Television The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

i'm watching it just to see what happens next, in the hope it gets good. So far it's been a disappointment.
it will never get really good for the same reason it will never get trully bad. there was never a real ambition in this show, meaning it can't spectacularly fail or improve. it's just an expensive presentation devoid of any life or intrigue.

but it's "nice to look at", as some would say.
Was just thinking... The last episode seems to all but confirm the Stranger is indeed Gandalf. However, is it possible to still be fairly Lore accurate by still having him be a Blue Wizard and in essence being an early version of Gandalf, much like how Gandalf the Grey preceded Gandalf the White? My understanding is that the Blue Wizards are vague enough that making that leap wouldn't be all that far fetched. Similarly then maybe this one will also "die" facing a certain foe. What say you Tolkien nerds?

Maybe he's Gandalf the Blue? We all know a trip to Mandos messes with your memory.

Even as fan fiction it's rubbish but I enjoy watching it for some reason, if only to see what ham fisted atrocity they'll pull next.
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Maybe he's Gandalf the Blue?

Even as fan fiction it's rubbish but I enjoy watching it for some reason, if only to see what ham fisted atrocity they'll pull next.

I’ve given up on it as I’m a book nerd and the atrocities don’t just break canon they are generally just awful examples of writing. My Stepdaughter was watching a recent episode, might have been 6, and there was a scene involving the dwarves. The queen is being threatened so decides to fight back, by fecking howling/screaming until some bat things come, the dwarves (hardiest race on middle earth, game to fight literally anything, scared of nothing) then run away from said flying creatures. Ludicrous. Whatever they have done with Galadriel is probably one of the worst character developments I’ve ever seen; she is a smug, annoying entitled, brat. She also has a range of facial expressions you normally see on people interviewed by their local newspaper when somebody has been shatting through their letterbox or something.
Both things can happen, you know. Some of you can enjoy a poorly made show, and some nerds who have read the books cover to cover can lament their dreams getting shattered in 4K.
Enjoyed that episode. I don't know what the feck the song for the closing credits was doing there.

This was genuinely gross.
Thought it was just a distraction to hand her the lockpick? I'll find it gross if they later develop an actual romantic attachment, but to me it just seemed like misdirection.
Enjoyed that episode. I don't know what the feck the song for the closing credits was doing there.

Thought it was just a distraction to hand her the lockpick? I'll find it gross if they later develop an actual romantic attachment, but to me it just seemed like misdirection.

Yeah but there were different ways to distract to hand her a lockpick, locking lips isnt it.

"Hey Mum, why does Elrond look at you in that way?" - Celebrian, probably.
Despite being a massive LOTR film fan, I seem to buck the trend and quite enjoy this...

The story isn't great, but the music is fantastic and that combined with the scenery and filling in a backstory means I'm looking forward to it each week.

Some of the characters/actors are horrendously annoying, the twat of Numenor, Poppy, Celebrimbor, and Gandalf & Isildur to some extent.

Although contrary to most people opinions I don't mind Galadriel in this, probably because I found her a bit annoying in LOTR.

Do find it a bit strange how different they've made some of the characters seem compared to their LOTR character. Like Galadriel and also Elrond & Isildur - who was briefly portrayed as a complete prick in LOTR, whereas he just seems to be a completely innocent wetwipe in least give some edge to him!
How the hell do you get your charging horses to come to a complete halt like that in front of the orcs :D

Another silly episode, but will keep ploughing through :(

Genuinely don't get where the budget has gone too. The scenery looks awful (so fake) and battle scenes are hilarious. Incidentally, it was ridiculous when Sauron, Celebrimbor and the elves stopped for a chat on top of the wall during the battle. truly miraculous no orc spotted them for a simple arrow shot...
Havent watched it yet but seems like a lot of people praising the latest episode so I'm excited.
It was grand. Probably rivals anything GoT ever put out. Even the book nerds will secretly have a hard on when Sauron finally starts using his power.
Not seen this commented. Charlie Vickers as Sauron is tremendous.

I agree. He's working well with an otherwise average show. Its clear he's the real lead in this show and i like that. Best episode so far. Feels like stuff is actually happening.
Despite being a massive LOTR film fan, I seem to buck the trend and quite enjoy this...

The story isn't great, but the music is fantastic and that combined with the scenery and filling in a backstory means I'm looking forward to it each week.

Some of the characters/actors are horrendously annoying, the twat of Numenor, Poppy, Celebrimbor, and Gandalf & Isildur to some extent.

Although contrary to most people opinions I don't mind Galadriel in this, probably because I found her a bit annoying in LOTR.

Do find it a bit strange how different they've made some of the characters seem compared to their LOTR character. Like Galadriel and also Elrond & Isildur - who was briefly portrayed as a complete prick in LOTR, whereas he just seems to be a completely innocent wetwipe in least give some edge to him!

