The fanbase's role in the erosion of standards

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Bizarre to call the win thorough.

It was deserved, I agree. But that was not a thorough performance, no chance. We were lucky not to go under, and a bit lucky to also get that goal. We played really well for the second part of the first half. The rest of the game was all over the place and could have gone either way. All in all a deserved, but scrappy win.

You're just pushing an agenda by calling someone's post bizarre, whilst your claim is equally bizarre.

I am not defending or agreeing with Samid the Loon. Just pointing out the obvious lunatic agenda on both sides.
What? So if create a chance and finish brilliantly, we are lucky is it? If Liverpool or city score late this way, it's the mark of champions? Is that right?

Ridiculous whining even when we win.
We deserved 3 points as you said, thoroughly or not doesn't matter in the first game of the season for a club which finished 8th and are trying to get out of a rut.

We were better than Fulham, they didn't pepper our goal with 20 shots which was very common last season. It's a decent start for the club.

Just one new player started the match so improvements are expected once we get the others in.
I'd say we thoroughly deserved that not-so-thorough win yesterday. We might even have won thoroughly, if only we had taken our chances in the first half. I thoroughly enjoyed the match on the whole.
Thoroughly hate this thread. Didn't want EtH to continue, but I'm not moaning about in every thread. Happy the team played decent and won yesterday.

Get a grip @Samid ;)
The "thoroughly" in "thoroughly deserved" carries implicit meaning that there must have been something thorough about our display to actually deserve it that strongly.

Thorough win does makes perfect sense, by the way.

Perhaps English isn't your first language. That's alright.

Ah yes, the xG factor. So here's the thing... xG is great and all, especially when applied across a multitude of games over a longer stretch of time. But for one-off games, they don't necessarily reflect the true isolated odds. You should check the xG stats from when Liverpool did us 7-0. xG stats are often misleading when applied to single games.

If you actually watched the game instead of just reading about it and watching clips on social media, you'd know that we were in trouble for big parts of that game. Luckily Fulham are not too dangerous in the box, but we gave away a lot more control than what was necessary against such an opponent.

In the end, we deserved the win. If you could read, you'd know I already said I agreed that we did. But "thoroughly deserved" is a such an exaggerated claim. It makes it sound we like thumped them 3-0 with no fight from Fulham. And that wasn't the game at all. A much more truthful description would be something like; "Scrappy, yet deserved win".

If you can say with a straight face that we had no luck today, without clinging to your stats, you obviously didn't watch the game.

So that just shows how you're willing to bend the truth to fit your own agenda. Which is ironic, because you've spent a hell of a lot time on this forum... An unhealthy amount, most would probably agree. And quite a significant proportion of that time is actually spent complaining about other poster's agendas.
Agreed, good summary
If anyone needs convincing that supporting a football club is not healthy for some people's state of mind, read this thread.
Was anyone getting giddy? Or are you just getting fans supporting their club mixed up with something else?
Yeah I don’t think anyone was giddy but I have to be honest I was staggered by the volume of praise the performance received in the post match thread.
Terrible thread, cant believe the poster that bumped this watched the game last night and this is the thread that came to mind. Weird guy.
It’s either shit trolling or just a weird person, bumping this thread to have another pop at the fanbase is so fecking weird. What a bizarre use of time.
I don’t recall ever seeing this thread before. Blaming the fanbase for poor perfornances on the pitch is odd.
'erosion of standards' another load of hyperbole that belongs in the sea.
Fans do not have a role in the erosion of standards. We're fans for a reason, we're supposed to get carried away, to be optimistic, pessimistic, biased and fickle.

It's the executive team and the management teams job to set standards and make cold, hard, ruthless decisions
Fans do not have a role in the erosion of standards. We're fans for a reason, we're supposed to get carried away, to be optimistic, pessimistic, biased and fickle.

It's the executive team and the management teams job to set standards and make cold, hard, ruthless decisions
But the caf told me that Real are successful because they wave hankies.
ETH has now spent approximately £600 million in three summers. Why in your eyes are people weirdos for expecting more than what we are seeing?
The club has spent £600m while ETH was the manager. ETH hasn’t spent anything.
The fan base is too big and too global to put any significant responsibility on them for that. You're never going to be able to organise an effective boycott. Some of them tried, even made a new club, it didn't change anything.
How miserable do you have to be to bump this after starting the new season with a win. Need to have a long hard look at yourself and wonder is it worth watching United this season if you're that negative this early.
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