The Mueller Report

To you and me, yes. But Pelosi (Speaker of the House) also does not have access to it?

So far only Barr, Rosenstein and a small group of DOJ staffers have seen the entire thing. The Dems will obviously push to make the entire thing available to the public and if it doesn't match Barr's conclusions then the saga will continue.
all this sdny talk is insane. the system is not setup to prosecute rich people who use connections to flaunt the rules. the country is setup to protect and give ever more power and wealth to those people. if you think we can defeat trump and his fascist allies with lawsuits and congressional hearings, you're feckin lisa simpson.
So far only Barr, Rosenstein and a small group of DOJ staffers have seen the entire thing. The Dems will obviously push to make the entire thing available to the public and if it doesn't match Barr's conclusions then the saga will continue.

Thanks, I didn't know this. So, there a (small) possibility that the summary does not fully reflect the full report.
Thanks, I didn't know this. So, there a (small) possibility that the summary does not fully reflect the full report.
There's a possibility that we don't even see what's in the report. Let's face it, a lot of those guys seem to do and say whatever the feck they want with no problems.... Let's see what happens next week on, The Trump Presidency.

"Riveting stuff!" -afro from RedCafe
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Trump is just one of those feckers who will get away with his dealings until he pops his clogs. Everyone’s knows he is guilty and deals in very shady stuff but knows the rules so is never held accountable.

Basically the Jimmy Saville of the business world.
Thanks, I didn't know this. So, there a (small) possibility that the summary does not fully reflect the full report.

The Dems are definitely going to want to corroborate that Barr's interpretation to not cast guilt on obstruction actually jives with what Mueller has in the report. This could turn into quite the fight.
That would be... risky. Someone in Mueller's camp could always leak if they felt Barr was misrepresenting them to Congress. Seems very unlikely.

Yeah, that's true. And on second thought... Mueller himself would be offended if there was a blatant misinterpretation of what he wrote, so he could "trigger" (behind the scenes) congressional hearings and a big mess. So, I guess that's it.
Ah man that's a lot of words do I really have to? You're being kinda weird about it I dunno what else to tell ya... :boring:

I'll just say this, treat it how you want to. I was never in on it, I'm distancing myself in response to you claiming I was part of it :wenger:. Why I don't know....

And the funny thing is, for the people that did get caught up in it, so what? It's about what they do (I won't say now because there's clearly a lot of details that haven't come out yet, not that this seems to bother you) later.... You pointing at them and laughing saying you told them so is about as useful as you telling the Trump base they are worshipping a charlatan. What are you hoping to achieve?
No obst... Uhm... Exonerated!

I'm not saying I told them so because I didn't tell them so. I told you this hours ago and that's still the only frame you can place my comments in. That's the problem. The entire discussion around the Trump investigation has taken place in such a warped context that anyone that isn't perceived to be on your (the royal you) side is against you. That isn't what this is about. The fact that you had no feelings about the case that you can remember, and yet still ended up saying things like this...
Some republicans in an attempt to gain or hold on to power, got into bed with Putin? The rest are in the know and keeping quiet, trying to use it to their advantage, pretending it's not a big deal?

When this all comes out :drool:
... is the thing that requires some reflection. What is it about the atmosphere that was stirred up in that discussion, for well over a year in that thread, that would lead people to take such leaps? Why is it that when people didn't take those leaps, they were denigrated as Trump cronies? Are there steps that can be taken to prevent people from becoming so focused on a fantasy, to the point where it works against their explicit goals (in this case of protecting the world from this dangerous man)?

Avoiding those questions and just moving onto the next element of the "saga" is counterproductive, among other things. Unless people just view this is as entertainment, and the substance of the issues were just a part of a fun narrative. That would be a particularly tragic reality.
I'm not saying I told them so because I didn't tell them so. I told you this hours ago and that's still the only frame you can place my comments in. That's the problem. The entire discussion around the Trump investigation has taken place in such a warped context that anyone that isn't perceived to be on your (the royal you) side is against you. That isn't what this is about. The fact that you had no feelings about the case that you can remember, and yet still ended up saying things like this...

... is the thing that requires some reflection. What is it about the atmosphere that was stirred up in that discussion, for well over a year in that thread, that would lead people to take such leaps? Why is it that when people didn't take those leaps, they were denigrated as Trump cronies? Are there steps that can be taken to prevent people from becoming so focused on a fantasy, to the point where it works against their explicit goals (in this case of protecting the world from this dangerous man)?

Avoiding those questions and just moving onto the next element of the "saga" is counterproductive, among other things. Unless people just view this is as entertainment, and the substance of the issues were just a part of a fun narrative. That would be a particularly tragic reality.

That's what you dig up? Anything else? And I'll be honest your last 2 sentences are on point, but it is what is. It's riveting and maybe it shouldn't be...

Seriously though, are you being straight here? Do you think that post you quoted amounts to me being all in on the Russia thing :drool: and part off some bigger problem? Keep it short please...

In fact, don't answer that, we'll skip that step. If you think it does then that's your problem right there, reading too much into things? Or maybe projecting? If you think it doesn't, then just move along. Maybe you have valid points (maybe your don't) but it's neither a tangent that I'm interested in, invested in or relevant to me.
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Yeah, that's true. And on second thought... Mueller himself would be offended if there was a blatant misinterpretation of what he wrote, so he could "trigger" (behind the scenes) congressional hearings and a big mess. So, I guess that's it.
Don't think so. The Dems will rightly want to know the details of the report, since his fitness for office isn't just a question of criminal liability.

