The F1 Thread 2012 Season

Just the way he gives his interviews, seems completely uninterested with everything.

He is completely uninterested with interviews and stuff, he's always said that. He's not really moody he's just kind of emotionless in front of a camera.
God damn finger again today unless someone can top that time
I want to take that finger and shove it up his fecking hole.

Just for balance sake and that, Maldonando got slapped for pretty much the same thing at Monaco. The commentators keep noting its because Vettel overtook Senna in FP by cutting the chicane which he also did but I'm sure that incident is the one he was reprimanded for.
Missing most of this one as Ireland are playing however seems as if there are more holes on the Red bull that have been banned now! Holes in the wheel hub have now been ruled as illegal :lol:

As for iSparky's little rant about presenting, well an F1 weekend would not be the same this year without it, feck Simon the useless boring unprofessional cnut, feck the cringe worthy studio shite Sky insist on doing, feck Thompson the clueless cesspool ridden bint...more to come no doubt...
NBA playoffs, French open, the euro's and now a bit of F1. Love it :D

Weather looks great in Montreal.
Poor Martin is down a £500 iPhone courtesy of Red Bull's swimming pool, I'm sure you can afford another one Judas....I mean Martin.
Going to have this on laptop and football on TV.
Mind you if Vettel gets a good start and gets to the first corner in the lead, he will win it

Yep think I may do the same actually, going to turn the volume down when the footie comes on and leave this running on the laptop
Heard this could be a one stopper? fecking shit if thats the case.
Long time waiting for the lights there, vettel away cleanly in the lead. Piece of piss for him.

McLaren are just slow as feck in the opening stages of races this season, turd pace.
Yep he is pulling out the gap quickly here. Massa passes Nico :lol::lol:

How humiliating for Nico, a career low point for him I am sure....
Button struggling for grip, only a matter of time before he starts to fall down the field then.