Television The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

I’m committed to watching it, but this season is becoming a bit of a slog.
It’s just one long setup of rings being forged, kinda dull.

I enjoyed some of the Numenor scenes in this episode.

Somebody mentioned it being abit Hollyoaks and I feel that’s very true. Lots of pretty northern actors.
The problem with an adaptation like this is the people writing it have zero imagination. It literally stems from their view of what Tolkiens books were all about which is a complete departure from how 99% of people who've read him visualised it in their heads. Add a studios demands for plastic perfection on screen and you have this pile of crap.

In my thesis today, I explain the link between a third generation re-reading of fantasy fiction in a private school environment and the rise of artificial intelligence art in socie-
I'm still invested in this show half because of my love of Tolkien's work and Peter Jackson's adaptations, and half because I'm genuinely interested to see what they feck up next.

It genuinely beggars belief that the show runners were able to make such a mess of an already established and rich lore. The plot and character development are genuinely the worst I have witnessed in any medium I've bothered to stick around with.
This is nonsense. Poppy's first kiss was one of the biggest moments on the show and they made it beautiful. Has Jackson ever done anything close with Sam, has he feck?!
Ever since the previous episode I feel like we re finally getting a bit more character building and even Numenor finally feels like it matters a bit more. Probably not coincidence that what to me are the worst two actors and characters on the show (Theo and Isildur) got no screen time unless I tuned them out. Yeah the run up to the completion of all the rings drags a bit but at the same time this is literally the scheme of the centuries in this story when you consider everything it leads to so I can forgive them a bit for it. Had they rushed it, it could have arguably been worse bc it would have minimized its significance. I'm already feeling bad for Celebrimbor....poor dude won't know what's coming.

On another note: excited to see the creation of the Nazgul, especially since a lot of their origins are fairly vague even in Tolkien's writings - I hope they make it good and dramatic.
Ever since the previous episode I feel like we re finally getting a bit more character building and even Numenor finally feels like it matters a bit more. Probably not coincidence that what to me are the worst two actors and characters on the show (Theo and Isildur) got no screen time unless I tuned them out. Yeah the run up to the completion of all the rings drags a bit but at the same time this is literally the scheme of the centuries in this story when you consider everything it leads to so I can forgive them a bit for it. Had they rushed it, it could have arguably been worse bc it would have minimized its significance. I'm already feeling bad for Celebrimbor....poor dude won't know what's coming.

On another note: excited to see the creation of the Nazgul, especially since a lot of their origins are fairly vague even in Tolkien's writings - I hope they make it good and dramatic.

I can't even follow who half the tedious characters are. Which one is Theo?

I still think Galadriel is the most wooden actor in the show.
I can't even follow who half the tedious characters are. Which one is Theo?

I still think Galadriel is the most wooden actor in the show.
The random smartphone face kid whose village-core Kardashian mother was killed earlier, so the elf guy whose name I can't seem to remember kinda adopted him (but Theo hates him... or maybe he doesn't now after the elf helped him to climb down from a tree, teenagers are complicated like that).
This is nonsense. Poppy's first kiss was one of the biggest moments on the show and they made it beautiful. Has Jackson ever done anything close with Sam, has he feck?!
Complete with a lizard breath gag. Beren and Luthien, move aside!
The random smartphone face kid whose village-core Kardashian mother was killed earlier, so the elf guy whose name I can't seem to remember kinda adopted him (but Theo hates him... or maybe he doesn't now after the elf helped him to climb down from a tree, teenagers are complicated like that).

:lol: I do vaguely remember him now, thank you!
This entire thing is easily the greatest missed opportunity in TV history.
This entire thing is easily the greatest missed opportunity in TV history.
Nah, doesn't even come close to Peppa Pig with that annoying voice that cycles thru different actors, with a pudgy useless dad all while going on repetitive adventures. Even the cinematography and costumes are terrible. Cocks for noses to make em look like pigs? Check. Hand drawn environments that look like something every 12 year old could have drawn? Check. I could go on and on. Character development is completely absent and you can literally jump into any episode over the years and not feel like you missed anything.
Nah, doesn't even come close to Peppa Pig with that annoying voice that cycles thru different actors, with a pudgy useless dad all while going on repetitive adventures. Even the cinematography and costumes are terrible. Cocks for noses to make em look like pigs? Check. Hand drawn environments that look like something every 12 year old could have drawn? Check. I could go on and on. Character development is completely absent and you can literally jump into any episode over the years and not feel like you missed anything.
Sorry pepper pig is deadwood meets breaking bad meets cracker meets Morecambe and wise in comparison. How dare you!
Seriously though, like others on here I know the lore. To see the mismanagement and forced agendas with that much money, what an absolute waste. This should have been more epic and amazing than lord of the rings with all they had to work with
Seriously though, like others on here I know the lore. To see the mismanagement and forced agendas with that much money, what an absolute waste. This should have been more epic and amazing than lord of the rings with all they had to work with
I know the the lore pretty well

Well I did 20 years ago. But still enjoying it quite a lot despite a few obvious flaws and annoyances
I know the the lore pretty well

Well I did 20 years ago. But still enjoying it quite a lot despite a few obvious flaws and annoyances

I could up with the lore being butchered (Unlike WOT where it infuriates me) if the show was a good watch. It just isn't, oh you get the odd vaguely promising scene, but it is just so bland, inspiration free, and boring.

As I said, very pretty, so a decent background show if you are working out, but I find it really hard to get through a full episode as the main focus, it is just so dull.