The best British Rock band of the noughties

For me, Iron Maiden by far.
How they've come back from their imo mediocre 90's period and how they are still evolving in their music is remarkable. The last album is the perfect example of that.

Seen them live many times since 83 and whilst I wouldn't call them a 'naughties' band - what they still continue to do probably does eclipse (no pun itended) the rest.
Arctic Monkeys
....because I don't like any of Radiohead's 2000 albums more than the Arctic's first album. 90s Radiohead would be a different call. I've seen Arctic Monkeys twice, and a third time coming up, and they were great live, even if I don't rate some of their newer stuff.
To be fair to you Leroy.

Kerrang Radio would play all those bands on their standard playlist. I used to have the station on my morning alarm.

There you go, I'll admit it's the music channel I have on the most and those bands feature prominently(when they're not playing American Pop Punk which they play 99% of the time), in fact the only bands listed I've never seen on kerrang are the Kooks and Courteeners.
Radiohead have released more albums in the noughties than they did in the 90's.
Oasis have released more albums in the noughties than they did in the 90's
Motorhead have released more than 3 albums in the noughties.

One must do ones homework before one makes statements such as yours.
What are you on about? I'm well aware of those facts. My point is that Oasis were only relevant in the 90s, and my opinion is that Radiohead didn't contribute anything more of interest after Kid A/Amnesiac. Obviously some will argue that HTTT deserves a mention, and fair enough, they are entitled to their opinion. I thought you made a thread about who were the best band of the 00s, not about who released the most albums.
What are you on about? I'm well aware of those facts. My point is that Oasis were only relevant in the 90s, and my opinion is that Radiohead didn't contribute anything more of interest after Kid A/Amnesiac. Obviously some will argue that HTTT deserves a mention, and fair enough, they are entitled to their opinion. I thought you made a thread about who were the best band of the 00s, not about who released the most albums.

This is just your opinion. Your questioning my poll on the basis of your opinion which actually goes against fact(the fact being these bands have done a lot of work in the noughties)

Oh and those two Radiohead albums were both made in the noughties.
This is just your opinion. Your questioning my poll on the basis of your opinion which actually goes against fact(the fact being these bands have done a lot of work in the noughties)

Oh and those two Radiohead albums were both made in the noughties.
Did you even read the two posts you've replied to? I've already acknowledged those things about Radiohead.

That "Oasis was irrelevant in the 00s" is just my opinion is both right and wrong. Right because it is my opinion and opinions will differ, and wrong because I believe it's a very widely shared opinion, thus not just my opinion. They are famous and revered for what they did in their 90s though, not the 00s. Schmeichel is not a real candidate for one of the best players in the PL in the 00s despite having played there in the 00s... If the only reasoning behind your putting those bands in the list was that they are British rock bands that released things in the 00s, then they do indeed fit in, but then you've also left out hundreds of other bands also fitting that rather wide criteria. And if you do not welcome opinions that say that some of those bands are not among the best British rock bands, then I do not know why you're making a poll...
Did you even read the two posts you've replied to? I've already acknowledged those things about Radiohead.

That "Oasis was irrelevant in the 00s" is just my opinion is both right and wrong. Right because it is my opinion and opinions will differ, and wrong because I believe it's a very widely shared opinion, thus not just my opinion. They are famous and revered for what they did in their 90s though, not the 00s. Schmeichel is not a real candidate for one of the best players in the PL in the 00s despite having played there in the 00s... If the only reasoning behind your putting those bands in the list was that they are British rock bands that released things in the 00s, then they do indeed fit in, but then you've also left out hundreds of other bands also fitting that rather wide criteria. And if you do not welcome opinions that say that some of those bands are not among the best British rock bands, then I do not know why you're making a poll...

:wenger: What?

The poll lists 26 of the more successful and commercial bands in the UK (half of which btw I don't even listen to) The point of the poll is not to have someone tell me band *insert name* shouldn't be included because certain someone feels that bands music wasn't as good in the noughties. That is completely irrelevant. The point is to simply state which band is the best, your opinion on who shouldn't be on the list is of no relevance to me. If you want to tell me who should be on the list, feel free to.

I've not said anything against anyone who's named a band not listed on the poll. I can't include EVERY single British band.
You're free to tell me how rubbish Oasis and Radiohead were in the noughties but as two of the biggest selling British bands in the noughties it would be completely spastic to not include them in the poll. Also bringing up Schmeichel is completely retarded.

I've already acknowledged those things about Radiohead.
and my opinion is that Radiohead didn't contribute anything more of interest after Kid A/Amnesiac.

Wait, so you acknowledged it, listed the two albums made in the noughties and yet still moaned about their place in the poll. Make up your mind.
When I wrote that "Radiohead doesn't feel like a noughties band, they didn't do anything significant after 2001" and that I'd still vote for Radiohead, I clearly acknowledge that they released some good stuff in the 00s, while at the same time I am obviously saying that they haven't been a very prominent or incessant band in that decade, since they (to me) got done early.

In the next post I clearly state that this (that they didn't do anything of interest after 2001) is my opinion and that I respect that others might disagree, so I have no idea why you quoted that post and felt you needed to tell me that what I wrote was my opinion.

Short and simple: I make three points about Radiohead; they've released good things in the 00s; they weren't a "dominating" band in the 00s (and to be "the best british rock band in the 00s", you should probably have had a presence that lasted longer than a couple of years - at most: and that this is my opinion.

