The best British Rock band of the noughties

Bit off topic, but if you guys like your rock bands, give Hidden Revolution a listen. Up and coming Manchester band. Shit hot live too.
Calling radiohead fans wankers is a bit harsh. But yes, them being overly snobbish is a somewhat passable generalisation IMO.

Things is, we're talking about the appreciation of an art form here, so of course there's going to be quite a bit of snobbery lingering about. My Muse generalisation was merely an observation of those around me.
I only feel I can call them that because I'm one of them, they're probably my favourite band. Musical snobbery is a bugbear of mine, it's the kind of crap that prevents people from being able to enjoy so much great classical music. You don't need any knowledge to be able to enjoy art, just the ability to feel.
What's wrong with jazz?
Nothing, my post wasn't exactly serious. I chose Jazz again because of a generalisation that it's a style which places great worth on technical excellence.
I only feel I can call them that because I'm one of them, they're probably my favourite band. Musical snobbery is a bugbear of mine, it's the kind of crap that prevents people from being able to enjoy so much great classical music. You don't need any knowledge to be able to enjoy art, just the ability to feel.

Nothing, my post wasn't exactly serious. I chose Jazz again because of a generalisation that it's a style which places great worth on technical excellence.

Fair enough.
Muse was pop enough as an introduction for those looking to get into less mainstream rock during this period, and hence why many rave about them.

Basically, teenagers between the ages 14 - 19.

Which period is this? To describe Muse's early work as "pop enough" is comical. Admittedly some of their newer songs do pander to a mainstream crowd but it's still great music.

Not sure about this generalisation of Muse fans either, it's like me calling Radiohead fans pretentious, smug, condescending, pompous, dismissive, shit heads who till this day still think Radiohead are an underground/non mainstream band. Who potentially get upset at any mention of the following things

"I like the song Creep" "They sound like U2 & Coldplay" "Their songs sound the same" "Isn't this just emo music for people who don't have Kerrang" "Muse > Radiohead" "Their music is depressing".

I don't like Radiohead, they're a well respected band who cater for their fans really well and it would be stupid of me to call their music shit. They also clearly had a massive influence on Muse(Showbiz). But I find their music boring, whiney, uninspiring and pretentious and Thom Yorke's voice irritates me but that's just me.

Couldn't agree more. They were popular when I was around 15. I thought they were alright back then but once I started listening to other bands it was obvious they were really poor.

When were you 15? Cos Muse are actually far more popular now than they've ever been.

Calling Muse a really poor band is just an absolute nonsense tbf, opinion or no opinion, it's just plain wrong. One of the best bands in the country and you're talking about them as if they're some generic teen pandering garbage band like 30 Seconds to Mars.

Arctic Monkeys are still making good music, but loads of people say they've went shite after the second album. Nonsense.

That's true, Suck it and See was awesome, I'd put it right up there with their first two albums. It's very different as well, that's what's great about British bands in particular like them, Muse, Kasabian, hell even Radiohead, they experiment unlike the one dimensional bands across the pond. Foo Fighters for instance are fantastic but feck me try something different, Nickelback the same. Yes I said Nickelback.