Or not.
Look, I'm not going to complain - they're bloody, they're manic, they're an absolute bitch to follow and understand what's going on. You feckers had 100 years to organise amongst yourselves who was going to defend Catholicism and who was going to defend Protestantism and you couldn't even manage that. Credit to Andycoleno9 and more recently maniak for putting their heads above the parapets. For the rest of you? Shame!
(but also thank you. Thank feck I don't have to sit through that mess)
After being released, New Andycoleno9 formed the United States. Thank god they didn't keep the Danish colours. They declared war on maniak's colony of Floride and annexed them. I also noticed they ended up controlling Flyn and Lolland as part of their independence war. The United States in Europe. I don't even..
With the threat of a league war finished, Dr. Dwayne set about systematically attacking the minor HRE princes who had rebelled and converted to Protestantism in order for him to gain Imperial authority. He attacked Munich, Memmingen, Berg, Regensburg, Wurtemburg, Stettin, Cologne and Frankfurt. In the successive wars he took 10 provinces and all the princes were forced to convert back to Catholicism. Only 32 more heretic princes to convert back.
You'll also notice below that
@Dr. Dwayne is no longer the Emperor, ending a long line of Dr. Dwaynes. His efforts and recent campaigning against the protestant princes seem to have severely damaged his standing within the HRE. The new Dr. Dwayne was only able to muster 2 of the 7 elector votes and Ferrara was elected to replace him. He has since gained another vote, but there's still a lot of bad blood in the HRE.
maniak declared war on Savoy who only had 12k troops and called in Withnail to help. He annexed them.
@maniak's Canadian colony declared its independence war against France. They were supported by
@MadDogg and Dr. Dwayne. maniak called his ally
@P-Nut to help and the Commonwealth duly obliged, just as they had done in Andycoleno9's colonial war. Once again P-Nut would be facing off against the Austrians. The odds looked especially bleak for the French, with its enemies vastly outnumbering them.
Repeatedly Portuguese invasions over the Pyrenees were routed, while the Austrians focused again on the Commonwealth. Luckily for France, Dr. Dwayne was war weary fighting the HRE princes and accepted a white peace without taking any French or Commonwealth territory, having lost 99k in battle and 27k to attrition. maniak defended France ably against the British and Portuguese. Soon the British tired and MadDogg white peaced out with 73k to battle and 26k to attrition. This left the French vs Portugal and Canada. maniak marched on Portugal and sieged it down, forcing them to surrender and pay an indemnity of 690 gold. harms had lost 158k men in battle and another 48k to attrition. With the only two combatants left being colonial France and France, it looked like that despite all odds, maniak would be able to finally land in Canada and fight back.
Alas, it was not to be. The French fleet had been battered by the Portuguese and British in the war and only had 36 ships remaining. His former colony by contrast had 74 ships. There was no safe way for him to transport his numerically superior armies to Canada. With -20% warscore, it would only be a matter of time before maniak surrendered, right?
Wrong. French Canada got bored and threw in the towel in its own independence war. Despite having a superior warscore and despite having an unbeatable navy. The entire escapade cost France 188k dead on the field and 70k to attrition. I haven't been so disappointed in a colony since I looked at New Spain 2 months ago.
MadDogg declared war on
@Andycoleno9 over the Shetland islands. The British were returning after a 150 year slumber, pitting 168k redcoats vs 50k depressed Danes. With total naval control, the Brits were free to amphibious assault where they pleased and Denmark was carpet sieged. It was a brief war with fairly lenient terms. Because Britain does everything by half.
Shortly afterwards, Lubeck declared war on the Danes and Andycoleno9 was forced to cede his capital. He can't catch a break.
@Withnail attacked Mahra, who was allied to the Mughals, bringing the Indo-Persians into their first major conflict with the west. After 5 years, 31,000 dead to battle and 340,000 dead to attrition, the Ottomans peaced the Mughals out. Taking one 3 dev province. Yes you read that right. 371,000 sacrificed for a 3 development province. Just to put into perspective, a 3 dev province in game is the equivalent to Kabul or Edinburgh in real life.
The third Portuguese-Vijayanagar war was started by harms, who likes to harm himself. The third war ended as the previous two had. harms promises not to declare on the Indian princes again.
And finally, we lose another player. Emperor Dr. Dwayne tired of his plaything
@hobbers and annexed him. Goodbye hobbers. Here's a highlight reel of your finest moments.
In other news:
- As part of Dr. Dwayne's punishing of the princes, he declared war on Ausburg who was allied to AnotherLondonManc. The Papal States and Austria sieged down Venice and it looked like he was in trouble, however the Emperor annexed Ausburg and ended the war before inflicting any territorial losses on Venice. Phew.
- The province of Trentino defected to AnotherLondonManc. I don't know why.
- harms allied Ethiopia again to spite the Turks. His east African colony nearly borders Withnail after more rapid expansion
- Friesland is gobbling up Mexico because The Cat-RedSky can't control their vassals
- harm's Colombian colony declared war on and annexed Colombian Friesland
- Organic Potatoes is pushing towards Korea and Japan
- maniak declared war on Kongo, but then got involved in his colonial war and had to cede a province to the African tribe
- Nupe in Africa declared war on Andycoleno9 his Cameroon colonies are sieged down