I see I should have stated it as succinctly as in the previous paragraph, since you got so confused. My apologies, Suarez-style.

(That was Radiohead. To include Oasis in that list is like including Schmeichel in a similar list of great footballers from the 00s.)
When I wrote that "Radiohead doesn't feel like a noughties band, they didn't do anything significant after 2001" and that I'd still vote for Radiohead, I clearly acknowledge that they released some good stuff in the 00s, while at the same time I am obviously saying that they haven't been a very prominent or incessant band in that decade, since they (to me) got done early.

In the next post I clearly state that this (that they didn't do anything of interest after 2001) is my opinion and that I respect that others might disagree, so I have no idea why you quoted that post and felt you needed to tell me that what I wrote was my opinion.

Short and simple: I make three points about Radiohead; they've released good things in the 00s; they weren't a "dominating" band in the 00s (and to be "the best british rock band in the 00s", you should probably have had a presence that lasted longer than a couple of years - at most: and that this is my opinion.

I see I should have stated it as succinctly as in the previous paragraph, since you got so confused. My apologies, Suarez-style.

(That was Radiohead. To include Oasis in that list is like including Schmeichel in a similar list of great footballers from the 00s.)

The Libertines. Surprised that no other poster has mentioned them yet

Edit: Missed out Plech's comments
Objectively for me it should be the Arctic Monkeys or Kasabian.

But I'm going to go for the Libertines. The memories I have from listening to them are glorious. I am such a gayer
An update(for those interested) compiling these votes and a shit load more on facebook, unsurprisingly Radiohead, Muse and Arctic Monkeys are dominating the votes. At this time Muse and Radiohead are dead level with Arctic a couple behind. Rather shockingly nobody has voted for Bring me the Horizon.
Radiohead really have the edge though because two Muse votes were made with the intention of pleasing me.
An update(for those interested) compiling these votes and a shit load more on facebook, unsurprisingly Radiohead, Muse and Arctic Monkeys are dominating the votes. At this time Muse and Radiohead are dead level with Arctic a couple behind. Rather shockingly nobody has voted for Bring me the Horizon.
Radiohead really have the edge though because two Muse votes were made with the intention of pleasing me.

Muse was pop enough as an introduction for those looking to get into less mainstream rock during this period, and hence why many rave about them.

Basically, teenagers between the ages 14 - 19.
Wow I don't like any of those bands. Haven't heard a few, mind you.
Disregarding the OP's list, my answer would be Oceansize. 4 Stellar LPs and few EPs in there for good measure. All within 2000-2010. An immensely talented group of individuals.

I'd have Radiohead on b-side output alone in the noughties over Muse. They fecking suck, a one trick pony with horse aids.
I've heard one song of Muse. That first one which became really popular. It was terrible.
Muse was pop enough as an introduction for those looking to get into less mainstream rock during this period, and hence why many rave about them.

Basically, teenagers between the ages 14 - 19.

Yes, that definitely sounds right. It must be why I started listening to Muse after Kamelot, Nightwish, Iron Maiden, Metallica and Deftones.
Muse was pop enough as an introduction for those looking to get into less mainstream rock during this period, and hence why many rave about them.

Basically, teenagers between the ages 14 - 19.

In fairness that was my exact experience of High School. Four of my friends who had an awful band were massive Muse fans but they saw the light when they finally gave in, listened to Kid A and realised someone had not only been there and done it all before, but then got bored and started something completely different.

Shit changed for them
Radiohead by a distance.

I loved Showbiz and Origin of Symmetry, but Muse's output got progressively worse through the decade. Meanwhile Radiohead have had two incredible albums (Kid A & In Rainbows), an album of great music albeit horribly arranged and presented (Hail to the Thief) and an album with some great moments (Amnesiac). While The Bends and OK Computer will always be my favourite albums, Radiohead actually produced more high quality stuff last decade than in the 90's.

It's true that a bad Radiohead record will still be so much better than another band's best release.
Muse was pop enough as an introduction for those looking to get into less mainstream rock during this period, and hence why many rave about them.

Basically, teenagers between the ages 14 - 19.

Couldn't agree more. They were popular when I was around 15. I thought they were alright back then but once I started listening to other bands it was obvious they were really poor.

Other bands kind of similar to this are Coldplay, Oasis and Kings of Leon. They're all really popular. It's really predictable to say this but all their early stuff was much better (for Oasis and Kings of Leon anyway - I'll still listen to these two). Arctic Monkeys are still making good music, but loads of people say they've went shite after the second album. Nonsense.

Memories. What a debut album.
the stereotyping of muse listeners in this thread does nothing to dispel another stereotype of most radiohead fans being wankers. anyone who genuinely thinks one type of music is better and more worthwhile to listen to than another, should bugger off and listen to jazz.
Listening to a fat man fart is more worthwhile and pleasing to the ear than some of the shit on that list. Especially the emo guff.
the stereotyping of muse listeners in this thread does nothing to dispel another stereotype of most radiohead fans being wankers. anyone who genuinely thinks one type of music is better and more worthwhile to listen to than another, should bugger off and listen to jazz.

Calling radiohead fans wankers is a bit harsh. But yes, them being overly snobbish is a somewhat passable generalisation IMO.

Things is, we're talking about the appreciation of an art form here, so of course there's going to be quite a bit of snobbery lingering about. My Muse generalisation was merely an observation of those around me.