The Good TV thread

Haven't watched the Tudors even though I have Showtime ondemand I just havent had time
Best serious TV:

Great serious TV:
West Wing

Great comedy TV:
Linehan's shows (Father Ted, Black Books, IT Crowd)
Fawlty Towers
Monty Python
Flight of the Conchords
I'm Alan Partridge/Knowing Me Knowing You
Åpen post / Team Antonsen / Uti Vår Hage
Brass Eye
Garth Marenghi's Darkplace / Man to Man with Dean Learner
The Might Boosh (the first season)
Just seen the first episode of a new show that seems decent. It's called Hung and it's about a bloke with a big dick.
I always thought Nip Tuck was a bit shit, but it's actually a very good show.
Just seen the first one so far. It really is brilliant at times, the pilot especially was excellent. Love the surgery theme and the music. My only criticism of the show is that they seem to love to drag certain parts out. Like some of the family scenes which just seem to go on and on.. but many TV series are like that.

Great show anyhow.
Yeah the pilot is awesome, I love Christian totally rips Kimber's body apart after fecking here, even though she is hot as feck.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is officially the best yank comedy since Arrested Development
Chuck is brilliant, on Virgin Mondays at 10.

Just started watching this, attracted to the show by the Cake themetune (brilliant song and amazed at seeing it on a tv show?!?) and that beautiful blonde las.

It's actually pretty damn funny. Need to start from the beginning though so looks like I have another tv show to watch :)
True Blood has to be mentioned, the series is coming into it's own atm.
Anyone seen Defying Gravity? I saw the pilot and thought it was a bit meh, dunno if I could be bothered downloading the second episode.

Don't bother, download all the True Blood episodes!
Supernatural > True Blood.

An dthe new series of Supernatural starts in a few weeks, happy days :D
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is officially the best yank comedy since Arrested Development

Note my post from July 21st last year. And how many times did I tell you to watch this show when you had the chance!
Supernatural > True Blood.

An dthe new series of Supernatural starts in a few weeks, happy days :D

Really? I remember watching the first 6 or 7 episodes of Season 1 back when it started and I was very unimpressed. It just seemed like another Smallville type show that had a small recurring plot that was only mentioned in the earlier and later episodes of the season and had a load of mini baddies specific to every episode in between. Basically like a fecking sci-fi version of CSI.

I presume it's improved?
It gets absolutely mint. A lot darker and a lot sexier and yeah there is a recurring plot/theme/baddie that runs through about 2 whole seasons basically revolving around a full scale war between heaven and hell with angels and demons effectively blasting the shit out of each other and Sam and Dean caught smack bang in the middle of it. It's not as clear cut as that either, as one of them is in league with the angels (who are probably more bad ass than the demons to be honest) and the other working with a demon. i can't blame him though the demon looks like a younger, sexier Rachel Weisz. I would probably be on her side as well to be honest
It gets absolutely mint. A lot darker and a lot sexier and yeah there is a recurring plot/theme/baddie that runs through about 2 whole seasons basically revolving around a full scale war between heaven and hell with angels and demons effectively blasting the shit out of each other and Sam and Dean caught smack bang in the middle of it. It's not as clear cut as that either, as one of them is in league with the angels (who are probably more bad ass than the demons to be honest) and the other working with a demon. i can't blame him though the demon looks like a younger, sexier Rachel Weisz. I would probably be on her side as well to be honest

In that case I'll give it another gander, I actually ... err ... acquired all the seasons at the same time as Breaking Bad but I decided to watch that first!
It gets absolutely mint. A lot darker and a lot sexier and yeah there is a recurring plot/theme/baddie that runs through about 2 whole seasons basically revolving around a full scale war between heaven and hell with angels and demons effectively blasting the shit out of each other and Sam and Dean caught smack bang in the middle of it. It's not as clear cut as that either, as one of them is in league with the angels (who are probably more bad ass than the demons to be honest) and the other working with a demon. i can't blame him though the demon looks like a younger, sexier Rachel Weisz. I would probably be on her side as well to be honest

How is it sexier? Have you seen True Blood?
How is it sexier? Have you seen True Blood?

I'm not saying it is sexier than True Blood, I'm saying Supernatural is sexier than it used to be.

I watched the first few episodes of True Blood and thought it was rubbish. What series is it on now? I might join in at season 2 and see if it has improved
I'm not saying it is sexier than True Blood, I'm saying Supernatural is sexier than it used to be.

I watched the first few episodes of True Blood and thought it was rubbish. What series is it on now? I might join in at season 2 and see if it has improved

Can't really join in at season 2, it picks up from right at where season 1 ended. It's worth sticking with though, the second series has improved hugely from the first, it's probably the best show on tv at the moment.
Just seen the first episode of a new show that seems decent. It's called Hung and it's about a bloke with a big dick.

Anybody else seen this? It's actually quite funny and there is a generous amount of nudity, which is always a plus.
I've been watching through 'Yes Minister' again recently, absolutely fantastic dialogue at times, if you've never seen it you really should as it is one of the best sitcoms ever made by the BBC.
Classic Yes Minister (actually Yes Prime Minister) moment.

It was good, but a tad boring, the last episode which was done like the books was excellent though.
Its really old but a couple of weeks ago I watched the House of Cards box set - that is 3 serieses of 4 episodes each, a BBC political drama set in an alternative post-Thatcher, Tory world. Very, very good, I would recommend to anyone who likes BBCish political dramas who hasnt already seen it (which I imagine is a very small group, come to think of it, as it was very well acclaimed at the time).
I'm not much of a Sci-fi guy at all, but I completely fell in love with Battlestar Galactica. It's really well-written stuff. I probably avoided it for years just because of the geeky title.
Watching Trigger Happy TV again on 4od reminded me how good it was great sketches, great music even great graphics. Apparently there is a film in the offing aswell.
Its really old but a couple of weeks ago I watched the House of Cards box set - that is 3 serieses of 4 episodes each, a BBC political drama set in an alternative post-Thatcher, Tory world. Very, very good, I would recommend to anyone who likes BBCish political dramas who hasnt already seen it (which I imagine is a very small group, come to think of it, as it was very well acclaimed at the time).

house of cards was brilliant ,have you seen state of play the bbc tv series not the recent film ,another awesome production.
on a different note has anybody seen the new show on five called flashforward ive got it recorded wondered if it is any good
Its really old but a couple of weeks ago I watched the House of Cards box set - that is 3 serieses of 4 episodes each, a BBC political drama set in an alternative post-Thatcher, Tory world.
The actor who played Francis Urquhart, Ian Richardson, was brilliant. I should add that I'm an American, so I don't use that word as often as you British types ("This cheese sandwich is brilliant", "You brought paper plates? Brilliant!").