Television The Mandalorian - TV Show

I enjoyed the second episode too. The good thing about these Star Wars shows is that they can show that the broader universe can support completely different genre. And still be apart of the same overall story.

I thought Andor was great too but it's a completely different political, espionage, type slow burn drama. Compared to this which has always been a more lighthearted space western action type show.

Comparisons are normal obviously. I found the Mandalorian history, the archeology type exploration of this episode fun. Digging more into the society and the remnants of the civilization.

You get the feeling from the Bo-Katan teamup here that Din might be the one to inspire her out of her last funk. That the"cult " as she calls them. Maybe actually have more integrity and honor than the regular Mandos that abandoned her because she didn't have. the Dark Saber.
It's some needed character progression from her here.

If the dark Saber was just taken from Din. And Bo-Katan took it back in that fight is it hers again now in that funky ownership way?
Took me until now to realise Bo Katan is the gal from Battlestar Galactica.

Also in 24 but in the last season, by which time I had blown my brains out
The second espisode was more like it; good stuff.

Still inferior to Andor in (almost) every aspect, and by a large margin. :p
This episode was interesting. It seemed like they jammed the pilot episode to another spinoff in there.
Took me until now to realise Bo Katan is the gal from Battlestar Galactica.

Also in 24 but in the last season, by which time I had blown my brains out
She has such a unique face, I'm surprised you didn't catch it earlier. She does look a bit different, not sure if it's makeup, age or some work done. BSG is what... 15-20 years ago now?
She has such a unique face, I'm surprised you didn't catch it earlier. She does look a bit different, not sure if it's makeup, age or some work done. BSG is what... 15-20 years ago now?

Age and hair colour threw me off! I just sat there thinking "wtf has she been in", but in my hubris I didn't want to search until I figured it out :lol:
It's funny how Katie Sackhoff is very feminine as a person but seems to always play these very masculine female characters.
I really liked Episode 3, despite half of it being essentialy totally different show... I'll always enjoy getting a glimpse at different bits/ideas in the Star Wars world.
I really liked Episode 3, despite half of it being essentialy totally different show... I'll always enjoy getting a glimpse at different bits/ideas in the Star Wars world.
The longer run time helped. It allows them to tell more of a story rather than the shorter 40 minute episodes where they shoot through them.
We’re half way through the season and I don’t really see where they’re going with this. It almost feels like a filler season.
I just can’t wait till Grogu says his first word so we can see his little Mandalorian helmet. It’s going to be adorable

will need ear holes though
We’re half way through the season and I don’t really see where they’re going with this. It almost feels like a filler season.
I mean at this point it seems like the main points after finishing the redemption questline in the mines of Mandalore the bigger story seems to revolve around Bo-Katan. And Grogu training and getting over ptsd. Shes clearly learning that her elitist royal view of the "cults" is actually wrong and they may have been right all along. When the rest of the regular Mandalorians abandoned her and the quest to go roam the galaxy. These "cultists" are actually sticking together and value something more. I think her redemption is actually interesting here and that part of character development.

It does leave Mando in a weird spot though with no BIG BAD looming we can see. Unless they start trying to put Grand Admiral Thrawn stuff here leading to Asoka's show.
I mean at this point it seems like the main points after finishing the redemption questline in the mines of Mandalore the bigger story seems to revolve around Bo-Katan. And Grogu training and getting over ptsd. Shes clearly learning that her elitist royal view of the "cults" is actually wrong and they may have been right all along. When the rest of the regular Mandalorians abandoned her and the quest to go roam the galaxy. These "cultists" are actually sticking together and value something more. I think her redemption is actually interesting here and that part of character development.

It does leave Mando in a weird spot though with no BIG BAD looming we can see. Unless they start trying to put Grand Admiral Thrawn stuff here leading to Asoka's show.
From what I can remember from maybe 25 years ago reading some of the books Thrawn could be amazing.
Episodes are just too damn short. 33 minutes. Come on!
Anyway, strange season so far. It feels like there is no main story. Main story should have been his redemption and that was done in first two episodes.
I thought it was a decent episode which wove together some of the threads that had been started in earlier episodes.

A little bit predictable though.
The first episode this season where I got a sense of where the plot is going & how it fit into the previous episodes. Still a drop off in quality from the previous seasons.

It feels like the writers don’t know what to do with Grogu. The way things played out in season 2, it never made sense IMO for Mando to take him back so soon. Feels like it was forced on the writers from Disney execs for marketing reasons & they don’t really know how to fit him into the story at the moment.

And this is why shit things get made, and good things get cancelled. Wildly varied opinions.
Don't get me wrong. I'm happy others are enjoying it, but I share the criticism that there's not a strong main plot. I thought the mini adventures contained in one or two episodes in previous seasons were better written, but I mainly watched them to see how the main plot would move forward. The removal of the bigoted eye candy was a loss. I don't think the current side characters (Grogu, Bo Katan) or the possible antagonists (the monster on Mandalore and the traitor chick on the capital) are interesting and the other Mandalorian are NPCs.

