@Carolina Red, hope the wife is doing well.
It is insane and completely about greed. A decade ago I woke up with an immense pain in my lower back. Wife was out of town so I drove myself to my GP (pro tip, if you choose a GP who works out of an urgent care facility, and they have kind admin people, you can get Urgent Care visits billed as GP visit). An x-ray show a possible mass on my spine but an MRI was needed to complete the diagnosis. I sat in my car, wracked in pain and freaked out about the big C word, for 30 minutes searching to find an in network MRI place. Found one at UAB hospital for the negotiated price of $1500 (all out of my deductible, but "list was $2800). Spent another 30 minutes searching and finally found a single for profit MRI place across town that had a final negotiated price of FREE after some weird rebate shit. Ended up being a really bad herniated disc, which was "good", but it also ended my footy playing days.
Anyways, all of this is contrasted to my dog. Yes, my dog. A month later she also herniated a disc (like dog like owner I guess). Likewise she was first diagnosed by x-ray and then confirmed by MRI. The MRI machine was in the middle of a medical clinic where one half was a human clinic and the other a vet. The humans used the machine in the morning and the pets in the afternoon. She then had surgery to fuse the disc. This surgery required a vet neurosurgeon (also the head of the vet school), the attending vet surgeon, an anesthesiologist, and 4 vet students acting as nurses. She then had 2 nights of post up care and months of medication. Total cost of
ALL of that? $2750.