No, i always said that in 2008 instead of giving the money to the banks they would give it to particulars. You get people free of debt and they can pay the banks that they dont get under
As I said on several posts, I said that the government should implement safeties in case that the people would not be able to pay. If they bailed out the banks without batting an eye, I don't see how they couldn't do that
Again, this is in lalala land. I know the solution doesn't lay there and is far more complex that I can even comprehend, let alone be the solution finder, but the reality is that if we want this to be fixed, some eggs will be broken yes or yes to cook the omelette. How many, difficult to know, but there are a lot of people already suffering and it seems to me that we care more about the possibility of a maybe suffering of landlords than the real suffering that an entire generation and the ones to follow or they will not have a place to live when they arrive at retirement age or they will need to work till they physically can't because they still need to pay rent to a poor landlord, bless his/her heart we would not want them to have negative equity