Trump's big win here was getting Barr to write a letter that he can use to paint himself as totally exonerated before the full report gets out.
Trump's big win here was getting Barr to write a letter that he can use to paint himself as totally exonerated before the full report gets out.
Mueller wasn't consulted about the letter, apparently.

That's what you dig up? Anything else? And I'll be honest your last 2 sentences are on point, but it is what is. It's riveting and maybe it shouldn't be...

Seriously though, are you being straight here? Do you think that post you quoted amounts to me being all in on the Russia thing :drool: and part off some bigger problem? Keep it short please...

In fact, don't answer that, we'll skip that step. If you think it does then that's your problem right there, reading too much into things? Or maybe projecting? If you think it doesn't, then just move along Maybe you have valid points but it's neither a tangent that I'm interested in, invested in or relevant to me.

No I don't think you were all in, and never implied you were. That's what you read into what I said because you're feeling defensive. Why that is, is anyone's guess.
No I don't think you were all in an never implied you were. That's what you read into what I said because you're feeling defensive. Why that is, is anyone's guess.
Yes, why indeed? Probably nothing to do with you making a beeline for me as soon as I questioned why some of y'all seem so happy about this? You could reflect on why that was your reaction but that's up to you.

You can get back to making your point in general now. Maybe someone else will take you up on it. Seems like it's something you're genuinely passionate about.
Yes, why indeed? Probably nothing to do with you making a beeline for me as soon as I questioned why some of y'all seem so happy about this? You could reflect on why that was your reaction but that's up to you.

You can get back to making your point in general now. Maybe someone else will take you up on it. Seems like it's something you're genuinely passionate about.

The reason I challenged your view is because the description of being happy about it was incorrect, as you've been told repeatedly, by multiple people, and creating that narrative prevents a meaningful discussion from taking place. It is necessary to correct your false assumption. If you're right, and most people viewed this "saga" as entertainment, then I've misunderstood all of this, on almost every level. That's fecked up.
That's fecked up.
It is mate, but this is where we are. Let's be honest about it.... Trump, the news networks, and the talk shows know this. I suspect you do too.

It is fecked up... Time for a spliff I think.

As for me preventing a discussion, I'm one poster, what does what I say really matter. Just ignore me...
It is mate, but this is where we are. Let's be honest about it.... Trump, the news networks, and the talk shows know this. I suspect you do too.

It is fecked up... Time for a spliff I think.

As for me preventing a discussion, I'm one poster, what does what I say really matter. Just ignore me...

Agreed! Just gotta get this 14hr flight out of the way first...

Answer : Stone.

Please tell me you can see the logical flaw in his interpretation.
Agreed! Just gotta get this 14hr flight out of the way first...
Never do it the other way around, I did (with too much edibles) and it was the worst flight of my fecking life.
Never do it the other way around, I did (with too much edibles) and it was the worst flight of my fecking life.

:lol: I vaguely recall doing it once after a spliff, a lot more straightforward than edibles! On the way out for this 13hr trip, a couple of weeks ago, I was persuaded to celebrate my mate's birthday until 6am with a fair amount of MD. Had about 12 hours between that and jumping on the plane. Managed to shake off most of the effects by the time I jumped on a plane but the hours before that were unsurprisingly brutal - the one and only time I'll give into that request!
Soooooo...what happens now realistically?

We have just finished the first step of many.

There will be short term hyperbolicism from both sides over this four page memo. Hopefully the entire Mueller report that went to Barr will be released to the public along with the counterintelligence report. Once one or both of those things occur, the landscape should look a bit clearer than the haze in which we find ourselves now.

It would be a shame if all we received was a partisan AG’s four page blurb.
That's how democracy works. If you don't vote, you don't count. How else would it work? Force everyone to vote or else jail time?

Granted, in a true democracy the popular vote winner would have won the contest. The US has been a republic since its creation. And one that is continuously drifting to the right.
The focus of the discussion will be on the primary focus of the investigation. The one that resulted in all of the prosecutions, most of the manpower and was deemed the greatest threat to the American political system. It's just sad to try and deflect attention away from that to suit your own interests.

The Muller report will undoubtedly be damning about the obstruction of justice case, although it's hardly a surprise he couldn't quite prove corrupt intent. Even though they've already stated much of it was in public, and presumably the majority of it has been in the media already, having it all laid out in a single assessment from a legal expert should cause a lot of American voters to contemplate some major issues.

That doesn't detract from the fact that comments like these, which were echoed by many, were not entirely accurate:
Why not reflect on that? What was really driving such commentary, if not the facts of the matter?

@Red Dreams, what's your take at this stage? Might your attacks on others for not buying into the conspiracy have been slightly misguided?

Realise you are all puffy about this Summary Report which favoured Trump...but still did not exonerate him from Obstruction.

Lets wait for the full report and what Congress does when it gets it. Calling Mueller to testify before the committees.

I don't take back what I still believe about Trump being a Russian asset.
The basis for that is what happened after he became president . The secret meetings and Helsinki and what McCabe said to leaders of Congress.

An eternity before the primaries.


As to my characterization of Trump being a full blown racist, criminal and traitor, I stand by that too.
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So far only Barr, Rosenstein and a small group of DOJ staffers have seen the entire thing. The Dems will obviously push to make the entire thing available to the public and if it doesn't match Barr's conclusions then the saga will continue.

Simple logic.

If the complete report equated to the findings of the Summary in principle, it would have been released in its entirety.

This is the first innings.

Baseball my favourite American sports is starting. ;)
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