The Mueller Report

hannity is beyond any hope. all the people who promoted it to advance their professional careers should resign in disgrace. all of the people who credulously and naively followed each leak and detail for years thinking it would bring trump down ought to reexamine how they view the world and how they think politics works.

Not quite agreeing with you here, but it will be interesting to see the Monday intros & guest lineups of the shows on MSNBC & Fox after today’s relegations.
The main thing we've learned is that we should take whatever Seth Abramson says and assume the opposite.
Because if we are just analyzing how well the American Republic functions the fact that only 26% of all eligible voters are voting for each major party is damning of the overall system in general when just about every other advanced country gets much greater voter turnout.

As your other post said the Dems and Clinton people need to take their blame and stop whining about Russia stealing an election they felt entitled to two years before any votes were cast.

I agree with you. But talking about "the 26%" again places the blame on "the people". Yeah, many people don't vote. Many people don't care about politics at all. Many people don't read the news. Many people don't know the name of the president, and they don't care.

It doesn't matter. The rules are the same for both parties. The goal is to get more votes, under these specific rules. That's how it is in a democracy. When Obama won, we did not complain that only 26% of the people voted for him.
Not quite agreeing with you here, but it will be interesting to see the Monday intros & guest lineups of the shows on MSNBC & Fox after today’s relegations.

The narrative among the Dems, MSNBC, and CNN will be to find out what the actual Mueller report said and not Barr's summary of it. There will be a call for the entire thing to get released. Trump and his stooges will bask in this for a week or so then attempt to discredit the SDNY investigation.
Don't waste your time. Take a rain check and let the the chest beating commence and come back when more details start to leak...

Anyone would think the president and all those in his orbit had just been cleared of all crimes...

The focus of the discussion will be on the primary focus of the investigation. The one that resulted in all of the prosecutions, most of the manpower and was deemed the greatest threat to the American political system. It's just sad to try and deflect attention away from that to suit your own interests.

The Muller report will undoubtedly be damning about the obstruction of justice case, although it's hardly a surprise he couldn't quite prove corrupt intent. Even though they've already stated much of it was in public, and presumably the majority of it has been in the media already, having it all laid out in a single assessment from a legal expert should cause a lot of American voters to contemplate some major issues.

That doesn't detract from the fact that comments like these, which were echoed by many, were not entirely accurate:
Trump has not been loyal to anyone or anything even to his own country. So why should anyone take a fall for him.

High treason.

As high as he has risen. His fall will be unprecendented in this country

He will find a reason to blame them privately so he can justify throwing them to the wolves.

In reality he will have nothing to bargain with.

Mueller has got the goods on him.

Even the Right wing court will not allow a scab like this escape.

He is done.

The fact he is getting more and more unhinged shows how effective Mueller has been and how close he is getting to the traitor.

If the Dems take the house I suspect he will try to cut a deal to implicate anyone that is involved outside his family.

I hope Pense head tumbles.

One way to get a Democratic President next year.

yes. We have a Russian Agent sitting in the White House.

But the Dems must not talk about impeachment.

First take the house and press hard to flip the Senate.

my gut feel is Mueller already has enough on his son and son-in-law. Stone too. But those may be his trump (excuse the pun) cards.

Once he goes after Stone, its the end game.

I suspect Mueller will offer to waive the charges for his son and exchange for Trump giving everything on his dealings with the Russians.....and then resigning.

The intelligence agencies I believe have been heavily involved.

These people are Americans first.

sounds like the tier below Trump...

burn burn burn

Sounds like Trump has been served a subpoena by Mueller....

he has of course denied it.

He will be calling Kavanaugh....

Whitteker's appointment is not constitutional.

Neither Rosenstein nor Mueller have to accept his authority.

So what are they going to do?

Mueller simply sends his report to the Dems.

don't be surprised to see President Pelosi in 2019.

I said this may happen.

Mueller is an American first.

He will go beyond his job to do what is right.

Trump will have a spanking new Russian passport.

On the day he is supposed to hand over power he will be in the Russian Consulate.

still think Trump and Pence will be in office next year?

Confirmation of what some of us have been saying.


His wall is being built and will be closing on him.

The NY times report tells me Mueller has had reports not just from the various agencies but also from governments of our allies.

The end is coming soon. Hope he does not manage to run away to Russia escaping his punishment.

As for McConell and his fellow stooges, they cannot run away.

burn burn burn.

The facts have not changed.

The SC office has merely denied leaking anything.

