The Biden Presidency

Beyond the fact that Biden isn’t a left winger by US standards, you’re attempting to make this argument among mostly non Americans on a non American site.

My argument was only with you claiming that "good people on both sides" is solely a conservative/right wing thing. It is not. That's Biden's politics as well. He is not a conservative. Then you said "Biden is not a part of the left by any measure". That is false again there are plenty of measures that would consider him as such. Now you're saying I don't consider those measures and talking about the site being non American so not sure what that is about
My argument was only with you claiming that "good people on both sides" is solely a conservative/right wing thing. It is not. That's Biden's politics as well. He is not a conservative. Then you said "Biden is not a part of the left by any measure". That is false again there are plenty of measures that would consider him as such. Now you're saying I don't consider those measures and talking about the site being non American so not sure what that is about

The original point still stands. Biden is not a part of the American left by any objective measure. He is a standard, generic corporate Democrat. Just because a politician is to the left of Genghis Khan doesn’t make them a part of the American left.
Now you're saying I don't consider those measures and talking about the site being non American so not sure what that is about

Presuming this is about the Democrats effectively being our traditional Tories and the actual left in America being considered commies, etc. British/European standards of left and right don't apply the same in America.

Biden might be a Democrat but he's not left wing. Not in the slightest.

The Biden administration has approved a controversial $8bn (£6bn) drilling project on Alaska’s North Slope, which has drawn fierce opposition from environmentalists and some Alaska Native communities, who say it will speed up the climate breakdown and undermine food security.

This extraction may, ironically, involve refreezing the rapidly thawing Arctic permafrost to stabilize drilling equipment, would create one of the largest “carbon bombs” on US soil, potentially producing more than twice as many emissions than all renewable energy projects on public lands by 2030 would cut combined.

The Biden administration has approved a controversial $8bn (£6bn) drilling project on Alaska’s North Slope, which has drawn fierce opposition from environmentalists and some Alaska Native communities, who say it will speed up the climate breakdown and undermine food security.

This extraction may, ironically, involve refreezing the rapidly thawing Arctic permafrost to stabilize drilling equipment, would create one of the largest “carbon bombs” on US soil, potentially producing more than twice as many emissions than all renewable energy projects on public lands by 2030 would cut combined.
I am shocked by this news.

I’m not shocked
It must be really hard for someone even slightly left leaning to summon the energy to go out and vote on an election in america. You always lose.
This extraction may, ironically, involve the rapidly thawing Arctic permafrost to stabilize drilling equipment, would create one of the largest “carbon bombs” on US soil, potentially producing more than twice as many emissions than all renewable energy projects on public lands by 2030 would cut combined.

The feck! And I’m sure the US will want all the other countries, especially the developing ones to cut back on their emissions.
It must be really hard for someone even slightly left leaning to summon the energy to go out and vote on an election in america. You always lose.

We typically vote to deny the opposition a chance to make gains, not with the expectations we may make some ourselves.

The Biden administration has approved a controversial $8bn (£6bn) drilling project on Alaska’s North Slope, which has drawn fierce opposition from environmentalists and some Alaska Native communities, who say it will speed up the climate breakdown and undermine food security.

This extraction may, ironically, involve refreezing the rapidly thawing Arctic permafrost to stabilize drilling equipment, would create one of the largest “carbon bombs” on US soil, potentially producing more than twice as many emissions than all renewable energy projects on public lands by 2030 would cut combined.
I'm beginning to think Biden is not the Che Guevara we've been hoping for.

I really hope Biden stands aside and lets someone else lead the charge against the Trumpanzees in 2024. It's shit like this (Willow project) that are a painful reminder of just how much a corporate, political stooge Biden is, and not any kind of leader or visionary.

The Biden administration has approved a controversial $8bn (£6bn) drilling project on Alaska’s North Slope, which has drawn fierce opposition from environmentalists and some Alaska Native communities, who say it will speed up the climate breakdown and undermine food security.

This extraction may, ironically, involve refreezing the rapidly thawing Arctic permafrost to stabilize drilling equipment, would create one of the largest “carbon bombs” on US soil, potentially producing more than twice as many emissions than all renewable energy projects on public lands by 2030 would cut combined.

She has such a way with words...

She has such a way with words...

What a blowhard.

If Biden wanted a black woman as a running mate, he should have picked Susan Rice, whose resume is far more solid than Harris' own resume. I'm not kidding when I say that Rice has a lot of accomplishments working for Democratic presidents.
Exactly, if Democrats don't do Republican policies, then Republicans will win the White House and start doing Republican policies. It's too much of risk to change things at the moment imo.

Errr if the democrats do republican policies, why you need republicans? The republican policies they are already in place.

With that atitude you show that US is republican and not only that. If democrats do republican policies (bizarre), besides doing already the republicans job, the R will double down and will do worse policies that will not look that bad or shocking because the D already did R policies and then you have the likes like trump, boebart, MGT normalized and moving all the spectrum to the right, nornalizibg far right as right and right as left

If you are D you do your policies, not Rs
Errr if the democrats do republican policies, why you need republicans? The republican policies they are already in place.

With that atitude you show that US is republican and not only that. If democrats do republican policies (bizarre), besides doing already the republicans job, the R will double down and will do worse policies that will not look that bad or shocking because the D already did R policies and then you have the likes like trump, boebart, MGT normalized and moving all the spectrum to the right, nornalizibg far right as right and right as left

If you are D you do your policies, not Rs

He's doing a satire. Basically he agrees with you, I reckon.
I'm beginning to think Biden is not the Che Guevara we've been hoping for.

I really hope Biden stands aside and lets someone else lead the charge against the Trumpanzees in 2024. It's shit like this (Willow project) that are a painful reminder of just how much a corporate, political stooge Biden is, and not any kind of leader or visionary.

These leases were approved long ago, the commitments made before Biden.

If these leases aren‘t approved the government gets sued.

He could deny approval and stall the project in litigation, but politically that would be bad obviously.

Imo more regulation to lessen the impact of these kind of projects should be imposed: force companies to work cleanly and stop them from abandoning or bankrupting projects to avoid cleanup.
The original point still stands. Biden is not a part of the American left by any objective measure. He is a standard, generic corporate Democrat. Just because a politician is to the left of Genghis Khan doesn’t make them a part of the American left.
I wanted to ratify this comment, it's 100% correct. AOC even said that by European standards, she and Biden wouldn't even be in the same party. Biden is center-right by Euro standards. He was dragged kicking and screaming to the left of where he was by Bernie Sanders et al., but he's still perched firmly in the center.
Imo more regulation to lessen the impact of these kind of projects should be imposed: force companies to work cleanly and stop them from abandoning or bankrupting projects to avoid cleanup.

Can't exactly fine or arrest carbon dioxide, which is the main problematic output of these projects.
I don’t TikTok. Is there a clip of whatever this somewhere else?

it's a clip from the 2020 campaign. biden wants to say "the same stable genius said that the biggest problem in the revolutionary war was that we didn't have enough airports." probably a reference to this:
instead, for genius, he stumbles and it sounds like "jesus." then he looks confused at the end of the sentence.

it's funny, there's a lot of stuff, especially in 2021, when biden was absolutely stumbling through speeches, clearly had no idea sentence he was saying, falling asleep in meetings (which have been made impossible to find on youtube).
but resident maga guys have gone with a clip from before he became president, where he said one word wrong.
I don’t TikTok. Is there a clip of whatever this somewhere else?
honestly i'd never seen that before until today and i don't tik tok either....just another dumb platform for kids to make money acting like drunk aholes or girls acting like hoes
The American DoD has to be the most corrupt organisation in the world.