The problem is the films also butchered some characters.

Like, you're comparing Isildur the film vs Isildur the TV show. In reality, Isildur the book was a totally different character:

-Saved the Tree of Nimloth in Numenor from Sauron's machinations by so he stole a seed/fruit from the tree and hacked his way through corrupted numenoreans at almost the cost of his own life.
-Saved all his family and faithful soldiers/friends who were willing to follow him and disobey the madness that Ar-Pharazon was undertaking.

-Built and defended the city of Minas Ithil for over a century, making a last ditch stand before being forced to flee.

-It was Isildur who made a trip to Arnor via ship to plead with his father Elendil to make a last alliance with the Elves.

-In the films Elrond pleads with Isildur to destroy the ring. This never happens after Isildur cuts it from Sauron's hands. They weren't aware just yet of what it was.

-One of the very few characters who was willing to give up the ring. He was actually on his way to Elrond to hand over the ring when he was ambushed and killed

"But Isildur was overwhelmed by sorrow and regret. He said to himself: 'I will go now to the high house of Elrond, where the wise are gathered. There I may perhaps learn more of this baleful thing that I have found. Would that it had never been, or had remained for ever lost!'"

Tl;dr Isildur in the books was one of the greats of men, comparable to the likes of Elendil himself, Turin Turambar, Beren and Tuor.
Well…at least it’s unintentionally comedic at times. The showrunners refuse to learn from their mistakes though.

Not seen this commented. Charlie Vickers as Sauron is tremendous.
Agree on this point. There is some talent in this acting corps; unfortunately they are not usually given much of a platform to work from.
Let's be honest, that battle is just Helm's Deep ordered from Wish, complete with defective dawn reinforcements. What was the idea with the troll? A comedy beat?

I did like the Celebrimbor parts, though - I think while I have many issues with the way that whole story was done, Charles Edwards did a great job delivering in the end. I'm less enthusiastic than others about Vickers as Sauron - he does the twitchy moments well but doesn't have the presence the rest of the time. Would've made a great Witch-king, though.

At least the episode itself flowed well and felt like a connected story. Presumably next week there will be many cuts to hobbits and Curb Your Numenor again.
I have enjoyed season 2 quite a lot so far. More than i thought, and more than s1 at that.
Sure, some parts are not great (that silly subplot with Isildur and Estrid, who is by far the worst character written into the show so far, not even blaming the actress seeing the poor material she's been given), but the main plot of Sauron deceiving Celebrimbor and Eregion is a lot more fleshed out and convincing than i anticipated. Again, not perfect, but they definitely tried to work with the psychology of people choosing blindness and denial, hoping to be recognized and elevated as truly special, before the painful awakening to the fact that they are being used. Some nice black magic tricks added on top as things start to go sour and finally go to hell completely. This season does a good job with Sauron, at least for me.
I also don't think you don't see the budget here, the sets and costumes are for large parts worthy of the big screen. Battles may have been done better elsewhere, but i don't care much about those and they do the job for me.
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Kind of nice to see a few enjoyed that but I literally laughed my way through that episode.
Let's be honest, that battle is just Helm's Deep ordered from Wish, complete with defective dawn reinforcements. What was the idea with the troll? A comedy beat?

I did like the Celebrimbor parts, though - I think while I have many issues with the way that whole story was done, Charles Edwards did a great job delivering in the end. I'm less enthusiastic than others about Vickers as Sauron - he does the twitchy moments well but doesn't have the presence the rest of the time. Would've made a great Witch-king, though.

At least the episode itself flowed well and felt like a connected story. Presumably next week there will be many cuts to hobbits and Curb Your Numenor again.
Also the same troll was walking fine through the orc settlement in an earlier episode but now he suddenly can't help himself and murders everyone who gets in front of him (so, mostly, orcs)? Did he eat some amanita beforehand?
It’s crazy going on Reddit and seeing the contrast between the LoTR subs. A lot of people hate watching and I honestly cannot fathom the attitude to do that.

There are a few silly things that are a bit cheesy/cringe but this second season has been a lot better.

The Sauron plot is, as it should be, where the show is at its strongest. I’m hoping we can see some cool plot lines without it being too samey with all his deceiving.
It wasn't horrible but comparing it to the best episodes of GoT... yeah, this is in another universe, literally and figuratively.

And how powerful is Adar? Toyed with Galadriel earlier, now Elrond and fake Legolas (I hope he dies, he annoys me to no end). Also, what is he, was that explained? He's clearly not an orc and he has some elven features.
It wasn't horrible but comparing it to the best episodes of GoT... yeah, this is in another universe, literally and figuratively.

