The Mourinho Thread: Should he stay or go? | Sacked

Is Mourinho’s time as United manager up?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2,296 77.1%
  • No

    Votes: 293 9.8%
  • Not yet - needs more time to see if he can turn it around

    Votes: 388 13.0%

  • Total voters
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Before Jose came, the general feeling was that we needed a complete rebuild. Not just 5 or 6 signings but ripping it up and starting again. We had, at best, 3 players who could be apart of the next step for United, De Gea, Martial and Rashford. Beyond that, the rest over time could easily be replaced. 2 and a bit years on, part way through doing just that, having been let down massively in the last window, suddenly none of this matters. Now we should be challenging for the title, our players under a different manager, possibly one with no experience at all, would be world beaters. Doesn't really add up when you think about it does it?

But oh, we've spent £400million so theres no excuse... Except there is. £400million for a complete rebuild? Hell, there are clubs who have spent more just to compliment their already billion quid squads. So how exactly does £400 million replace an entire squad, who United fans largely agreed wasn't good enough at the end of 2015? We are a ways off yet people, we are still missing key roles in the side. So do we start again because the going has got a bit tough (as expected after the failure to back him in the summer) or do we rectify the mistake of the summer next time round and go from there?

Who is getting more out of this squad than has already been extracted without significant recruitment? A centreback, a winger, possibly another striker with the way things are going. In todays market, thats £200million right off the bat. So without that, based on the squad we have right now, who is topping second place to an outstanding (and backed without question) City? Who right now is topping a Liverpool side who spent £180million in the summer to bring in the final pieces to their jigsaw?

We are no where near finished this season. Its the start of October and we are 5 points off the top 4. I say top 4 because frankly, this squad has stood still while others have not, so actually challenging for the title wasnt going to happen. So our aim, thanks primarily due to the lack of support in the summer is top 4. If we want to challenge for the title, we need to spend money in the summer. There is no two ways about it, theres no magical fix all cure that will make us a team of superstars, no manager in the world capable of doing so.

If I was Mourinho, I would forget about trying something different and go back to what worked last season. What saw us beat every single big side in the league. What got us to 81 points and what worked with this set of players. If that means defensive minded football then so be it. Its what works with this squad at this moment. Then let him get in the players in the summer.
No, its fine. I didn't mean to attack you. Its just that we've seen this story before. Chelsea tried the wait-and-see game with him and he got them flirting relegation. They waited too long to sack him and the season was a write-off. Our situation right now practically mirrors theirs back then. I think most people want to prevent the season from descending into a downward spiral, when its so blatantly obvious that all the signs are there.

I know, no offence taken. I understand having this opinion does invite criticism, but to be fair there's only been one insult and that was apparently misunderstood by me. @blue blue post pretty much fleshes out what you're referring to.

I'm not 100% in this camp, more like 70%. At the start of the season I was 100% behind the manager. The thread title is an acknowledgement that it's approaching tin foil hat territory, but I still believe it's within the realm of sanity, all things considered.
If he leaves on bad terms it will be quite interesting to hear his take on the inner workings of the club.

Surely any top manager would think twice about taking on the job if Jose is sacked before the season ends. A poisoned chalice.

Surely that goes both ways, right?

Not too many top clubs will be interested in signing a manager who's got track record of falling out with everyone, his style is obsolete in this day and age, he was sacked from his previous 2 big jobs, 3 if you wanna count Madrid where they refused to extend him because he fall out with pretty much everyone.

His trophy cabinet aside there's just too much negatively following him anyway he goes.
You should create one. Even though I'd like to see us stabilise things until the end of the season, I think he'll get the sack soon and the club won't be briefing the press with any support for him.

I'm never going to create a thread in the football forums. All that can come of it is pain.
If the fans are starting to avoid attending matches, then Jose and quite a few of the players need to go. Give it to Carrick or even Butt until someone we can appoint someone else. Fans want to see entertaining football and it's really not happening. Team to way too reliant on an individual piece of magic to score. I think the time for a change is now, just a shame it's not a transfer window, as we've 2 or 3 players who are not helping and we're in dire need of strengthening in key areas.
I'm afraid I can no longer support him, I just can't take the football anymore, it's agonizing. I thought he would be the right fit and we would become a ruthless machine like his first Chelsea team but it has just gone horribly wrong. I don't blame him completely because the players have not enthralled me either, and, as for the board, I still pray that a barking mad United supporting oligarch will come along and make them an offer they can't refuse, kicking Ed's little ass out the door without touching the frame.
I also hate the way this pollution has affected the Caff.The place is split and both sides hurl abuse at each other on a daily basis. Some of it is funny, cathartic, and born out of frustration but I also think there are some who relish it and embrace the chaos. Some posts have been bizarre to say the least, from both sides.
I know we are going into a rinse and repeat cycle, again, and I really don't know who can take the job on successfully with the Board we have. If he fails, we are doomed.
I want it to be us against the world again.
Great post!
I'm sill in the Jose In camp.
But my faith in him is dwindling.
Sometimes, you can take the best person for a job, put them in that role and they turn to crap. That's what we may be seeing right now with Jose.
When he leaves, he'll probably go and win the league and other trophies for his next club, but the question will remain why so many managers are finding it so difficult to work their trade, at MUFC.

