Gaming The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Sometimes i wish a open world game like this had xp and more common enemies dropped rupees so you could buy better gear. I tend to avoid unnecessary combat because i feel a lack of reward and with the crappy durability of weapons you don't feel like using your good ones. Xp for side quets would be cool as well. There this one side quest where a woman wants me to find a secret cavern filled with monsters and pick some items. Her reward? 10 arrows. But i know that xp has never been a part of Zelda im just finding a deal of the side quests unrewarding.
I feel like money is an even more important commodity in this game than the last, as well as resources in general. As long as an engagement with enemies provides a net benefit to your resources, then I would say it’s worth it. And they basically always are of benefit, as long as you don’t make a pigs ear of it.
Yes sorry I can see now how that could be considered a spoiler in a way. Up till midnight last night doing part of the Regional Phenomena. My first one but these feel really massive I feel like I am using everything, food, my abilities, elixirs. Easy to get roped into one thing and not make it to what your target was when you got on.
That's my problem. Every time I start playing I have a goal to hit all the towers and shrines even if I don't complete the shrine it becomes a fast travel point. I end up getting side tracked with the towers because you have to do something to gain access. I have not even started the phenomenons yet. I'm getting better at remembering the abilities I do have to make it easier but I general steer clear of monsters and have been riding around on my horse from BOTW.
I’ve gotten better with enemies now. I was awful at first but a combo of getting used to the controls and finding efficient ways to kill them has helped a lot. A well placed bomb arrow does wonders.
I’ve gotten better with enemies now. I was awful at first but a combo of getting used to the controls and finding efficient ways to kill them has helped a lot. A well placed bomb arrow does wonders.
If I don't have 30 bombs on me at all times ,it is all stop, get more. Who needs stealth when you can just carpet bomb? I had a problem of running out of arrows too much as well and I am to cheap to buy any. But, I think I solved that problem. I was running around ignoring the obvious sources of arrows as you play.

That's my problem. Every time I start playing I have a goal to hit all the towers and shrines even if I don't complete the shrine it becomes a fast travel point. I end up getting side tracked with the towers because you have to do something to gain access. I have not even started the phenomenons yet. I'm getting better at remembering the abilities I do have to make it easier but I general steer clear of monsters and have been riding around on my horse from BOTW.
I was so glad I could still use my old BOTW horse I spent so much time getting one of the best and he's all I use here. But, others mentioned it earlier in the thread. The one thing I have to knock Nintendo on is not doing a better job letting us fast travel with him or summon him at will. I leave my buddy across the map as I zip around and I have to go find a stables to get him back closer to the region I jumped too. I currently only have 3 of the stables even discovered yet.

Just got autobuild. Immense. I’m like that Vince McMahon meme playing this.
I got sidetracked on Phenomena didn't go get it. I made a yacht that I did not want to have to make again on the lake over in Zora. I need to get it immediately .
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I managed to get both balls up. Second one felt quite clever from me and what’s in the chest? One fecking opal.
Yeah, tell me about it!

There was another one near a stable with a load of lasers where you had to move a ball from inside a cage to get a flying thing out. Spent ages doing that an rode the glider down to the bottom, totally forgetting that I needed to bring the ball with me to finish the shrine. FFS.
no zelda game ever? If I was you id start with a couple of the older ones first. Most are avaialble on switch either physical or via the online service

Link to the Past on that service should be your first. If you like that, for for Link Awakening remake. Then onto the Ocarina of Time and BOTW after.
Nah, disagree with that because BotW and this are so far removed from Link to the Past. I started on BotW as my first and then went back to the old ones, as they'd never grabbed my attention as a kid, so I had never played one. They are great, but very different experiences to these Switch titles.
Yeah, jump straight in with Tears I'd say.... but that's what I've said with any Zelda at any point of their respective ultra hyped release- including MM, they are all pretty much standalone and if once you fall in love, just work your way backwards however you wish. Maybe except Twilight and Skyward, which seem very much of their time, but most of the others still hold unique appeal.
They're all pretty self contained. I'd say theres a few options for start point. Breath of the Wild would be as far back as i'd go for someone looking to play tears.
But they're all self contained and you could pick up any and enjoy it too.
It'd be easier to enjoy Breath of the Wild if you play it before Tears probably. It feels very similar to be honest, which is great and all you could hope for mostly but maybe not great for a different experience?
Just did my first semi-creative thing by getting to the Morok Shrine with only the default amount of stamina.
This game has absolutely perfected sandbox.

I've been playing it the last few days and only completed the first few story missions (to get the glider).

Tonight I spent the best part of an hour trying to help a guy get his stand to stay up, did a few towers and a huge sky section off the back of one of them, found another stable, made loads of weird shit, attached a rocket to a korok to try and get him over a volcano (didn't work) and lastly just discovered another shrine
(that's in some kind of rotating death star in the sky)

Speaking to various people as well has opened up treasure quests and the like all over the map.

The depth is insane.
Has anyone done Jiukoum Shrine?

I don’t want the solution but am I on the right track with this idea? Driving me mad.

EDIT: Never mind. Immediately after posting this I realised what I needed to change and did it.
Has anyone done Jiukoum Shrine?

I don’t want the solution but am I on the right track with this idea? Driving me mad.

EDIT: Never mind. Immediately after posting this I realised what I needed to change and did it.

That's not what I have done, but that's the beauty of this game.
Has anyone done Jiukoum Shrine?

I don’t want the solution but am I on the right track with this idea? Driving me mad.

EDIT: Never mind. Immediately after posting this I realised what I needed to change and did it.

I literally just did this one too. Funny seeing your attempt above was almost identical to my first attempt. My favourite shrine so far I think as well - simple yet fun.
Has anyone done Jiukoum Shrine?

