Worst scout ever
Yeah, the fairy is afraid he'll die just because he had a life threatening skull injury!
Not sure how you like Adidas kits, I think they all look terrible. I prefer loose fitting football shirts than tight, it's not rugby.
Although I do like these (if they're real)
Take that fecking hat off you soppy twat!
Great kits, ruined ever so slightly by the hilarious association with tramp fuel.
Has to be said our new kit is the worst I've seen so far of next year's fare.
Including the Barca gradient kits?
Can't understand the Nike hate, they have been fairly simplistic for the most part, I don't want a load of ridiculous lines on my shirt, I like the solid red, and I certainly don't like tight-fitting shirts. I grew up with the 90s style though.
Haha...sounds like you ain't seen next seasons shirt
I have and I think it looks terrible but at the same time I find it hard to criticise doing something to commemorate Fergie so I am keeping schtum about it.