Why am I still Jose In?
Because he'll be with us till the early part of next season and if he fails, he'll be stinking up the place for the next 4-5 months.
However, if he succeeds, he'll pull things together and we'll get a decent league placing and win plenty of matches this season. I also don't want this club to fail, as so many of you seem to do. If you want Jose to fail, that means that the club is failing. The 2 are synonymous with each other.
The other issue is that I have no idea how good/bad the next manager will be and I don't want to be the guy who asks for Jose to be sacked, only for a new manager to arrive and in 2 years time, ask for him to be sacked, too. The more sackings we have, the less likely it is we will win the league and other trophies.
I know, no offence taken. I understand having this opinion does invite criticism, but to be fair there's only been one insult and that was apparently misunderstood by me. @blue blue post pretty much fleshes out what you're referring to.

I'm not 100% in this camp, more like 70%. At the start of the season I was 100% behind the manager. The thread title is an acknowledgement that it's approaching tin foil hat territory, but I still believe it's within the realm of sanity, all things considered.

That, it is.
It is quickly becoming apparent that this year will be a waste if we do not act quick enough. The league top 4 is slipping away from us, our players confidence is slipping or already gone. The CL could be a disaster if we don't act fast to improve.
There comes a time when you have to shit or get off the pot. We need to take a shit quickly and get rid of him. Our style of play is boring. Our team cant score enough goals to get any of our players hot. We look odd and out of ideas. The worst I have ever seen.
He is done. That said, I don't mind people who back him still or fans that sing his name in the stands.

But each passing day in which we delay this is a damning indictment of just how incompetent our board is. And they should have sacked him when they decided he won't be backed anymore. So, the most depressing thing in this whole charade is that Jose might not be the biggest issue we have.
Would you accept writing this season off, missing out on CL next season, then spend the next two years completely rebuilding the team -and thus likely not challenging for big trophies- to keep Mourinho? We're talking about 3 years, probably 5, without winning the league, before you'll be in a position to truly challenge for the league under him

Are you ok with that? Do you think that's the best your club can do?

Whether Mourinho is still a top manager or not doesn't really matter at this point
I have never felt more depressed about footy. I’d have done anything to prove me wrong.
And this is after such a brilliant world cup. Gosh I miss the world cup. United used to be the best part of football. Now we all collectively endure it.
I'm sill in the Jose In camp.
But my faith in him is dwindling.
Sometimes, you can take the best person for a job, put them in that role and they turn to crap. That's what we may be seeing right now with Jose.
When he leaves, he'll probably go and win the league and other trophies for his next club, but the question will remain why so many managers are finding it so difficult to work their trade, at MUFC.

Why am I still Jose In?
Because he'll be with us till the early part of next season and if he fails, he'll be stinking up the place for the next 4-5 months.
However, if he succeeds, he'll pull things together and we'll get a decent league placing and win plenty of matches this season. I also don't want this club to fail, as so many of you seem to do. If you want Jose to fail, that means that the club is failing. The 2 are synonymous with each other.
The other issue is that I have no idea how good/bad the next manager will be and I don't want to be the guy who asks for Jose to be sacked, only for a new manager to arrive and in 2 years time, ask for him to be sacked, too. The more sackings we have, the less likely it is we will win the league and other trophies.

The issue there is that it isn't unique to Utd with Jose, remember he was 16th with Chelsea, 3rd season and was sacked and that was after winning the league.
The following season they won the league with Conte..

according to a post above Utd got more points last season than in 4 of our 13 titles under Ferguson.
So it's a very similar situation to Chelsea.

I just think it's Mourinho being Mourinho and with City & Chelsea coming up very soon, Utd could end up in worse position than Chelsea at the same point.
The "no" vote has increased in the last hour. Someone is trolling.

The Yes is also increasing at around .1% every 2 hours.

If we assume a simple linear progression rather than a "meltdown" then at the current rate 90% of fans will be wanting Mourinho out by 9pm on 16th October. I believe around 10% of caftards may be fans of other clubs.

