The 'Guess the Video Game Music' quiz

Is number 8 Ducktales? For number 16 the only thing i can think of is Street Fighter but i can't hear, or find, anything that sounds like it.

And i just found #12, after googling OC remix steel drum midi, Super Mario RPG.
Is number 8 Ducktales? For number 16 the only thing i can think of is Street Fighter but i can't hear, or find, anything that sounds like it.

And i just found #12, after googling OC remix steel drum midi, Super Mario RPG.

8 and 12 are correct. 16 is not Street Fighter but is another fighting game.
I only got 8 because of the last second or so of it.

Yeah the normal verse was too similar so I gave you the bridge and threw in the last couple seconds knowing that someone would eventually recognize the riff.

Mortal Kombat?

EDIT: Ah found it, Killer Instinct. Damn hard quiz Jveezy, but cheers for introducing me to that remix site.


Original: DuckTales - The Moon
Remix: Duck Blur by Star Salzman
MP3 at ReMix: DuckTales 'Duck Blur' - OverClocked ReMix


Original: Super Mario RPG - The Road is Full of Dangers
Remix: Mushroom Way Madness by Orkybash
MP3 at ReMix: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars 'MushroomWayMadness' - OverClocked ReMix


Original: Killer Instinct - Sabrewulf
Remix: The Wolf of the Opera by Uboichi
MP3 at ReMix: Killer Instinct 'The Wolf of the Opera' - OverClocked ReMix

Thanks to Olly, Xander45, and I_live_cement for playing. If you guys want more OC Remix stuff you can download this m3u link and play the radio stream. That's how I found most of these songs (I haven't even played most of these games).

Either that or they have a twitter feed and youtube channel and you can just follow those to get the latest mixes.
I'd almost forgotten about this, here's some clues.

1. Gamecube/PS2/Xbox - Action Adventure
2. PS2 - JRPG
3. PC/360/PS3 - Western RPG
4. PS2 - Horror
6. SNES/Megadrive - Shoot 'em up
7. PS1 - Platformer/Adventure
8. SNES/Genesis - Puzzle
9. Gameboy - Adventure/RPG
10. PS2 - JRPG
11. Amiga - Scrolling Shooter
12. PC - RTS
13. PS1 - JRPG
14. PS1 - Fighter
15. PS3 - Roll 'em up
Haha, i actually stole Olly's idea and took this to another forum i'm on now that i can't access this place at work.

If people still fancy answering them then i've got a few spare!