Television The Mandalorian - TV Show

Thats a lot of words for something that doesnt appeal for you :)
I'm into Star Wars generally so will always be interested in what they're doing. And I wouldn't say it doesn't appeal to me - because it sort of does, in a way. I definitely see and understand the interest, I just couldn't connect with it as much as I wanted to. It's a shame because I'm sure I'm missing out on good stuff, but I'm not seeing enough of it sadly. Doesn't mean it's not there, though!
Finally got round to watching this and just finished the last episode, I was quite confused as to why most people seemed to have forgotten about Jedi (which lead me to google when the Mandalorian was set and see the final episode spoiler, cheers for putting that in paragraph 1 of an answer to that question!). They talk several times about the Death Stars being destroyed but no one seems to know about Jedi, or Luke Skywalker. Overall I enjoyed it, I thought season 1 jumped about a bit between episodes but season 2 had a more continuous theme. Thought the casting was excellent.
Finally got round to watching this and just finished the last episode, I was quite confused as to why most people seemed to have forgotten about Jedi (which lead me to google when the Mandalorian was set and see the final episode spoiler, cheers for putting that in paragraph 1 of an answer to that question!). They talk several times about the Death Stars being destroyed but no one seems to know about Jedi, or Luke Skywalker. Overall I enjoyed it, I thought season 1 jumped about a bit between episodes but season 2 had a more continuous theme. Thought the casting was excellent.

I don't think thats entirely the case. People knew about the jedi but they didn't know yodas species and they didn't even know baby yoda was force sensitive. Whats surprising is that Din Djarin didn't know what the force was and therefore obviously was ignorant of the jedi.
I don't think thats entirely the case. People knew about the jedi but they didn't know yodas species and they didn't even know baby yoda was force sensitive. Whats surprising is that Din Djarin didn't know what the force was and therefore obviously was ignorant of the jedi.

Which would make sense in a way.

In the beginning of episode 4 (the movie), Tarkin tells Vader that the Jedi are extinct and he's all that is left of their religion.

Disregarding Jedi in hiding and their relatively low number due to the Empire conquering the universe, Mando could have possibly lived his entire life so far withou encountering a force sensitive person (since the Jedi are all hiding and the Sith are only two in the Emperor and Vader).
I wonder what the odds are of mando becoming force sensitive?

Watched episode 2 on Sunday night and for the “greatest fighters in the universe”Jango Fett gets dispatched like nothing from Master Jedi. This after seeing how easily Luke dispatches with the enemies on the ship when picking up Grogu kinda dampens how powerful he actually is.
Is this show any good? I watched the first ep the other day and was pretty underwhelmed. Does it get much better?
I wouldn't say it changes significantly, I was hooked from the first episode. Give it another episode, if it doesn't click then it might not be for you.
Is this show any good? I watched the first ep the other day and was pretty underwhelmed. Does it get much better?

Yes. Season 1 improves with the later episodes & then season 2 is even better (especially if you’ve managed to avoid spoilers).
Just finished it.
If you're any way into Star Wars just watch it.
I'm chuffed with the last few episodes of S2.
Thanks although the cartoon aspect of that put me off but might look at it. Still haven’t seen Obi Wan or Boba Fett yet though.

I had the same for a very long time.. Only watched all of it about two years ago, but if you are able to set that aside you, the characters and, storyline and the content is great!

Boba I enjoyed, you will to if you enjoyed the Mandalorian.. Obi Wan for me was a bit too forced for me and didnt really fit within the storyline 'post episode III/Pre episode IV' for me, though I enjoyed Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan a lot..
Easily the best of the Star Marvel shows on Disney. Which isn’t saying much cause most of ‘em are shite, but it really is great, and I’m not even a big Star Wars nerd.
I skipped it, doi have to watch it before the new mando season?
Even if you do not want to watch the entire Bobba Fett the 3 Mando episodes are pretty much Mandalorian season 2.5. Weirdly standalone and a jump up in quality from the rest of Bobba Fett so those are the same level as Mando.
Thanks although the cartoon aspect of that put me off but might look at it. Still haven’t seen Obi Wan or Boba Fett yet though.
The cartoons were miles better than Obi Wan; some of the better Star Wars content produced the last couple decades.
Thanks although the cartoon aspect of that put me off but might look at it. Still haven’t seen Obi Wan or Boba Fett yet though.
I hold clone wars as some of the very best Star Wars made. The quality and story are considered Canon and the production is led by the patron Saint of Star Wars Dave Filoni. Well worth the watch if you love SW.
Just got Disney Plus on their cheap offer.

Mandalorian.. worth watching?

Yes, for me its the best Star Wars content since Rogue One (which I think is the best Star Wars content since the Original Trilogy.)

Book of Boba Fett was disappointing. Obi Wan was a bit shit, Andor starts tomorrow and wasnt overly hyped up, but they've got the same team as Rogue One so perhaps it'll be decent. But anyway, yeah, watch Manda.
Yes, for me its the best Star Wars content since Rogue One (which I think is the best Star Wars content since the Original Trilogy.)

Book of Boba Fett was disappointing. Obi Wan was a bit shit, Andor starts tomorrow and wasnt overly hyped up, but they've got the same team as Rogue One so perhaps it'll be decent. But anyway, yeah, watch Manda.
Cheers, will do then.

Got to binge this, Wandavision, Loki and a few other things in the month I have it for
Anyone know why everything on Disney Plus has such a high rotten tomato score? Even She Hulk, Ms Marvel. I liked Obi Wan but shocked to see that has a high score too.