The 'Guess the Video Game Music' quiz

I'm guessing you're talking about #3?

Then that would be a nope.

Metroid for anything else?

So 3 is on the SNES yet it isn't:
Donkey Kong,
Secret of Mana,
Dragon Quest

Have I got that right? Have the Final Fantasy's been ruled out?
Metroid for anything else?

S0 3 is on the SNES yet it isn't:
Donkey Kong,
Secret of Mana, Metroid,
Drgaon Quest

Have I got that right? Have the Final Fantasy's been ruled out?

Metroid isn't there at all.

You're right, it's none of those. And all Final Fantasy games have been ruled out for all of the games in the list.
We're running out of options now, is it a Dragon Quest title?
:lol: I know, poor youtube took a battering as i went through every platformer i could think of. The only other one i think i might know is 3, the rest are a blur.
Redlambs said:
Is ICO in there?

Nope :)

Xander45 said:
You know it's funny how i can remember those first 10 seconds or so but not the rest of that music. Shows how many times i died on that level and the song reset.

Yeah same here :lol: I don't think I ever finished that level (or the game).
Is Redlambs currently sat raging in a pile of SNES games?


Dr. HannibOlly Lecter taunts our game hero in a scene from 2011's The Silence of the Redlambs.
1) Action, adventure FPS
2) Action, driving
3) Platformer
4) Adventure
5) Platformer
9) Action, thriller
13) Platformer

There, no excuses now :cool:
This is probably going to be completely stupid, but is No. 1 Hitman II?
And is 2. one of the PSX versions of Grand theft Auto?