I could not believe it when I saw this.

If they are coming on MSNBC Mueller must be ready to complete his report and these guys are toast.

No Trump to save them.

I was glad all the predictions of the Mueller Report coming out next week were false.

Mueller will do what needs to be done.

Once the Mueller report comes out hopefully all these guys will be tried for treason as well.
Why not reflect on that? What was really driving such commentary, if not the facts of the matter?

@Red Dreams, what's your take at this stage? Might your attacks on others for not buying into the conspiracy have been slightly misguided?
The focus of the discussion will be on the primary focus of the investigation. The one that resulted in all of the prosecutions, most of the manpower and was deemed the greatest threat to the American political system. It's just sad to try and deflect attention away from that to suit your own interests.

The Muller report will undoubtedly be damning about the obstruction of justice case, although it's hardly a surprise he couldn't quite prove corrupt intent. Even though they've already stated much of it was in public, and presumably the majority of it has been in the media already, having it all laid out in a single assessment from a legal expert should cause a lot of American voters to contemplate some major issues.

That doesn't detract from the fact that comments like these, which were echoed by many, were not entirely accurate:

Why not reflect on that? What was really driving such commentary, if not the facts of the matter?

@Red Dreams, what's your take at this stage? Might your attacks on others for not buying into the conspiracy have been slightly misguided?
I do wish that you would stop oinin’ @Red Dreams .
all this sdny talk is insane. the system is not setup to prosecute rich people who use connections to flaunt the rules. the country is setup to protect and give ever more power and wealth to those people. if you think we can defeat trump and his fascist allies with lawsuits and congressional hearings, you're feckin lisa simpson.
The focus of the discussion will be on the primary focus of the investigation. The one that resulted in all of the prosecutions, most of the manpower and was deemed the greatest threat to the American political system. It's just sad to try and deflect attention away from that to suit your own interests.

The Muller report will undoubtedly be damning about the obstruction of justice case, although it's hardly a surprise he couldn't quite prove corrupt intent. Even though they've already stated much of it was in public, and presumably the majority of it has been in the media already, having it all laid out in a single assessment from a legal expert should cause a lot of American voters to contemplate some major issues.

That doesn't detract from the fact that comments like these, which were echoed by many, were not entirely accurate:
Don't start getting weird again as if you know me. I was never on the Russia thing. Trump has enough dirt on him from the Iast few decades (which you already know) there's no need to even entertain this Russia thing. Take that shit up with someone else....
The appointment of Barr, though, has been Trump's best strategic move in all this. Paid zero cost for forcing out a recused Sessions and got to install his own cover a month ago.
all this sdny talk is insane. the system is not setup to prosecute rich people who use connections to flaunt the rules. the country is setup to protect and give ever more power and wealth to those people. if you think we can defeat trump and his fascist allies with lawsuits and congressional hearings, you're feckin lisa simpson.

Every now and then a big fish is caught to fend off the wolves. You don't think it's possible that he doesn't get re-elected in 2020, and is prosecuted for a number of things that Congress were compelled to investigate for political purposes? At a certain point ignoring the evidence becomes more problematic for the justice system than prosecuting a former president, I reckon.
all this sdny talk is insane. the system is not setup to prosecute rich people who use connections to flaunt the rules. the country is setup to protect and give ever more power and wealth to those people. if you think we can defeat trump and his fascist allies with lawsuits and congressional hearings, you're feckin lisa simpson.

Who's fecking Lisa Simpson? She's 8 years old FFS.
Every now and then a big fish is caught to fend off the wolves. You don't think it's possible that he doesn't get re-elected in 2020, and is prosecuted for a number of things that Congress were compelled to investigate for political purposes? At a certain point ignoring the evidence becomes more problematic for the justice system than prosecuting a former president, I reckon.

He will never ever spend a single day in jail and neither will anyone in his family.
"Trump just got tentatively cleared of a subset of specific crimes, vindicated!"

"Let me rush to the internet and start celebrating... Take that RedCafe and Twitter"

Riveting stuff...
I agree with you. But talking about "the 26%" again places the blame on "the people". Yeah, many people don't vote. Many people don't care about politics at all. Many people don't read the news. Many people don't know the name of the president, and they don't care.

It doesn't matter. The rules are the same for both parties. The goal is to get more votes, under these specific rules. That's how it is in a democracy. When Obama won, we did not complain that only 26% of the people voted for him.

