for the last few months. We are halfway through season 8 and my advice is don't skip them, they are still quite good even without Carrel. James Spader is great in it.
The Mrs and I have been watching them for the last few months. We are halfway through season 8 and my advice is don't skip them, they are still quite good even without Carrel. James Spader is great in it.
I think the episode "Goodbye, Michael" is the best finale possible for the series, I watched the series finale after it and I just thought it wasn't up to the high standards set by the show so decided to skip the episodes in between.
I think the episode "Goodbye, Michael" is the best finale possible for the series, I watched the series finale after it and I just thought it wasn't up to the high standards set by the show so decided to skip the episodes in between.

Season 8 is average but still has some very funny moments. Season 9 improves a lot though. The last couple episodes are a great ending for a TV show, even if you're going to skip S8 and S9 I'd recommend watching the last couple of episodes.
I've still never watched the end of this, I spat my dummy out with it when Catherine Tate came into it and refused to carry on watching.