The Avengers

If at the end of movie Thor, the gate was lost; then how the feck Thor was there available for Avengers?

It was kinda plot hole but not really. Y'know how these movies roll, there's always a way back for people using some random mystical object. The only thing is that it was bigged up as being a huge deal when it really wasn't.
If at the end of movie Thor, the gate was lost; then how the feck Thor was there available for Avengers?

Odin summoned him there. Loki mentioned something along the line of it most of took all of Odins Dark Matter energy to summon him there.
Yes Loki guesses Odin sent him there, and Thor says he is stranded back on Earth unless he had the tesseract, so it must have been a one time thing. Its a pretty weak explination but it doesn't really matter.

Loki does point out in the Thor film that the Bifrost Bridge isn't the only way in and out of Asgard.
That's exactly it, remember before he transforms he says the secret is he is always angry ie he knows what he is doing and can control it. On the helicarrier they had that big argument and he realised why he had been called in and that they planned on caging him thus he was angry at them. Whereas back in New York he was friendly with them and had a reason to fight Loki

Well from what I can gather, the Hulk that was unleashed on board the Helicarrier was out of control due to Loki managing to play with their minds using the staff that was left in the research bay. When they realised that Loki was targeting Banner and wanted to release the Hulk, Fury & Black Widow were urgently trying to remove him from the area. In the room peoples emotions, ego's and anxiety's were raised while they questioned each others motives, but this was all caused by Loki omitting some form of 'drug' like feeling from the staff.

A couple of things that back this I think are how Cap is easily convinced that SHIELD are up to something behind the scenes, when he tries to disregard this notion Banner & Stark easily turn his head and Cap goes off to find out whats going on alone, going against his usual Soldier character and breaking his orders. Also, the argument scene just before the explosion is filmed like a air born toxin / gas is attacking each of the Avengers and boosting the aggression towards one another. Best section of this argument to confirm this is with Thor, as the camera pans on his face (again like a toxin is attacking him) he says "You people are so petty, and tiny." - this line goes totally against his opinion of humans (which he was talking to Loki about just earlier in the film) and how he can relate to them, instead this line makes him sound like he is above them and acting more like a "God"!

That's my opinion on it all, and would give a valid reason for the Hulk outburst on the Helicarrier... Or maybe I shouldn't read too much into things :lol:
They basically spent the whole thing moking him and making him look weak, and he didn't actually do anything, at all.


The bit where he's in the glass cell and the girl makes him look like an idiot.

The bit where Iron takes the piss out of him when he tries to prod him in the chest with the stick thing.

The bit where even that useless agent guy tells him off and then lures him over and cheap shots him

The part where the army he's supposed to be in charge of threaten him into doing what they want

The bit where the Hulk slaps him around and then gets in on the " make a smart arse remark to Loki" fest despite not saying a single thing during the film until that point, and then we get some kind of comedy shot of him being pancaked on the floor, like out of a cartoon.

The several times Thor just emerges from the sky and beats him up for fun.

In contrast, his plan was to...well, parade around with a stick and try to pester people into bowing before him...which didn't even work on an OAP, let alone the entire world.

Also, the actual army weren't very daunting at all, were they? They were basically just useless ugly soldiers flying around on motorbike things that couldn't turn properly...why would you fire a nuke at this? You'd just send in a couple of fighter jets to clean the lot of them out in about 2 minutes.

I liked some things about this film, but thought it was just run of the mill basically. The interaction between the Avenger characters was good, and made it fun, the supposed threat was a big let down as I couldn't take it actually was like watching Team Rocket in Pokemon or something.

I agree with most of that. Loki and the army did not play up to be any kind of threat at all in the end. It was a good movie but could have been much better with a better villain. Better than all the Iron Man and other crap superhero movies but not better than the current Batman series.
The main problem is characters like Thor and Hulk are practically invincible. There's no threat, because nothing can kill them.
The main problem is characters like Thor and Hulk are practically invincible. There's no threat, because nothing can kill them.

This is true.

Which is why the villains need to be super powerful alien beings like the dude in the end credits sequence.

The army at the end of this was just a generic rent-a-villain to pad out the climax. The main thrust of the movie was the group coming together and battling each other eg. the Thor/Iron Man showdown or the Hulk flipping out on the aircraft.
I'm just gonna throw this out there, you can take it and keep it or you can throw it straight back to me:

Thor = Gannicus :eek:
Such a good film.

I liked Loki in both films, so glad that they chose him to be to villain again instead of a new person. I was a bit disappointed in both this and Thor because Loki is a more interesting to me and I'd of liked them to do more with him.
This is true.

Which is why the villains need to be super powerful alien beings like the dude in the end credits sequence.

The army at the end of this was just a generic rent-a-villain to pad out the climax. The main thrust of the movie was the group coming together and battling each other eg. the Thor/Iron Man showdown or the Hulk flipping out on the aircraft.

I think you summed it up quite well, this movie was about the 'assemble' part of the Avengers, I'm sure they could have done both this AND given us a super villain, but I guess now we've seen them come together and whoop some ass it will make it even more dramatic when they come up against Thanos who I expect will hand them a smackdown or two.
Never been interested in comics before, but I had to wiki Thanos. Didn't realise he was such a bad mofo. Can't wait for the next one, I actually feel sorry for the Avengers. ;)
The main problem is characters like Thor and Hulk are practically invincible. There's no threat, because nothing can kill them.

That was the problem with the major change to Thor's character. They dropped the fact that he had a human form (Donald Blake) and he would revert to that form if he was separated from his hammer for more than 60 seconds. It does make him too powerful, kind of like making Superman immune to kryptonite (which they've done several times in the comics).

The Hulk has generally had the army chasing him and people trying to create their own more powerful Hulk-type menace or has been manipulated by others to do their dirty work.

The writers of the next few films will have to massively increase the threat to these characters, which was pointed to with the teasing of Thanos at the end.

As someone who grew up with the comics and the outlandish characters such as Thanos, it's easy for me to accept the introduction of them into the Marvel films. It remains to be seen whether it might be a suspension of disbelief too far for many general viewers though. Iron Man started out the Marvel Cinematic Universe in a quite realistic fashion, not hugely dissimilar to Batman Begins. Then we had a reacquaintance with the Hulk - a character the general public were already familiar with. They stretched it greatly with Thor and his mythological background and alien worlds before tying that back in with Captain America showing the connections along the way.

They managed to pull off the Avengers with unexpected success, but where will it go from here, and are how are they going to expand their universe further without losing some of the audience?

I agree with most of that. Loki and the army did not play up to be any kind of threat at all in the end. It was a good movie but could have been much better with a better villain. Better than all the Iron Man and other crap superhero movies but not better than the current Batman series.

That's why I can't see any real reason to compare these films (with the exception of Iron Man) to Nolan's Batman films. They are totally unrelated other than the fact the characters all originally appeared in the same medium years ago. Batman has no super powers and neither do any of the villains he faced, so they is always going to be able to tell his stories in a much more gritty, realistic style than most of the Marvel characters.
Right, so I saw this. Like everyone else I was pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable it was - and it was very - but also a bit like noods, not quite sure it's really some kind of GOAT superhero game changer. It's certainly the best group superhero epic i've ever seen, but then it's also the only one i've ever seen, and I don't think it's actually a better film than some of the recent stand alone efforts. The NolanBats aside (which aren't fairly comparable as a different kettle of cake altogether - see below) I'm not sure it's even better than the first Iron Man. In fact I'm sure it's not. That was a very good followable film, with a good intensive story while this was one great big swirly squiggly Bay-fest, albeit with infinitely superior characterisation and slightly more of a story thrown in.

Almost all of it's problems aren't it's fault though. It has to be a giant sqwiggly epic action fest, and it has to have slightly too many main characters with constantly inconsistent power levels and as such it has to have a slightly too rushed story, threat and villan (and motivation - does anyone outside of Stark really have that much motivation to be "pushed" by the catalytic motivational moment?) and it has to have Scarlet Johnsonson and her silly little gun doing something ridiculously superheroish to make up for her rather improbable inclusion in the group.

That said, it is fantastically well done for what it's hamstrung by. Whedon has done a brilliant job in getting all the main players to have their little bits in the spotlight and while it's not a better film, it's certainly a very very well put together antidote for the ultra seriousness of the NolanBats and people who want their comic book nonsense to wear its sillyness on it's sleeve rather than cloak it under lots of dim lighting and serious faces from serious actors and pretend it isn't there, like a giant elephant standing in the middle of a room with an Adam West purple batsuit on playing "nananananananana Batman!" on a vuvuzela.*

I'd give it a swirly squiggly 8...which really means it's about a 7.8. Or something.

Maybe Thor used an Uber Asgard beam


*which incidentally, would sound like this "fnnnzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz fnnzzzz fnzzzzzz."
I pity Captain America if Thanos really appears in the sequel, his powers are pathetic compared to the rest of the Avengers.
I pity Captain America if Thanos really appears in the sequel, his powers are pathetic compared to the rest of the Avengers.

I pity Captain America if Thanos really appears in the sequel, his powers are pathetic compared to the rest of the Avengers.

According to Wikipedia
Thanos is a mutant member of the race of superhumans known as the Titanian Eternals. The character possesses abilities common to the Eternals, but in some cases far beyond any other known member of his race; acquired through a combination of his mutant Eternal heritage, bionic amplification, mysticism, and the entity Death. He has demonstrated enormous superhuman strength, stamina, and particularly durability; is able to absorb and project vast quantities of cosmic energy; is virtually ageless and immortal; does not need food, drink, or oxygen; and is capable of certain telekinesis, as well as telepathy and matter manipulation. The advanced technology within his transportation chairs includes force field projection, time travel, movement through alternate universes, space flight, and teleportation over interstellar distances. Thanos is an accomplished hand-to-hand combatant, having been trained in the art of war on Titan.

Thanos possesses superhuman intellect (he considers his mind his greatest weapon) and has knowledge of Celestial and other alien technology. Thanos is a genius in virtually all known fields of advanced science and has created technology far exceeding contemporary Earth science. He is also a master strategist and sometimes utilizes a space vessel called Sanctuary II as a base of operations.

I pity them all!
Thought it was quite weird how easily and quick the hulk turned from being a bad ass motherfecking trainwreck into a team player. Obviously the movie was long enough as it was, but I felt they could've done more with his development.

Watching Scarlett Johansson in all her glory is definately was 3D was made for though. My word.
I pity Captain America if Thanos really appears in the sequel, his powers are pathetic compared to the rest of the Avengers.

Was that Thanos at the end then?! I thought it was Hellboy joining the party :lol:
If anyone can link to a clip of the end where this Thanos geezer is shown that'd be great. Yes I left the cinema.
Thought it was quite weird how easily and quick the hulk turned from being a bad ass motherfecking trainwreck into a team player. Obviously the movie was long enough as it was, but I felt they could've done more with his development.

Watching Scarlett Johansson in all her glory is definately was 3D was made for though. My word.

Like mentioned before. I think it was implied that when he turns involuntarily then he can't control it, but when he turns into the hulk on purpose he is able to control it, at least it makes sense like that. Amazing movie though, loved it.
Mockney reminds me of a homo-sexual hair-stylist/journalist who wears pointy shoes that hurt his toes.

*wink wink
Is Captain America's shield actually the most redundant thing going around? I mean of all the things I could nit-pick with throughout these super-hero series of movies this is probably low on the list, but just think about it - if someone's spraying that shield with hundreds of bullets how the hell do they not ricochet up and down onto his face/feet, and all around to all his buddies standing behind him.

Realistically (lulz) if he was sprayed with heaps of bullets everyone around him would be dead!
Like mentioned before. I think it was implied that when he turns involuntarily then he can't control it, but when he turns into the hulk on purpose he is able to control it, at least it makes sense like that. Amazing movie though, loved it.

Probably, felt like the movie made it seem like that old man made him realise he actually could control it though. "When you were falling you aimed for some empty space". Then suddenly he wasn't afraid to turn into the Hulk near friends and civilians. Seemed a bit fast if that is the reasoning behind it.
Is Captain America's shield actually the most redundant thing going around? I mean of all the things I could nit-pick with throughout these super-hero series of movies this is probably low on the list, but just think about it - if someone's spraying that shield with hundreds of bullets how the hell do they not ricochet up and down onto his face/feet, and all around to all his buddies standing behind him.

Realistically (lulz) if he was sprayed with heaps of bullets everyone around him would be dead!
In the Captain America film I think when they test it the bullets just drop dead to the floor as soon as they hit the shield.
Is Captain America's shield actually the most redundant thing going around? I mean of all the things I could nit-pick with throughout these super-hero series of movies this is probably low on the list, but just think about it - if someone's spraying that shield with hundreds of bullets how the hell do they not ricochet up and down onto his face/feet, and all around to all his buddies standing behind him.

Realistically (lulz) if he was sprayed with heaps of bullets everyone around him would be dead!

The shield is supposed to absorb vibrations and energy. This should mean that bullets or rays and things do not ricochet off it. Again, it's a bit too inconsistent in the films, like when Thor hit the shield with his hammer and went flying backwards.
Probably, felt like the movie made it seem like that old man made him realise he actually could control it though. "When you were falling you aimed for some empty space". Then suddenly he wasn't afraid to turn into the Hulk near friends and civilians. Seemed a bit fast if that is the reasoning behind it.

That was the great Harry Dean Stanton cameo.
Probably, felt like the movie made it seem like that old man made him realise he actually could control it though. "When you were falling you aimed for some empty space". Then suddenly he wasn't afraid to turn into the Hulk near friends and civilians. Seemed a bit fast if that is the reasoning behind it.

Ruffalo mentioned in an interview that there was a great scene with Stanton (the old man) that didn't make the final cut. I'd imagine it had something to do with him coming to terms with Hulk.
That was the great Harry Dean Stanton cameo.

Oh :nervous:

Ruffalo mentioned in an interview that there was a great scene with Stanton (the old man) that didn't make the final cut. I'd imagine it had something to do with him coming to terms with Hulk.

That explains it I suppose.. I guess we'll have to wait for it to be released on bluray/dvd so we can see the traditional extended edition.
Thought it was quite weird how easily and quick the hulk turned from being a bad ass motherfecking trainwreck into a team player. Obviously the movie was long enough as it was, but I felt they could've done more with his development.

Watching Scarlett Johansson in all her glory is definately was 3D was made for though. My word.

Check out my post at the top of this page Ralaks regarding the Hulk situation.
Probably, felt like the movie made it seem like that old man made him realise he actually could control it though. "When you were falling you aimed for some empty space". Then suddenly he wasn't afraid to turn into the Hulk near friends and civilians. Seemed a bit fast if that is the reasoning behind it.

It'll be in the dvd, apparently the talk was too long and didn;t suit the pacing of the film, so it got cut out.
Tell me it's better than Captain America. I can't go through that again...

Chris Evans' screentime is limited in The Avengers but overall his character is far more likeable and interesting than in his own movie. This is one of those rare flicks where pretty much everyone in the main and supporting cast were great.
Chris Evans' screentime is limited in The Avengers but overall his character is far more likeable and interesting than in his own movie. This is one of those rare flicks where pretty much everyone in the main and supporting cast were great.

I thought he was very good in his first film too. Out of all of them, he has the hardest job by far - as great as Downey Jr is, the character of Tony Stark is far more charismatic, funny, interesting etc but for Captain America, it's difficult to sell an incredibly naive patriot who has no ego and cheesy lines about "just doing what's best for my country" etc.....and I think he pulls it off very well.

On a side note, I really like Chris Evans - has a wide repitoire of films. From the ridiculous OTT egocentric Lucas Lee in Scott Pilgrim to Sunshine, where he was suprisingly good in a dramatic role.