The new Pepsi ad


Full Member
Jun 5, 2012
Anyone seen this, its pretty laughable! At what stage did they think a millionaire model/socialite would be a good choice for this ad on equality.

One thing that did bother me though was Taryn Finley suggesting that the ad was appropriating the Black lives matter movement. Images of a single person standing up to police/soldiers (or even tanks in the case of Tiananmen square) have existed much longer than that movement so I don't think its anything other than lazy symbolism.

Sky news article on it:
Seen it and presumed this is what they were shamelessly trying to reference :confused:

Seen it and presumed this is what they were shamelessly trying to reference :confused:

Yeah exactly, even the Simpson riffed on it when Home was a hippy. I was more aware of this image than the Black lives Matters one.
On behalf of all Americans, I'd like to apologize for this malarkey. We have embarrassed ourselves (again) and brought colossal shame upon the world.
It's come to a point where I'm getting more annoyed at the overreactions and thinkpieces than the original instigator.

Ad company using well known imagery and popular celebrity to sell a product, HOLD THE PRESSES

Laugh and move on ffs
Even I'm not commenting on this latest Kerplunkian debacle.
It's come to a point where I'm getting more annoyed at the overreactions and thinkpieces than the original instigator.

Ad company using well known imagery and popular celebrity to sell a product, HOLD THE PRESSES

Laugh and move on ffs
I don't see the big deal either. It's an Ad for a soft drink ffs

It's a terrible ad, in so many ways.

I drink coke anyway.
It's real to me, dammit...
At least it's more family-friendly than what would really happen, which is the officer being dragged away by fellow officers after being nailed square on the head with the can.

This isn't the first time Pepsi's advertising has been like a sledgehammer to the face. Brad Pitt getting a Pepsi at the end of World War Z still sticks in my mind. I had a good laugh at that, realised how much I'd paid to watch it and immediately got sad again.
Wow .This should be in the political correct thread.What a lot of fuss over nothing.And Pepsi is terrible as well
People need stuff to be outraged with. Its the way things are now

I prefer Pepsi to coke
To be fair - only a few people seem outraged, everybody else is humoured and confused because this just shows a clear disconnect between corporations and the people they are *trying* to represent.

I use twitter regularly, and everybody I've seen is making fun of the ad

The only critiques is how the ad has glorified protesting and what it represents, and choosing to centre it around a celebrity, and trying to sell their shite drinks at the same time - which is fair, it's a truly terrible ad.

If they wanted to help there's other ways to do so that aren't layered in publicity stunts.
Great Song. Skip Marley, good exposure for him.

the ad ends so weird and awkward though. Very strange
The Kardashians are a business on their own, credits where it's due.
I suppose they were trying to get their own version of

This new commercial sucks. I am loving some of the reactions to it, including those who seem to think the protest movement in the commercial is supposed to be the one they support (then of course accusing Kylie and Pepsi of co-opting their movement) and not just a generic protest.
Since coca cola changed their bottles to those stingy smaller sized ones they can do one. Pepsi is now the king of the possibly racist fizzy drink brands.
Obviously a reference to the flower power/Marc Riboud photo

Awful commercial though :lol: