The 'Guess the Video Game Music' quiz

I'm thinking about doing another of these quizzes OC Remix style once this one is done. More well known games and tracks but they'll be remixed so they won't quite sound the same and you'll have to guess the original source. Sound like a good idea?
Scouring youtube is fecking cheating!

(Wish I'd thought of that. I still hate you Olly)

What have you been doing? Playing through all of your NES/SNES/Mega Drive/PSX games in the chance you'd strike lucky?
I'm thinking about doing another of these quizzes OC Remix style once this one is done. More well known games and tracks but they'll be remixed so they won't quite sound the same and you'll have to guess the original source. Sound like a good idea?

Perhaps so though it would be just as good to do one like this, but more modern games, post-2000 say.

Olly... if you're reading...
Putting it way, way out there, is No.3 Duck Tales? I know that tune is familiar from somewhere and I had it on game boy.

Nope. #3 is a SNES game.
Scouring youtube is fecking cheating!

(Wish I'd thought of that. I still hate you Olly)


I'm thinking about doing another of these quizzes OC Remix style once this one is done. More well known games and tracks but they'll be remixed so they won't quite sound the same and you'll have to guess the original source. Sound like a good idea?

Perhaps so though it would be just as good to do one like this, but more modern games, post-2000 say.

Olly... if you're reading...


I'm doing part 2 right now ;)
I'm just surprised that nobody has the app that supposedly can tell you what tune you are listening to from a few notes...
Perhaps so though it would be just as good to do one like this, but more modern games, post-2000 say.

Olly... if you're reading...

The idea was that I wanted to stick to "simple" and fairly recognizable 8/16-bit tunes that are now dressed up a bit to be a bit more difficult to identify. A lot of these will be piano covers of classic vg tunes but some a bit more complex.

Don't worry this will be easier than Olly's game.

Edit: And I'll probably tell you the console/system and maybe even genres.
What have you been doing? Playing through all of your NES/SNES/Mega Drive/PSX games in the chance you'd strike lucky?

:lol: at one point I actually thought about going up the loft and looking through, but I'd never come down again!

But I at least have been trying through memory. Problem is my memory is so bad I forgot it's so bad!
I've just had a look at the PS1 games available on the PStore (:nervous:), the only one that had music kinda like it on youtube was 40 winks.

Speaking of which it's time i hit the hay.




Still no. The 3rd being a SNES game I know I know it, but I cant get it

The 9th an Xbox exclusive is it Fable 2?
The idea was that I wanted to stick to "simple" and fairly recognizable 8/16-bit tunes that are now dressed up a bit to be a bit more difficult to identify. A lot of these will be piano covers of classic vg tunes but some a bit more complex.

Don't worry this will be easier than Olly's game.

Edit: And I'll probably tell you the console/system and maybe even genres.

Don't give us clues straight away! At least let me nearly have a rage stroke first ;)
I want to say Actraiser or Mystical Ninja for three, but there's so many games with cool music (like Kirby, hook, etc). There's also that castle one, but the name escapes me right now. feck it, I should probably just list every single Snes game!

I might have to hit youtube soon if no-one can get it :mad:
A good nights sleep is what i needed, number 1 is Bioshock.

Yep, nice one :)

I want to say Actraiser or Mystical Ninja for three, but there's so many games with cool music (like Kirby, hook, etc). There's also that castle one, but the name escapes me right now. feck it, I should probably just list every single Snes game!

I might have to hit youtube soon if no-one can get it :mad:

I bought Hook the other day :)

None of those though :(


3 - is it Rolo to the Resue or Alladin or Conker the Squirrel or Donkey Kong Country or Cool Spot or Tiny Toons