I don’t want the solution but am I on the right track with this idea? Driving me mad.

EDIT: Never mind. Immediately after posting this I realised what I needed to change and did it.

That's the one I was referring to yesterday.

I found the second section really easy, the mad contraption I made to get up the first rail though, I have no idea how it worked.
Yeah same. I want to get all the towers unlocked first still. I've added 2 stamina chip and 2 hearts. Done very little story stuff.

I've done about 4 towers, about 2 hearts and one stamina I think. I almost don't want to progress stuff :lol:

I've also found 3 tears, just by coincidence. Wasn't really looking for them but ended up in the area.
I actually haven't even found Kakariko Village yet. Spend a lot of time pissing about in Goron City last night with mine cars as well. I bet my house from the last game hasn't rolled over. Had some tasty weapons stored in it.
I decided to travel over to Gerudo and feel like I took on a bit too much. There's a lot of sand.

Edit - There was also a Shai Hulud and I did not fare well
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I decided to travel over to Gerudo and feel like I took on a bit too much. There's a lot of sand.

I somehow ended up in Rito Village last night despite having little to no intention of going there yet.
I somehow ended up in Rito Village last night despite having little to no intention of going there yet.

It gets you like that, I’ve done two of the temples not because I was trying to do the story but just followed my heart and it happened
I can’t work out how to make elixirs? It just makes shit food.
I can’t work out how to make elixirs? It just makes shit food.

I've done that once and I think it's because I threw too much in. Just get like 2 items as a test. One will say used in elixirs (usually like a monster part) and then get something that does stamina or whatever and it should produce something useful.
I actually haven't even found Kakariko Village yet. Spend a lot of time pissing about in Goron City last night with mine cars as well. I bet my house from the last game hasn't rolled over. Had some tasty weapons stored in it.
The house was in hateno
Has it changed from the last game? Was just a monster part and an insect, not stuff you put in meals
That's it still. It tells you for monster parts if you use for elixir it adds atk, or sta, Def, whatever stat. It also tells you what the stat will be if you try to fuse the part with a weapon instead.

Use a monster part and like one of those butterflies or some other bug or creature that doesn't have a food purpose.

Spent most of last night figuring out skytowers. And I happen to see a dragon and chased one down to farm that was fun.
Do you throw in a lizard or a bug?
In Breath of the Wild it was just critters and monster parts. The descriptions will usually tell you whether something is a critter.
I was a massive fan of BotW, but saw a lot of criticism over the years from some people. Whether those are contrarians or people who genuinely didn't like it, I feel like they (Nintendo) listened to a lot of their critiques. The weapon break system is a lot less irritating because you can now very easily make whatever your heart desires over and over again with the fuse ability. Also more enemy variety is a plus and the whole sky and chasm additions are so wonderfully done. Feel like the world is way more lively than the first and it feels like there is more content to me. I can't stop playing and for the first time in a long while I feel like the wait for a specific game was so worth it.

I bought BotW for my little nephew when he was 10. He doesn't really care about gaming all that much these days but he still goes absolutely wild over Zelda games, even bought a 3DS just to play OoT and MM. I did my duty as an uncle well I'd say. We even went to a night release for TotK, I was stunned they still did those. Big nostalgia feeling.
I was a massive fan of BotW, but saw a lot of criticism over the years from some people. Whether those are contrarians or people who genuinely didn't like it, I feel like they (Nintendo) listened to a lot of their critiques. The weapon break system is a lot less irritating because you can now very easily make whatever your heart desires over and over again with the fuse ability. Also more enemy variety is a plus and the whole sky and chasm additions are so wonderfully done. Feel like the world is way more lively than the first and it feels like there is more content to me. I can't stop playing and for the first time in a long while I feel like the wait for a specific game was so worth it.

I bought BotW for my little nephew when he was 10. He doesn't really care about gaming all that much these days but he still goes absolutely wild over Zelda games, even bought a 3DS just to play OoT and MM. I did my duty as an uncle well I'd say. We even went to a night release for TotK, I was stunned they still did those. Big nostalgia feeling.

I think you can be a critic of the game and still appreciate it. As i said before i feel combat is unrewarding and i have to grind tons of shrines and get fairy upgrades to have take on enemies in the wild since i have experienced more than once that what i thought were weak enemies one shot me and when expend myself to defeat them i feel i get little in return apart from expending my weapons and arrows. I got a super horse through a certain quest but i cant call on it unless im near a stable and the horse stearing in this game is far behind even Roach in tw3. Im only on my 2nd main temple quest but so far they are better but how it all works is still very much like botw which i thougt was one of main weak points.

The story... i dont know. Ive been playing it for 5 days now and i think maybe slighty better but i havnt completed the game. I think the overall dialogue and certain side quests are better written. The voice acting is still fairly terrible but i guess they had to keep the same voice actors from botw.

However all the little puzzles and stuff to unlock towers and in general are certainly better. I think if you loved botw you are going to love this. If you still liked botw but felt it needed to fuse with more traditional Zelda elements like me, i think the overall feeling is a bit the same. A quality game no doubt and if you love the mad max kind of shit you can pull off its definitely a 10/10.

Im on 5th day of playing and ive only battled 1 proper boss and i think that is also one of the major differences between botw, this and traditional Zelda games. Of course being shot up through towers and gliding and having that kind stuff is a freedom and experience that former Zelda games didnt have but putting all those resources into those mechanics also means that the main meat of the former games are missing.
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I bought the game :lol:

I have no self-control. I've played for about an hour so far so no real insight into how the game is. It seems like you can spend a lot of time just in the beginning area, though. I'm just taking my time, as I don't want to rush through this area.