The Good TV thread

Lost, Rome, Entourage, The Wire, Curb and Californication are the best recent ones IMO. I used to love 24 as well but I couldn't get into the last season.


Californication is my most recent discovery. It's a Charles Bukowski inspired series about a writer and his problematic life(ex-wife, stagnated career, booze, sex etc). Oh, and you get to see a tit in basically every episode. Lead actor is that guy from the X-Files. They start filming the second season soon.

This week I watched the first two series of this in 2 days, fantastic stuff.
Let's not forget who recommended it to ya. :D

Anyway I reckon the best series I am watching right now ..

Pretty much just watched all 4 seasons of Supernatural in a week. Brilliant show. And Fallout 3 has blatantly plagiarised not just scenes but entire episodes of Supernatural. That village in Fallout with the all to perfect citizens who turn out to have the remains of half eaten humans in their basement? Straight out of Supernatural season 3 episode 8. And that dream sequence in Fallout where you are stuck in that picturesque village with all the inhabitants shit scared of the evil little girl? Almost exactly the same as Season 3 Episode 16. Completely convinced Fallout has stolen entire scenes out of Supernatural, that's how feckin good this show is.

Roll on Season 4, episode 17 which I think is out this month
Whats it about smashed?

Basically two brothers who have their mum killed by a demon when they were young. Their dad is driven to kill the demon that tore their family apart and trains them to become warriors against the supernatural, aka 'hunters'. So the first season is really just about introducing you to the characters and having them slay all sorts of supernatural evil up and down the country, also trying to find clues that will lead them to find the yellow eyed demon that killed their mum.

It gets more complicated when the FBI start noticing that everywhere these guys go (they live on the road in and out of motels etc) bodies start piling up. So they soon find themselves being hunted by the supernatural and the long arm of the law. It's mint, everything the brothers have been doing eventually culminates in the fourth season where they are caught in the middle of a full scale war between heaven and hell, angels and demons. But even then it's not obvious who the good guys actually are.

It's a bit like Buffy or Angel but with more of an adult certificate and alot more deaths. Plus it's an absolute guarantee to have a fit bird in it that needs rescuing in almost every episode.
Wow, i always assumed Supernatural was a bit gay. Seeing as though you like it Smashed, i guess i was right :p

i'll give it a go

Basically two brothers who have their mum killed by a demon when they were young. Their dad is driven to kill the demon that tore their family apart and trains them to become warriors against the supernatural, aka 'hunters'. So the first season is really just about introducing you to the characters and having them slay all sorts of supernatural evil up and down the country, also trying to find clues that will lead them to find the yellow eyed demon that killed their mum.

It gets more complicated when the FBI start noticing that everywhere these guys go (they live on the road in and out of motels etc) bodies start piling up. So they soon find themselves being hunted by the supernatural and the long arm of the law. It's mint, everything the brothers have been doing eventually culminates in the fourth season where they are caught in the middle of a full scale war between heaven and hell, angels and demons. But even then it's not obvious who the good guys actually are.

It's a bit like Buffy or Angel but with more of an adult certificate and alot more deaths. Plus it's an absolute guarantee to have a fit bird in it that needs rescuing in almost every episode.

Nice one, may give that ago at some point then!

Wow, i always assumed Supernatural was a bit gay. Seeing as though you like it Smashed, i guess i was right :p

i'll give it a go

Have you seen the women they have in this show?? I'm actually in love with Julie McNiven simply because of her character in supernatural.


She's an angel (literally)
There is no way that show could be good, or at least I seriously doubt it :)
I used to love supernatural then it kinda fell away off Australian TV. Bloody iTunes doesnt have it.

South Park, American Dad and Entourage is about all i watch lately.
Friends (when I'm bored or don't want to think much!)

Have been told to get into Prison Break, any good?

Season 1 is pretty much one of the greatest seasons of any TV show I've ever seen, every episode is like it's own little cliffhanger, you just feel the need to watch episode after episode it's that good. Season 2 is very good, still edge of your seat kind of stuff. Season 3, while decent in parts, never really got going for me and it didn't help that the writers strike in America happened right in the middle of that season so it was very short and only like 13 episodes. Season 4 is currently in a mid-season break, it started promising but has gotten kind of stale. Hopefully it picks up and gets better when it starts again. Overall, it's definitely worth getting into. You'll love the first season, trust me.
I bit the bullet and bought hte first 3 seasons of Supernatural on DVD. 120 Aussie dollars but with 17 DVD's all up its not that bad value.
Finally up to date on Season 5 of the Office (American, obviously)

The show that keeps on giving.

They really do have some quality writers stateside.
Day Man (Aah-aah-aah)
Fighter of the Night Man (Aah-aah-aah)
Champion of the sun (Aah-aah-aah)
You're a master of karate
And friendship for everyone

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia is one of the funniest shows ever.

Charlie is perhaps the greatest character of all time.
Day Man (Aah-aah-aah)
Fighter of the Night Man (Aah-aah-aah)
Champion of the sun (Aah-aah-aah)
You're a master of karate
And friendship for everyone

It's Always Funny In Philadelphia is one of the funniest shows ever.

Charlie is perhaps the greatest character of all time.

Sunny in Philadelphia.


Couple of new cop shows have started. Southland and The Unusuals. Both seem promising.
I'm a couple of episodes into the first season of Breaking Bad and I really have to say that it's an incredibly good show.
I'm a couple of episodes into the first season of Breaking Bad and I really have to say that it's an incredibly good show.

Yeah I just watched both series the other day and it really is a well written show.

Brilliant performance from Bryan Cranston as well, I've always liked him from Seinfeld and Malcolm in the Middle.

Thanks to Hectic for the recommendation.
The Wire was the best I've ever seen nothign will beat it.

I'm not watching Breaking Bad though, seems pretty awesome.
Best show I've found is 'Penn and Teller: Bullshit', don't think its reached the UK so there's six seasons worth of top class tv for anyone who hasn't found it yet.
Don't think it has been mentioned, but Rome was fecking epic, the first season was unreal, the second was still very good.
Don't think it has been mentioned, but Rome was fecking epic, the first season was unreal, the second was still very good.

Rome was incredible. The third series would have been brilliant with Augustus getting older. Sadly, it was never to be.

The Tudors is pretty decent if you like historical tv shows.