They could've weaved in all of the lore stuff during an actual story arc like they did in season 1 and 2, or better yet keep some of the mystery and build up to a reveal.
I’ve only watched the first two episodes of the new season and I just thought this is a show without a protagonist. Without that or any real story it’s just a bunch of stuff happening with zero meaning. I’m not sure I’d watch it without Baby Yoda.
Don't get me wrong. I'm happy others are enjoying it, but I share the criticism that there's not a strong main plot. I thought the mini adventures contained in one or two episodes in previous seasons were better written, but I mainly watched them to see how the main plot would move forward. The removal of the bigoted eye candy was a loss. I don't think the current side characters (Grogu, Bo Katan) or the possible antagonists (the monster on Mandalore and the traitor chick on the capital) are interesting and the other Mandalorian are NPCs.

They could've weaved in all of the lore stuff during an actual story arc like they did in season 1 and 2, or better yet keep some of the mystery and build up to a reveal.

The antagonist is Moff Gideon. The lore stuff is part of the ongoing story-arc, which is why it has featured heavily over the course of the season and the last time we saw Mando and Paz Vizsla interact they were trying to knock seven bells out of each other so that conflict had to be resolved and reconciled to move the plot of reclaiming Manadalore on. There is a strong main plot, you just haven't cottoned on to it because you assume the earlier stuff is side stuff when it's (I assume at least) the actual basis of the arc. To be fair to you, in the beginning it did feel very much like Mando was collecting the side quests before moving on.

Losing whatever Gina Carano's character was called isn't a big loss at all though in my opinion.
Losing whatever Gina Carano's character was called isn't a big loss at all though in my opinion.

Agreed. I think it was a bit of a messy start to the season and they're clearing struggling to know what to do with Grogu. It's moved on from Grogu being a key part of the story to it being about the Mandalorian people. But the problem is that I don't really have any connection or care in the slightest about any of the Mandalorians and they also seem pretty shit at killing despite being heavily armoured and trained.

The episode just gone should have been really impressive but I didn't feel any stakes at all. It just came across a bit hollow to me ultimately, I dunno it feels a bit cartoony right now.
Agreed. I think it was a bit of a messy start to the season and they're clearing struggling to know what to do with Grogu. It's moved on from Grogu being a key part of the story to it being about the Mandalorian people. But the problem is that I don't really have any connection or care in the slightest about any of the Mandalorians and they also seem pretty shit at killing despite being heavily armoured and trained.

The episode just gone should have been really impressive but I didn't feel any stakes at all. It just came across a bit hollow to me ultimately, I dunno it feels a bit cartoony right now.

Also why do they live in a place where being attacked my massive sea creatures or flying bastards is just a day to day occurrence you have to accept? Particularly when the flying ones have a habit of straight up nicking the kids.

I know what you mean about it being a bit cartoony at the mo. Like the misdirect of Paz Vizsla disagreeing with helping Mando/Bo-Katan was obvious a mile off, and then them accepting the land as some sort of new Mandalorian kingdom was a bit trite but I'm enjoying it for the most part.
Also why do they live in a place where being attacked my massive sea creatures or flying bastards is just a day to day occurrence you have to accept? Particularly when the flying ones have a habit of straight up nicking the kids.

I know what you mean about it being a bit cartoony at the mo. Like the misdirect of Paz Vizsla disagreeing with helping Mando/Bo-Katan was obvious a mile off, and then them accepting the land as some sort of new Mandalorian kingdom was a bit trite but I'm enjoying it for the most part.

Only for them to then say "nah feck that land, we'll go take Mandalore back".

There's some ok moments now and then but its certainly not as good as the show was in its peak. It might be harder for me to watch this because I loved Andor so much and it was the last Star Wars content I watched. But the quality difference is night and day.
Only for them to then say "nah feck that land, we'll go take Mandalore back".

There's some ok moments now and then but its certainly not as good as the show was in its peak. It might be harder for me to watch this because I loved Andor so much and it was the last Star Wars content I watched. But the quality difference is night and day.

Yeah, I think I've compartmentalised them to be honest and don't really compare the two. I see them as different beasts; I watch Mando for cutesy Baby Yoda stuff and I'm sort of glad he's still in it but I do agree they seem unsure what to do with it beyond having the puppet/cgi pull faces, or eat red m&ms using the force and doing general toddler stuff with the force. They've stopped even using the dome he had on the N1. Then I watched and loved Andor for its grittiness. Both of them are decent in their own right, in my opinion, they just have different target audiences and the difference is night and day for that reason I'd say.
I was eating while watching and it took me till after the scene was over to realize that was Zeb from Rebels. He looked GOOD in live action too. They are doing an amazing job translating all the Clone Wars/Rebels characters into live action. I can't wait to see him interact with Ezra at some point.
It’s bit a bit shit. I’ll never understand why they sandwiched those two episodes into Boba Fett. Took all momentum away and now it feels completely aimless.