The Good TV thread

Anyway for mine this show Skins is good viewing.

Other more obscure shows that're worth a mention:

It's always sunny in Philadelphia (brilliant)
and the previously mentioned Flight of the Conhcords
A new episode of 30 Rock was released today. Anyone watch it? Probably one of the best shows i've seen for years.

Yeah, I love this show!

If you like that, you'll love 'It's always sunny in Philadelphia.' It's the best show in television by a stretch.

Download this show everybody!

The whole Summer Heights High series is available on iplayer and well worth a look.
Burn Notice

Micheal Westen is a spy working for an unnamed intelligence agency who has a burn notice put on him, this is when a spy is cut off, stripped of his money, his accounts frozen and restricted to living in one city (Miami in this case). To help ends meet he helps members of the public with their problems, loan sharks, kidnappings, drug dealers, whilst also trying to track down the person who cut him off in the first place. It's fecking excellent.

Thanks for the tip, I will check out Californication. Hadn't even heard of it.

Love The Shield (season 7 coming in September), used to like 24 but now I find it completely unwatchable. I especially dislike the way somebody gets tortured every episode, and in nearly every case, it leads to the tortured person giving up exactly the information that is needed. Complete bullshit, and morally bankrupt given current events.

I know it's been said here many times before, but The Wire is the best show in the history of television. Better than anything I ever seen, TV or film. Absolutely loved it.

agree, but how can you mention the shield in the same breath with the wire? i haven't watched past season 1, but the shield is just silly and unrealistic
While downloading Californication's leaked episodes, I realised I am watching too many TV shows now..

Here is current list for the coming year

Burn Notice

I am sure I am forgetting some as well.
The Dexter season finale is this weekend and I am busting a gut to see it. Best show on telly.

Note: This show's for anyone with a good sense of humour, is wity and is generally up to date with world affairs. That, and being generally clever.

This the BEST show on Television. BAR NONE. It's as simple as that, and any Aussie who's watched it would agree (or at least thing it's brilliant).

Will post up some youtube clips soon, but you can watch whole episodes off the site there.

agree, but how can you mention the shield in the same breath with the wire? i haven't watched past season 1, but the shield is just silly and unrealistic
It got better. Doesn't come close to The Wire, but still a decent show. Only 2 episodes left, looks like somebody gets it next week...
Anyone remember OZ, I just bought the box set off ebay for series 1 i plan on buying all up to series 6 it was nuts. my lasting memory was of a dude getting his skull caved in with a weight in the prison gym after he boasts about raping the prison doctor
Yeah, I love this show!

If you like that, you'll love 'It's always sunny in Philadelphia.' It's the best show in television by a stretch.

Download this show everybody!


someone who knows what hes talking about.

this show is brilliant and its the funniest show ive seen in a long time.

very underrated show.
you guys should also check out an aussie show called "Underbelly".

its about the Melbourne organized crime and its based on true events,its only 13 episodes but its very good.
I got NCIS seasons 1-4 on DVD for Xmas and had the whole four seasons watched in two weeks, such an excellent show. Great characters, great twists and very consistent (unlike a lot of shows which go downhill as the show goes on), NCIS actually gets better as it goes on, just love it. :D
i too am an buffy/angel fan
does anyone remember 'between the lines' a uk cop show about cops investigating cops it was stylish but very gritty ,dark and realistic[well up to series 3 anyway]
i only ask coz last night on bbc2 i saw 'moses jones' it was excellent and could possibly be as good as 'between' it has many of the same elements the setting is the ethnic underbelly of london .
admittedly i know very little of the culture they are potraying but it does look a realistic potrayal of new and older immigration issues if you like meaty thrillers you will like this.
also it has the new doctor who actor matt smith for those that watch that show as well.
Friends (when I'm bored or don't want to think much!)

Have been told to get into Prison Break, any good?
Battlestar Galatica! Supprised no one has really mensioned it, i'm not really a sci-fi sort of guy but i would gladly recommend this show to anyone. The stories are interesting, the actors do a great job and the development of these characters isnt dependant on a one hour story arc but rather throughout a whole season. Its not even that star trekky in that they have long discussions about terms we have no idea about but more focused no the people in the show.

Watch it is my recommendation but since it is on its last season now go rent/buy seasons 1-3 and you wont be disappointed.
Anyone know when Always Sunny comes back on? I have been watching the first 2 seasons recently and I was just wondering when it would be back on
Battlestar Galatica! Supprised no one has really mensioned it, i'm not really a sci-fi sort of guy but i would gladly recommend this show to anyone. The stories are interesting, the actors do a great job and the development of these characters isnt dependant on a one hour story arc but rather throughout a whole season. Its not even that star trekky in that they have long discussions about terms we have no idea about but more focused no the people in the show.

Watch it is my recommendation but since it is on its last season now go rent/buy seasons 1-3 and you wont be disappointed.

im planning to watch it.