If we assign "Magical premonition forces" onto this data and extrapolate further at 4.59am on the 25th October there will be only 2 people on the forum holding out - (Ed and Mourinho?)

So I predict......Mourinho will be gone by 5am on 25th October!

It's a scientific FACT!
The Yes is also increasing at around .1% every 2 hours.

If we assume a simple linear progression rather than a "meltdown" then at the current rate 90% of fans will be wanting Mourinho out by 9pm on 16th October. I believe around 10% of caftards may be fans of other clubs.

If we assign "Magical premonition forces" onto this data and extrapolate further at 4.59am on the 25th October there will be only 2 people on the forum would be holding out - (Ed and Mourinho?)

So I predict......Mourinho will be gone by 5am on 25th October!

It's a scientific FACT!
It should happen on October 20th 2018. Would be such a nice birthday gift. I'd shout out Yaay with a lot of passion, for sure.
Would you accept writing this season off, missing out on CL next season, then spend the next two years completely rebuilding the team -and thus likely not challenging for big trophies- to keep Mourinho? We're talking about 3 years, probably 5, without winning the league, before you'll be in a position to truly challenge for the league under him

Are you ok with that? Do you think that's the best your club can do?

Whether Mourinho is still a top manager or not doesn't really matter at this point

We're not going to finish top 4 this season whatever he stays or not.
Its Shaw's fault, Pogba's fault, Martial's fault, Woodward's fault, Sanchez's fault, Mkhitaryan's fault, the class of 92's fault (they are jealous of the current player's money), Manchester's police fault, the referee's fault.....never Mou's
Its Shaw's fault, Pogba's fault, Martial's fault, Woodward's fault, Sanchez's fault, Mkhitaryan's fault, the class of 92's fault (they are jealous of the current player's money), Manchester's police fault, the referee's fault.....never Mou's

Don't remember anyone saying that.
I wonder how many of the 'Mourinho In' crowd are simply oppo fans stirring the pot, a fairly large percentage I would imagine (at least I hope so)

My vote is still "Give more time" and i want Jose out. Just lazy to change it. There could be a lazy bunch like me :D
I don't know what to think of all this if claims that players are behind the manager yet results, effort, and performance contradict that. It will be interesting to see how long he keeps his job if we continue to stink it up. Something has to break at some point.

Expecting to wake up any day to read he's been sacked, resigned, or extended his contract.
Mou said that.

Well, he didn't and even if he does your post clearly looks like directed to this thread not to Mourinho himself.

Almost everyone of us want him out. The only difference is some are convincing themselves once he leaves we'll set the league on fire and others are trying to look beyond the manager positions to the other glaring issues at the clubs.
Before Jose came, the general feeling was that we needed a complete rebuild. Not just 5 or 6 signings but ripping it up and starting again. We had, at best, 3 players who could be apart of the next step for United, De Gea, Martial and Rashford. Beyond that, the rest over time could easily be replaced. 2 and a bit years on, part way through doing just that, having been let down massively in the last window, suddenly none of this matters. Now we should be challenging for the title, our players under a different manager, possibly one with no experience at all, would be world beaters. Doesn't really add up when you think about it does it?

But oh, we've spent £400million so theres no excuse... Except there is. £400million for a complete rebuild? Hell, there are clubs who have spent more just to compliment their already billion quid squads. So how exactly does £400 million replace an entire squad, who United fans largely agreed wasn't good enough at the end of 2015? We are a ways off yet people, we are still missing key roles in the side. So do we start again because the going has got a bit tough (as expected after the failure to back him in the summer) or do we rectify the mistake of the summer next time round and go from there?

Who is getting more out of this squad than has already been extracted without significant recruitment? A centreback, a winger, possibly another striker with the way things are going. In todays market, thats £200million right off the bat. So without that, based on the squad we have right now, who is topping second place to an outstanding (and backed without question) City? Who right now is topping a Liverpool side who spent £180million in the summer to bring in the final pieces to their jigsaw?

We are no where near finished this season. Its the start of October and we are 5 points off the top 4. I say top 4 because frankly, this squad has stood still while others have not, so actually challenging for the title wasnt going to happen. So our aim, thanks primarily due to the lack of support in the summer is top 4. If we want to challenge for the title, we need to spend money in the summer. There is no two ways about it, theres no magical fix all cure that will make us a team of superstars, no manager in the world capable of doing so.

If I was Mourinho, I would forget about trying something different and go back to what worked last season. What saw us beat every single big side in the league. What got us to 81 points and what worked with this set of players. If that means defensive minded football then so be it. Its what works with this squad at this moment. Then let him get in the players in the summer.