Don't use we. Many of us have been pointing the problem with low voter turnout for years. It matters not if a Democrat like Obama was elected. Voter turnout is a massive problem and indictment on the US political system irrespective of who wins
He will never ever spend a single day in jail and neither will anyone in his family.

Because rich and powerful people don't go to jail?

Don't start getting weird again as if you know me. I was never on the Russia thing. Trump has enough dirt on him from the Iast few decades (which you already know) there's no need to even entertain this Russia thing. Take that shit up with someone else....

I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying that you didn't get caught up in the idea that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians?
We're not celebrating, we're mad that the foolish libs gave him a weapon to use in 2020.
You know what? I hear that...

But I'll be honest. If y'all can't see past this and zero in on the real corruption going on in your government and you elect these grifters again... You deserve whatever you get. Sorry.
I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying that you didn't get caught up in the idea that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians?
I don't recall believing or stating (outside of a joke) that trump knowingly colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election. That's what this investigation was for.... And here we are.
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Probably worth posting this from a few days ago:

(Read the thread)

He also predicted and warned about the report being short, contextualising partial quotes and framing specifics which could be falsified within the report rather than drawing a broad conclusion from the entirety of the report.

He said it would likely be damning enough to be believable but not politically damaging.

Manaforts report alone was 800 pages, this was likely magnitudes of that and yet Barr has summarised it in 48 hours, quoted just 65 words, all of which are incomplete sentences and neither are actually specific enough to draw the conclusions he has from them.

We’ve received a 4 page document from Trump’s pick for AG who did the same
hatchet job on the Iran-contra investigation and was chosen for his negative words against the investigation.

Until the report is public and Mueller testifies to Congress, this is nowhere near over.
You know what? I hear that...

But I'll be honest. If y'all can't see past this and zero in on the real corruption going on in your government and you elect these his again... You deserve whatever you get. Sorry.
Something every American really needs to think long and hard about. Corruption flourishes faster than weeds and like weeds there comes a point where you are left with no choice but to tackle it or it will choke you.
You know what? I hear that...

But I'll be honest. If y'all can't see past this and zero in on the real corruption going on in your government and you elect these his again... You deserve whatever you get. Sorry.
I don't recall believing or stating (outside of a joke) that trump knowingly colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election. That's what this investigation was for.... And here we are.

I was asking about the Trump campaign, not Trump alone. I don't get understand why you're trying to extract yourself from the speculation you took part in. You were in on the Russia thing. We all make mistakes. Pretending we didn't make them when the evidence is right there is just silly.
Something every American really needs to think long and hard about. Corruption flourishes faster than weeds and like weeds there comes a point where you are left with no choice but to tackle it or it will choke you.
Bingo. Looks like people getting caught up in the sideshow again...
I was asking about the Trump campaign, not Trump alone. I don't get understand why you're trying to extract yourself from the speculation you took part in. You were in on the Russia thing. We all make mistakes. Pretending we didn't make them when the evidence is right there is just silly.
Mate. Just say what your saying and stop tiptoeing. I just told you I was never in on it... I've not seen anything to make me say 100% he colluded. I've not seen otherwise either tbf... There's better posters for you to be taking this line of questioning up with, unless your just on the wind up? I'm starting to think I've said something to you that's stuck with ya :lol:

Trump is a crook, right or wrong?
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As much as I hate Trump, it really is healthier taking this report on its merits and moving on. This whole thing is ingrained into the public due to leaks and the absurd way that the press and political commentators had chosen to cover it all that this just feels so empty. It's just so fecking flat.
We've been blue balled and it's given his supporters every right to dance on the reports grave.
Is this it? Isn't there anything this orange peel can be brought up on?
Bingo. Looks like people getting caught up in the sideshow again...

Mate. Just say what your saying and stop tiptoeing. I just told you I was never really in on it... I've not seen anything to make me say 100% he colluded. I've not seen otherwise either tbf... There's better posters for you to be taking this line of questioning up with, unless your just on the wind up? I'm starting to think I've said something to you that's stuck with ya :lol:

Trump is a crook, right or wrong?

I'm not tiptoeing. I'm being specific to give you an opportunity to answer. Did you think the Trump campaign colluded with Russia?

Yes there were lots of other people that said lots more about the Russian collusion aspect of the investigation than you. The only reason I'm asking you about it is because you are the one that distanced yourself from it the moment it came up, while speaking to me directly.

