Yaaas Broncos!

Very convenient driver error that from Rubens
The cars and scenery look fantastic.
Well if he binned it on purpose then he fecked it up because he just took massive damage on that Brawn, compromises his race really.
Why are people still interested in this farce?
I would have thought that the latest scandal would've been the straw that breaks the camel's back. The sooner this joke of a 'sport' stops polluting our television sets, the better.
But the track is shit and the race tomorrow will probably be uninteresting.
I am hoping for an improved Formula 1 season, next year. Barrechielo still has a chance of winning the title this year and hope he does. If anyone deserves to win a Championship - it is him.
I am hoping for an improved Formula 1 season, next year. Barrechielo still has a chance of winning the title this year and hope he does. If anyone deserves to win a Championship - it is him.
Just out of interest why does he deserve it? A Schumacher lap dog for 5 years, constant moaning about his team this season and not anywhere near his team mates pace until Round 8.
I am not saying he doesnt deserve it but he doesnt deserve it anymore than Button. I will love it if Button wins the title, I have followed him since he entered the sport, even watched him in his F3 days, it would be as sweet as Damon Hill's win in 1996 which if the internet was as in widespread use back then I am sure the season "would have been shit" and "Damon's just fecking lucky".
Oh and excellent drive from Hamilton.