The quote he spent 400 million is a little unfair when you had two purchases in the 100 mill region, Lukaku will be a good investment, Pogba, if he cuts out the show boating, hugging the ball, and recycle the ball quicker, would be also a good investment.

The problem is the club and Mourinho have different objectives, Mourinho is a winner, and has no interest just competing for the top four.

Unfortunately, Rashford and Martial are not wide forwards or attacking midfielders, so Jose is hamstrung, to keep doing the same thing with fruitless results (playing 4231 or 433), as the board wont' sanction the sale of Jones,Rojo,Darmian to facilitate the purchase of a competent defender or Mourinho has switch to 352 to give the team balance.

Take a look at Liverpool and Man City, Salah,Mane, Sane,Sterling, what do they have in common, natural wide players.

If Mourinho had got Ivan Perišić and Willian, yes, a short term fix, 433 and 4231, would be feasible, at the same time using players from the under 23, to be understudies.
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Club have no plans to remove him.

Why worry about it? It will either come to a head like it did with LvG, or Jose will miraculously improve. With Woodward, we just need to wait as he doesn't even have the ability to see what ordinary fans can see.

Bit rich of Jose to want backing from the club when he's thrown so many players under the bus. To be honest, Raiola is a slimy cnut, but what Pogba said regarding style of play etc was spot on. Players are not bots to blindly obey the manager.
I think the new contract screwed up the firing plans big time. We'd have to chuck out as much as £30m to buy out his contract and that'd be a record and egg in the face of Ed. Also a week back Ed announced he's firmly behind Jose in the earnings call. Maybe he's waiting long enough for people to forget that. Either way i could see Jose lasting till christmas.
I think the new contract screwed up the firing plans big time. We'd have to chuck out as much as £30m to buy out his contract and that'd be a record and egg in the face of Ed. Also a week back Ed announced he's firmly behind Jose in the earnings call. Maybe he's waiting long enough for people to forget that. Either way i could see Jose lasting till christmas.
He'll definitely last till Christmas. I think he'll be here till new year too although he shouldn't. We never act fast.
The idea that he can turn it around with new players is silly. He has signed 10 players...10. only two at the most can be said to be a success and and that's even arguable. That's a success rate of 20%. When you add the fact that he can't get a tune out of the players he met, it's virtually impossible he proves to be a success regardless if how long or how much you give him.
Before Jose came, the general feeling was that we needed a complete rebuild. Not just 5 or 6 signings but ripping it up and starting again. We had, at best, 3 players who could be apart of the next step for United, De Gea, Martial and Rashford. Beyond that, the rest over time could easily be replaced. 2 and a bit years on, part way through doing just that, having been let down massively in the last window, suddenly none of this matters. Now we should be challenging for the title, our players under a different manager, possibly one with no experience at all, would be world beaters. Doesn't really add up when you think about it does it?

But oh, we've spent £400million so theres no excuse... Except there is. £400million for a complete rebuild? Hell, there are clubs who have spent more just to compliment their already billion quid squads. So how exactly does £400 million replace an entire squad, who United fans largely agreed wasn't good enough at the end of 2015? We are a ways off yet people, we are still missing key roles in the side. So do we start again because the going has got a bit tough (as expected after the failure to back him in the summer) or do we rectify the mistake of the summer next time round and go from there?

Who is getting more out of this squad than has already been extracted without significant recruitment? A centreback, a winger, possibly another striker with the way things are going. In todays market, thats £200million right off the bat. So without that, based on the squad we have right now, who is topping second place to an outstanding (and backed without question) City? Who right now is topping a Liverpool side who spent £180million in the summer to bring in the final pieces to their jigsaw?

We are no where near finished this season. Its the start of October and we are 5 points off the top 4. I say top 4 because frankly, this squad has stood still while others have not, so actually challenging for the title wasnt going to happen. So our aim, thanks primarily due to the lack of support in the summer is top 4. If we want to challenge for the title, we need to spend money in the summer. There is no two ways about it, theres no magical fix all cure that will make us a team of superstars, no manager in the world capable of doing so.

If I was Mourinho, I would forget about trying something different and go back to what worked last season. What saw us beat every single big side in the league. What got us to 81 points and what worked with this set of players. If that means defensive minded football then so be it. Its what works with this squad at this moment. Then let him get in the players in the summer.
Gentle reminder that Liverpool spent as much under Klopp as we did under Mourinho - except they started off from a worse position and had to sell their best player. Yet it looks likely that they will finish ahead of us the second time in three seasons.

Also, we're playing the same shite football as last season. Nothing seems to have changed, except this time the results actually match the performances.

How many of Mourinho's signings have been successful? How many of them are playing well? Why exactly should we give him more money?
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