gets aroused by tagline boobs
Because it didn't have any such completely random feck people up features? It's one thing getting fecked because of bad luck like the monopoly draft etc but this is just added to ensure meltdowns and nothing else, clear as day.
Anyway, like I said, to each his own. I have the option to not use it, and I'll take it.
Sheep drafts are notoriously unbalanced and hard to keep balanced, with players doing badly in early rounds losing interest. The idea isn't creating meltdowns but giving players mechanisms to play strategically and change their and others' fortunes.
You are entitled to be a conscientious objector of course. I'd just warn you some special cards are Aldo proof and automatically activate if unused.
BTW, I assume you read the Spartacus story in much the same jocular tone I was reminiscing about it and calling you a moron