You didn't say anything that stuck with me but you're here talking about how weird it is that people want to discuss the various missteps people took in coming to such dramatically incorrect conclusions, and investing so much time and energy into something that only ever existed in their mind. If you don't want to be challenged on that then you needn't challenge other people on the legitimacy of their views or motives. You did that in this thread and it was a surprisingly common thing among a range of folks in the Muller thread amid all of the speculation.

You only think it's weird because of the atmosphere that was built up around the investigation on here and across the internet. That atmosphere is very dangerous and is not something to be glossed over, in my view. You might hold a different view but any attempt to ridicule it can be picked apart quite easily in light of the evidence. I don't think that's necessary.

Yes he's a crook and I would assume the vast majority of people that voted for him knew that at the time. They just deemed it irrelevant as long as he did stuff in their interests. He's acted more or less like I would imagine most people expected him to. There were extremes on both sides that expected, and speculated continuously about, much more significant things that as yet haven't transpired. Ideally this report will tone down the extremes on both sides and inject a dose of reality back into the commentary.
Also a moment of silence for our brothers and sisters at #Qanon who thought Mueller was going to arrest the Clintons, Obamas, and the rest of the elite liberal Hollywood paedophile ring.
As much as I hate Trump, it really is healthier taking this report on its merits and moving on. This whole thing is ingrained into the public due to leaks and the absurd way that the press and political commentators had chosen to cover it all that this just feels so empty. It's just so fecking flat.
We've been blue balled and it's given his supporters every right to dance on the reports grave.
Is this it? Isn't there anything this orange peel can be brought up on?

The evidence put forward for committing obstruction of justice is not something to take lightly. His supporters may want to focus on the other aspects but that part can't be successfully minimised. There's nothing flat about that. To me it's more important than the Russian collusion because it's something that Trump can do over and over again in all kinds of corrupt scenarios, and we have every reason to expect him to. Whereas the collusion could only ever have been that one moment in time.
Soooooo...what happens now realistically?
Demands/subpoenas for the full report. Barr may try to head that off with an abrdiged/heavily redacted version. Can't see how he and eventually Mueller don't get hauled in by Congress for a public hearing.

Plus there's the ongoing prosecutions and case referrals to other jurisdictions, all of which are likely to have a great deal of criminal liability.

An undeniable PR win for Trump & Co but that's why they put Barr in there in the first place. If the Mueller report is the total exoneration he is claiming, they should slap "Trump 2020" across the top of it and mail copies out to every voter in the country.
I'm not tiptoeing. I'm being specific to give you an opportunity to answer. Did you think the Trump campaign colluded with Russia?

Yes there were lots of other people that said lots more about the Russian collusion aspect of the investigation than you. The only reason I'm asking you about it is because you are the one that distanced yourself from it the moment it came up, while speaking to me directly.

You didn't say anything that stuck with me but you're here talking about how weird it is that people want to discuss the various missteps people took in coming to such dramatically incorrect conclusions, and investing so much time and energy into something that only ever existed in their mind. If you don't want to be challenged on that then you needn't challenge other people.

You only think it's weird because of the atmosphere that was built up around the investigation on here and across the internet. That atmosphere is very dangerous and is not something to be glossed over, in my view. You might hold a different view but any attempt to ridicule it can be picked apart quite easily in light of the evidence. I don't think that's necessary.

Yes he's a crook and I would assume the vast majority of people that voted for him knew that at the time. They just deemed it irrelevant as long as he did stuff in their interests. He's acted more or less like I would imagine most people expected him to. There were extremes on both sides that expected, and speculated continuously about, much more significant things that as yet haven't transpired. Ideally this report will tone down the extremes on both sides and inject a dose of reality back into the commentary.
Ah man that's a lot of words do I really have to? You're being kinda weird about it I dunno what else to tell ya... :boring:

I'll just say this, treat it how you want to. I was never in on it, I'm distancing myself in response to you claiming I was part of it :wenger:. Why I don't know....

And the funny thing is, for the people that did get caught up in it, so what? It's about what they do (I won't say now because there's clearly a lot of details that haven't come out yet, not that this seems to bother you) later.... You pointing at them and laughing saying you told them so is about as useful as you telling the Trump base they are worshipping a charlatan. What are you hoping to achieve?
No Collusion!
No obst... Uhm... Exonerated!
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Question: Who has access to the full Mueller report? Can all the Dems in Congress and their staff read the full thing?
Also a moment of silence for our brothers and sisters at #Qanon who thought Mueller was going to arrest the Clintons, Obamas, and the rest of the elite liberal Hollywood paedophile ring.

Came in here just for this.