I've only got to about 10hrs as I've been ill, but so far it's...ok. Decent is a better word. Graphically it's obviously great, and so far the story (whilst a bit weak) isn't an issue. I think I need to separate my thoughts on it all:
Graphics: I mean there isn't much that needs to be said about the look, it's exceptionally well done. Up there with the top tier PS games. There are a few minor niggles with the HDR implementation, but overall it's very impressive. However, there are a few downfalls that I really haven't seen mentioned much, if at all (not surprising). The FPS is pretty well capped near enough to 30 for the most part, which although sucks for me is fine for most, however it DOES definitely drop. The reason you aren't noticing how much is the frame smoothing, so when the frames get hit you don't see a "drop" as such, the transition is smoother. So that's not too bad, even for me, however it does cause two problems the first graphical, the second comes in the gameplay section. In the gfx terms, again none of you will probably notice or care, but I hate motion blur in games however you really can't turn it lower than 4 in this (4k hdr that is) as it's being used to blur out some rather nasty graphic glitches and screen tears. Not a deal breaker, but the issues are there. The next one, however affect:
Gameplay: Overall it's functional enough. I mean that's not exactly highest praise, but then the game is pretty much PS3 quality remastered. I like the feel of the weapons and impacts, but the actual aiming and camera are still so smoothed it's frustrating to me. Also, a huge problem it has that again, no one seems to have noticed or cared about, is that the variable framerate seems to have issues with the hit reg/collision boxes. It makes the gunplay way more random and aiming worse, in actual fact it actually drags the Autoaim away from the target, as what seems to be happening is the hitboxes aren't quite tied to the fps like the models, so they often lag. It's a real bitch for me, though again most won't care. But know this, when you get those shots you are sure you hit but don't seem to register, yeah it's probably not you after all
Another issue I have, although minor in the scheme of things, are the controls are really amateur designed. Anyone who has done a design course, or want to enter the field, knows control 101 plays a huge role. ND once again seem to not know this! I mean the scheme is so confused, has no flow, it relies on player muscle memory and not good design. For example, take the simple action button: Mostly it's triangle, except when it's cross, but even then not on ladders apparently. Oh and then again, not if you have an medkit out to use, then it's right trigger. In the QTE's it's tap, then it's hold with neither giving any feedback. It's all just sort of mashed together, which again we all overcome, but it's still bad design. Oh and trigger for reloading? But also for throwing? It's all over the place
Pace: I think this should be split into 2, as people seem to be talking cross purposes. Gameplay wise, I think it's perfect in terms of breaking up the intense moments with the exploration. I think there's enough to look at and see to take a break in between and that helps make the encounters that much better. One thing that bugs me though, as a loot-hog and an explorer, there's nothing actually to find! It's all very barren in terms of loot and collectables, which is a shame. Story-wise is different, it's a bit bizarre what their goal is. The usual little interactions are cool and all (although have very little, if any of the charm of the original), but the actual story arc is just way off beat. I mean after the first major event, surely the point is to keep the player invested, angry and looking for revenge? So why, about 6hrs after, have I not seen Abby again? I'm assuming I can see where it's going, and if so it makes it even worse because for a story that's supposed to be so personal, it really should flow together. It's frankly sloppy at best to just open up the world and expect the player to still care god knows how many hours later with little going on in between.
A.I: I put this in here because not only is it the worst part of the game, but probably the worst A.I I've encountered in a long time. It's absolute garbage

I could go on a long rant about it and the many issues, but I won't. All I'll say is I assume some think it's great because of the little audio cue stuff like calling to their dogs or partners and all that (which are nice tbf), because it certainly can't be because how any single thing that isn't the player behaves in the game!
Agenda: One for the obvious among us. So far I've spotted 2: Bigots are arseholes (I love how they get that straight in as a dig at the morons who read early leaks and believed the agenda stuff) and drugs can lead to awesomeness. Now I'm not sure how either of those are enough "pushing" to stop you buying the game, but there you go