And how powerful is Adar? Toyed with Galadriel earlier, now Elrond and fake Legolas (I hope he dies, he annoys me to no end). Also, what is he, was that explained? He's clearly not an orc and he has some elven features.
Actually it was kind of explained already in S1. He was one of the first of the Uruks. A corrupted Elf from the time of Morgoth (Sauron's God like predecessor) and corrupted at that time. Which could very well imply that he s older than some of the other elves. I do think that as a plot device he kind of works (but clearly he s not lore correct), but eventually he needs to go to basically signify any connection to anything good is well and truly gone in Sauron's crew. Haven't watched the latest episode yet so I assume he s still alive!
Actually it was kind of explained already in S1. He was one of the first of the Uruks. A corrupted Elf from the time of Morgoth (Sauron's God like predecessor) and corrupted at that time. Which could very well imply that he s older than some of the other elves.

Which is funny in itself because Uruks only appeared in the third age after Saruman began to cross breed Dunelendings and Orcs.

(Which doesn't even bear to think about deeper about the implications of this).

Uruks have nothing to do with corrupted elves. Those were just...orcs. Or atleast dependent on which version of the Silmarillion you read.
Actually it was kind of explained already in S1. He was one of the first of the Uruks. A corrupted Elf from the time of Morgoth (Sauron's God like predecessor) and corrupted at that time. Which could very well imply that he s older than some of the other elves. I do think that as a plot device he kind of works (but clearly he s not lore correct), but eventually he needs to go to basically signify any connection to anything good is well and truly gone in Sauron's crew. Haven't watched the latest episode yet so I assume he s still alive!
Yeah, makes sense. I try not to reminiscent about the first season if I can!
Which is funny in itself because Uruks only appeared in the third age after Saruman began to cross breed Dunelendings and Orcs.

(Which doesn't even bear to think about deeper about the implications of this).

Uruks have nothing to do with corrupted elves. Those were just...orcs. Or atleast dependent on which version of the Silmarillion you read.
I was talking about it in the framework of the show. I don't think it's too far fetched either seeing how PJ made the Uruks of that time look like much more intelligent and human like than the other Orcs. PJ s movies took a TON of liberties and so often people seem to forget about that when talking about it in comparison to RoP.
I finally figured out who made this show all along, it was Sauron the deceiver himself :lol: I had to pause the episode when I saw Elrond kiss Galadriel, revolting on so many levels.

Do I think every part of this show is bad? Not by any stretch. They got the Sauron in Eregion part right undoubtedly. It was a feasible explanation for how Celebrimbor was fooled (combination of his own ambition and Sauron’s cunning) that Tolkien didn’t do a clear job of explaining himself. The dwarves have been good. I think they have done the Numenor politics stuff well too outside the Eagle Ar-Pharazon part that was utterly ridiculous (Eagles only represent the Valar, doubt they will send one to the man
who’s gonna try to invade Aman
). I also think Adar has been fine for the most part and his origin story is compatible with Tolkien lore in my opinion. There are a lot of gaps in the second age story that had to be filled and I think some of the hate from the fans has been over the top. I’m convinced a lot of them would have done a crappy job were it up to them (maybe more faithful to their idea of Tolkien lore but would have made for much worse TV).

Ultimately though, these show runners really struck out on the characters that still have a role to play in the third age and that’s what kills this show. Galadriel and Elrond (apart from his scenes with Durin, although the one in this episode had some bizarre dialogue), total disaster. I do think they will go down the “Stranger is Gandalf” road the more I see unfortunately and that will totally ruin the point. One of the beautiful concepts of the Wizards in the East in the Tolkien story is
they succeed in the second age in defeating Sauron’s influence there but become corrupted to evil like Saruman in the third age, ultimately only Gandalf stays true to the mission and only arrives in the third age after the events of the show. Obviously the already evil Eastern Dark Wizard in the show clashes with this point also (not too mention this dude comes across comically, can’t imagine Sauron dealing with a yahoo like this guy). They could do the Stranger is Saruman angle (he is known to have gone East) but the same criticism of chronology (Saruman only goes in the 3rd age) and a new criticism of personality (Saruman was an asshole even before becoming evil, no way he would befriend the Harfoots) would come to the fore.
. For what it’s worth, I thought Halbrand becoming Sauron was incredibly stupid too. He would have been a way better Witch King and would have been the anti-Aragorn this show deserved.

EDIT: Oh how could I have forgotten Tom Bombadil also, total and utter catastrophe. The dialogue and role has been all wrong.
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Which is funny in itself because Uruks only appeared in the third age after Saruman began to cross breed Dunelendings and Orcs.

(Which doesn't even bear to think about deeper about the implications of this).

Uruks have nothing to do with corrupted elves. Those were just...orcs. Or atleast dependent on which version of the Silmarillion you read.

The Uruks vs orcs thing is the type of stuff that is not worth worrying about, there are far more important deviations from the books that deserve real criticism