The Greatest Thing in the History of the World


Grammar partisan who sleeps with a real life Ryan
May 5, 2003
Where Albert Stubbins scored a diving header
Listen up gimps, this is going to change your sorry lives

Those of you who haven't seen this, are in for a treat...

This is part 1...there are twelve parts

This is incredible...respeck to Anna Livvia for drawing my attention to it...and above all, to the inimitable R Kelly...the utter spacker
:lol: :lol: :lol:

that was so shit it was a new level of hilarity... i hope it supposed to be a parody
i dont get it?

its not the first time i see one of those.

is that really him or some sort of joke.
whats funny there plech?
: popcorn smiley :

It might the most important artistic statement of the 21st century.

feckit, of any century.
Is it the R Kelly soap opera? Heard bits of it on the Adam and Joe podcast, it was hilarious. And it has a midget in it :D

Sad thing is, I think its supposed to be serious.
Zech Aplunga.

I cant watch youtube videos in work, therefore i would greatly appreciate it if you could explain the film to me in a story like fashion.

Many Thanks
"You're not gonna believe it but the story gets deeper, as things go on
Next thing you know a call comes through, on my cell phone
I tried my best to quickly put it on Viiiiaiiiaiiibraaaaiite!!
But from the way he act I could tell it was too late"

I'm supposed to be doing something else but I can't stop watching this nonsense.
noodlehair said:
"You're not gonna believe it but the story gets deeper, as things go on
Next thing you know a call comes through, on my cell phone
I tried my best to quickly put it on Viiiiaiiiaiiibraaaaiite!!
But from the way he act I could tell it was too late"



Chapter Four
I'm up to Chapter 9 now.

Plech, you've got a lot to answer for.
Up to the last episode now.

They sure can't top the last 11. :lol:
Melbourne Red said:
Up to the last episode now.

They sure can't top the last 11. :lol:

No. It doesn't top it.

But apparently he's working on episodes 13-19 AS WE SPEAK!!!!!!!!!!

I love the way that whenever he gets a bit confused he starts threatening to shoot somebody :lol:

"One slice is missing, now the stories gettin' scary,
cos he comes to realise that Bridget is allergic to cherry"
Well that episode was a let down...

I didn't realise they were still working on the conclusion...
But you weren't wrong.

It truly is the greatest thing in the history of the world.
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Funniest. Disclaimer. Ever. :lol: