The Avengers

Just got back from it. Very good movie, everything you want from a summer blockbuster. The whole power levels thing is kind of a story breaker though, I can't really see the point of Captain America for instance.

Good fun though, I'm off to youtube whatever this Thanos thing is. Left the theatre at 1:30 am, wasn't inclined to sit through credits at all.
Chris Evans' screentime is limited in The Avengers but overall his character is far more likeable and interesting than in his own movie. This is one of those rare flicks where pretty much everyone in the main and supporting cast were great.
I really liked Cap in this, he had a few very funny lines...

"It appears to run on electricity"

"I get that reference" (Flying monkeys)

"Theres only one God ma'am and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that"

And there was when he gave Fury the $10. And his fight with Loki was quite cool

"The last time I was in Germany, and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing"
Iron Man had some of the best lines IMO. Before the big battle at the end when Captain America tells Hawkeye to be on top of the building, Iron Man grabs him and says

"Come on, Legolas" :lol:
Just got back from it. Very good movie, everything you want from a summer blockbuster. The whole power levels thing is kind of a story breaker though, I can't really see the point of Captain America for instance.

Good fun though, I'm off to youtube whatever this Thanos thing is. Left the theatre at 1:30 am, wasn't inclined to sit through credits at all.

It was just after those initial artistic credits. You know the ones only showing the main actors, the director and the producers. They went on for less than five minutes if I'm not mistaken.
US version has another scene right at the end as well of -

The Avengers eating shawarma in silence.
Looking like a record $200 million opening weekend in the US to go with $400+ already overseas, insane numbers. Should breeze past 1 billion.
Why are people having problems with Captain America's power levels and not Hawkeye and Black Widow? He's infinitely more powerful than them. Or is that taken for granted and people are comparing him to Hulk and Thor?
Black Widow is hot and Hawkeye is cool and had some bad ass moments. Where as Captain America is just bad. He does nothing.
Just got back from seeing it... thought it was pretty fantastic. Just a really good popcorn-flick.

I also really liked Captain America in this... thought he came across quite well as your more ordinary "hero of the people" kind of superhero. Whilst the other 3 characters all came across as being uber larger then life, he felt more grounded in a way... and I didn't find that to be a bad thing at all.
Saw it on Saturday, thought it was brilliant, really well done

and feck off you lot about Captain America. You obviously weren't following the storyline if you thought he did nothing!
Captain America's role in the Avengers was always about being a leader and getting the egos to fight together. He's also the more vulnerable 'human element' for the reader/watcher to relate to.

It's very difficult to do that on film, without it being oversentimental and cheesy, but I think they did it very well - Chris Evans does a great job in this film and The First Avenger.
Why are people having problems with Captain America's power levels and not Hawkeye and Black Widow? He's infinitely more powerful than them. Or is that taken for granted and people are comparing him to Hulk and Thor?

Aren't Hawkeye and Black Widow just normal people that have gotten very very good at certain things? I didn't expect them to be on the same level as the rest of the team simply because they haven't been exposed to Gamma Radiation or bitten by a radioactive spider or whatever.
Well i see Captain America as someone who knows how to work as a team and guide others as a leader; while all others are used to work on their own.
So in a way, he makes that team work.
First film in a long time that has made me really want to go see it again at the cinema... in fact, I can't remember the last film that did.

I saw it in 2D first time round, for those that saw it in 3D, was it worth the extra expense?
First film in a long time that has made me really want to go see it again at the cinema... in fact, I can't remember the last film that did.

I saw it in 2D first time round, for those that saw it in 3D, was it worth the extra expense?


I'm the other way round. Was forced to see it in 3D but really want to watch it in 2D.
Saw it today in 2D (Really don't see the hype with 3D, just annoying and ruins films for me), and it's incredibly well done. Nice to see an action film with so much going on CGI wise with a pretty decent story line.

Mental numbers it's pulled in as well, already confirmed for atleast 2 sequels.
Just came back from it an hour ago. Really liked it. Thought Thor was the best film of the individuals before this but Whedon comes in and blows the others out of the water. It's a highly entertaining film. I saw this with a buddie of man who's a bit eccentric regarding movies. He has specific tastes. He's only seen the two Nolan Batman films and Green Hornet. That's it. He's not a fan of the superhero films but he wanted to give this movie a shot. He liked it. Didn't love it but he liked it.

