Going back to when Mourinho was appointed, and that team he inherited from LVG. That team was better than the team we have now. So he hasn't improved us, he has made us worse. You can argue that we scraped 2nd last season. But we have played some dire, turgid (Park the bus) football for all of 2018. He has fallen out with half the squad, publicly and in private. He has fallen out with the leadership at the club, publicly and privately.
I was backing him up until recently, but the night of the Derby game we started hearing all this stuff about Pogba never being Captain again. I have no idea why this story was overshadowing our preparation for the game, and then what happens? We end up being out-played by Derby County on our own pitch, who deservedly go into the next round. Then he makes this bizarre team selection against West Ham. And everybody looking at that line up was in agreement that it would be a disaster. And it was. He chops and changes players week in week out, doesn't play them for ages, then brings them back for big games when they have no match fitness. They play rubbish, so he drops them again! Then he fills gaps playing people out of position. He's been doing this since last January. Since the club made him sign Alexis. Another player who he puts in, pulls out. Plays on the left, the right or down the middle. Then he has his favourites, the ones who play no matter what. Matic could lie on his back blowing bubbles, and he'd still get the nod above Andreas Pereira, a player who can really unlock defences with pinpoint passes, and assists for our forwards, but will never get the chance. I would love to have seen Mourinho make a success of it, but it is so unlikely now with all the bridges he has burned. Lets face it, do we get rid of half our squad or bring in a new manager? It doesn't take a genius to work that one out.