Television The Mandalorian - TV Show

Anyone know why everything on Disney Plus has such a high rotten tomato score? Even She Hulk, Ms Marvel. I liked Obi Wan but shocked to see that has a high score too.
They are very good shows that get the honest scores from reviewers that are not getting payed.
Loved the S3 opener. Right back into the action. The fight scenes looked amazing as usual. Interesting how they quickly addressed Marshall Dune’s absence just get it over with.
Loved the S3 opener. Right back into the action. The fight scenes looked amazing as usual. Interesting how they quickly addressed Marshall Dune’s absence just get it over with.

My wife told me this morning, its released on 1st march and it hit me thats today :lol:
Thanks for the reminder as well.
Got this on the watchlist after the Utd game this evening. Looking forward to it, best Star Wars series on Disney+ :drool:
Maybe it's because Andor was so great, but this is nearly unwatchable now. Could hardly sit out the 30 odd minutes.
Maybe it's because Andor was so great, but this is nearly unwatchable now. Could hardly sit out the 30 odd minutes.

Aye, loved Andor (and Rogue One for that matter), basically anything that enhances the story of the original trilogy.
Despite the Manolorian finishing the last season in glorious style, this was a hard watch, felt fully cartoonish.
Ah, I gave up on that after a few eps.

I'm sure this new season started with a "previously on...." bit, they should've chucked it in there for peeps like me who don't watch everything.

Episodes 5 and 6 of Boba Fett are basically just Mandalorian season 2.5 - so actually worth watching (the finale not so much though).
Are they going to explain why baby Yoda is back or have I forgotten something from the last season?
It's ridiculous - unless you watched The Book of Boba Fett (which I don't recommend, as it sucked), you'd have absolutely no idea as to why he's back.
Episodes 5 and 6 of Boba Fett are basically just Mandalorian season 2.5 - so actually worth watching (the finale not so much though).
Agreed. And even if you had no intention of watching Boba Fett those Mandalorian centric episodes are weirdly stand alone and pretty critical to character development and leading to Mando s3. And the quality, cinematography all jump up in those episodes compared to the rest of Boba Fett so it is worth watching those 2
Agreed. And even if you had no intention of watching Boba Fett those Mandalorian centric episodes are weirdly stand alone and pretty critical to character development and leading to Mando s3. And the quality, cinematography all jump up in those episodes compared to the rest of Boba Fett so it is worth watching those 2
Yeah those two episodes were well worth a watch, all just adding to the bizarre cluster-feck that was the rest of The Book of Boba Fett, a show that took one of the coolest, most-beloved characters and made him boring and weak. A real head-scratcher.
Loved season two and the 2.5 but as usual, it’s been so damn long that I’ve forgotten so much and it’s hard to get invested back in with a 30 second “previously on”.

And yeah, as above, Andor was so ridiculously good that it does feel a bit childish in comparison, which I guess isn’t a bad thing, because it’s supposed to be.
The writing is still shite. Or is it the acting? Both? This is a bit meh.
The acting was truly horrendous — Greef Karga, Bo-Katan, the Davy Jones knock-off...

And yeah, Andor can inexplicably end up doing more damage than good to Disney as now these other shows look so poor in comparison.
Really annoyed by the fact they reunited in Boba Fett (I had to Google it after the episode ended) and there wasn't a recap to explain it to the people who just don't consume everything that Disney want us to.
Surprised by the love in for Andor? Thought it was flat throughout. This opening was fun
I liked Andor but peak Mandalorian (season 2) is better in every aspect, and by a large margin.

I thought the first episode was not a strong one. Which is surprising considering how food was season 2 and those 2 Mandalorian episodes from Book of Boba Fett.
Yes, and watch Book of boba fet episode 5, 6 as they're mandalorian episodes. (he's also in 7, the finale I think, but not really story related). Then come join us :)

I watched the Book of Boba Fet, but will definitely have to refresh my memory on those episodes. Thanks!
I liked Andor but peak Mandalorian (season 2) is better in every aspect, and by a large margin.

I thought the first episode was not a strong one. Which is surprising considering how food was season 2 and those 2 Mandalorian episodes from Book of Boba Fett.

Yeah the bar was set very high in season 2. This opening was good for me, but agreed wasn't as strong as any S2/BOBF episodes.
Yes, and watch Book of boba fet episode 5, 6 as they're mandalorian episodes. (he's also in 7, the finale I think, but not really story related). Then come join us :)
Do you have to watch these to watch S3 of Mado? I'd heard BoBF was shite?
Surprised by the love in for Andor? Thought it was flat throughout. This opening was fun

Andor has been an extremely popular show as reflected in its reviews from both star wars fans and non star wars fans. Amazing debut season. It's not got some gimmick to pull people in or loads of explosions or light sabers, just damn good dialogue and stories mixed with some brilliant acting.

I enjoy Mandalorian for what it is, it's fun, it's harmless but it's not some exceptional drama. Season 2 for me was worse than Season 1 and it ties in with the Jedi which for me is an exhausted plot point now.
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I liked Andor but peak Mandalorian (season 2) is better in every aspect, and by a large margin.

I thought the first episode was not a strong one. Which is surprising considering how food was season 2 and those 2 Mandalorian episodes from Book of Boba Fett.

I enjoyed ep1 of s3. It set up what s3 was going to be about, with a few strings here and there for certain characters. Basically what Mandos new quest will be

Plus baby yoda is just awesome.
Do you have to watch these to watch S3 of Mado? I'd heard BoBF was shite?
I liked it a lot more than most, but the mando episodes were good regardless, and yes, s3 doesn't make much sense if you don't watch the 2 episodes I mentioned (can skip the finale I guess?)