I'm a big fan of Thor. His comic element is what I knew the least going into all these stories. What I read about the comics I didn't like. Thought it was pretty stupid but excluding the "real" Norse mythology is really comes of nicely. Hemsworth is just perfectly cast in this role isn't he. In fact the whole gang is a great casting job. Scarlett impressed. Only buggy thing for me is that Evans is Captain America and Human Torch.
Just came back from it an hour ago. Really liked it. Thought Thor was the best film of the individuals before this but Whedon comes in and blows the others out of the water. It's a highly entertaining film. I saw this with a buddie of man who's a bit eccentric regarding movies. He has specific tastes. He's only seen the two Nolan Batman films and Green Hornet. That's it. He's not a fan of the superhero films but he wanted to give this movie a shot. He liked it. Didn't love it but he liked it.

I'm a big fan of Thor. His comic element is what I knew the least going into all these stories. What I read about the comics I didn't like. Thought it was pretty stupid but excluding the "real" Norse mythology is really comes of nicely. Hemsworth is just perfectly cast in this role isn't he. In fact the whole gang is a great casting job. Scarlett impressed. Only buggy thing for me is that Evans is Captain America and Human Torch.

It's ok, they'll most likely recast the entire fantastic four if they ever wish to have a combined marvel comics movie, besides don;t the rights belong to different studios?
I looked it up and Marvel studios co-produced all the Marvel comic movies since Blade. They're owned by Disney. There have been many different distributors so I think essentially Marvel still owns the right but sells of the distribution right for each movie.

Holy shit balls the money Disney are making. Pixar and Marvel. With all their movies (except 2) there were huge profits. And I'm not even sure if the numbers I'm looking at are just US cinema or world wide. DVD sales of course not included. Elektra had a very small budget, didn't do great but it made 13 million. Punisher: The War zone is the only movie that flopped. But I think it was mostly intended for DVD so these numbers are expected. I've seen that movie and it's by far the most brutal movie of them all. Blows many horror movies out of the water. And it had a German chick directing it.

I don't know how much ownership Stan Lee has of the Marvel stuff but I imagine if he has the same amount of percentages as George has with Star Wars he'd be much richer (if he already isn't).
Marvel do not own movie rights to X-Men, Fantastic Four and Spiderman. Fox have the first two and Sony has Spiderman.

Marvel have said there not willing to buy back the rights either.

They have resigned Blade and The Punisher though.
I just watched this in a theater in San Luis Obispo on college night. I was the oldest person in the theater.

"You mewling quim" was a great line.

Oh...and what's the point of a giant flying aircraft carrier with mirrors?
I thought it was really good fun, it didn't end up being the mess I though it was going to be and Scarlett Johansson in 3d...:drool:
That didn't bother me at all. What bothered me was Loki referencing ants. Surprised that was a problem in Asgard.
Is a film with a variety of "super heroes" in it that are fighting between forces from various parts of the universe linked by worm holes and fighting over infinite power sources really the sort of film you can pick tiny little little discrepancies with like "Loki referencing Ants" and "Captain America not being as strong as Thor or Hulk"....

....And I thought I was a cynical bastard!
I'm only joking. You find stuff like this in all Hollywood movies. With Sci-Fi and fantasy they just take that sort of analogy and change ant into the same thing they have with the different name.

If you're going to be cynical about this movie you're not going to like it. It's just that a little later on Thor mention some creature that's not on Earth and everyone was like wtf. Thor and Loki both speak perfect English. That doesn't bother anyone does it?
Saw it, loved it. Was great fun.

Although everyone is saying it I must say The Hulk was awseome. Him chucking Loki about when he was mid rant was seemed like a very Wheedon/Buffyish thing to do.
saw it last friday great film especially pleased as i am a big whedon fan from his buffy days
The box office numbers are amazing, first movie to break the 200 million barrier in the first weekend, first movie to break the 100 million barrier in the second weekend, 374 million in the US after 10 days, 1 billion worlwide after 15 days. It has a good chance of being the third biggest movie ever in terms of box office.
Lived up to the hype, and then some.

Loved it from start to finish. The action scenes were great, the dialogue snappy and funny.

And as for the Hulk...they've finally nailed it.
The box office numbers are amazing, first movie to break the 200 million barrier in the first weekend, first movie to break the 100 million barrier in the second weekend, 374 million in the US after 10 days, 1 billion worlwide after 15 days. It has a good chance of being the third biggest movie ever in terms of box office.

Quite something isn't it. Surprisingly set a record in Iceland as well in terms of money. Don't think it has the record for number of people though because it's only shown in 3D and therefor each ticket is more expensive.

Good for Joss Whedon.