The Avengers

It's decent but a long way from great, bit shocked by the hype and that it is breaking box office records.

It was polished but formulaic, the 3D doesnt add much either.

Iron Man was better on his own and I'll take XMen over this everytime - still it helped me forget about the footy for a few hours so worthwhile

You saw that movie tonight?

Yea, you're opinion is invalid. Your head isn't right.

Ye I went last night to take my mind off the footy - it wasnt terrible or anything, just not worthy of the huge hype
Ye I went last night to take my mind off the footy - it wasnt terrible or anything, just not worthy of the huge hype

I haven't heard the hype myself. It's really just that everybody enjoys it. People aren't calling it the best movie of the year or even the best comic book movie. There's just a general consensus that no one dislikes it. Which is pretty rare for a movie of that kind.

I don't think I'll enjoy it as much next time I'll see it at home but I really enjoyed watching it in a good movie theater.

I've not seen Drive yet. I think they hype of that movie has ruined it for me. I'll probably end up finding it to being meh when I finally get around to watch it.
I could have seen Citizen Kane last night and would have called it a turd.
I could have seen Citizen Kane last night and would have called it a turd.

:lol: Too true - went to see American Reunion last night and can't work out whether it was totally shit or I was just so pissed off.
I agree with Rood to an extend. I'm pretty sure people have been calling it the best comic book movie ever and there has been a lot of fawning over it. But it's the kind of movie that was always going to get hugely hyped by the comic book community if it was anywhere approaching good anyway, it's about loads of superheroes in a team. It's a fanboys wet dream. Plus it's the first time its been attempted Hollywood style and it's actually been done quite well.

I do actually know a few people who didn't like it fwiw. But when the over excitement dies down it will still be remembered as a pretty good movie. I agree that the first Iron Man was a better film though. But that wasn't hamstrung by having to cram a lot of different elements in to please a lot of different people. Or at least not to the same extent. I'm impressed they pulled this off as well as they did.
I don't like the first Iron Man as much because of one major plothole. Stark took a long time developing this and learning how to work the Iron Man suit. Mr. Bridges has his finished just in time for a fight and is like a veteran in it. When did he have the time to be learning how to use that thing? He shouldn't have been able to get off the ground, never mind be able to fight Iron Man. A poor villain I thought.
He had all of the plans, Snow. That's how he did it. He also stole Stark's power supply. He had not figured out the problems it had with icing up at altitude though. Essentially all of what you said was addressed in the film. No plot hole there at all.

I agree he was a pretty weak villain though and it's the final showdown which lets the film down really, it lasts for all of five minutes. And the villain was played by the great Jeff Bridges, his character could have been so much better, I think.
They did the same thing in Iron Man 2, Rhodey just stuck the War Machine suit on and was throwing down with Stark and flying no problem, didn't make sense. One of the best parts of Iron Man 1 was him learning how to use the suit.
It's decent but a long way from great, bit shocked by the hype and that it is breaking box office records.

It was polished but formulaic, the 3D doesnt add much either.

Iron Man was better on his own and I'll take XMen over this everytime - still it helped me forget about the footy for a few hours so worthwhile

totally agree

went for the same reason - a bit of escapism to not think about the football

it reminded me of the transformers movies - very hollywood, a few laughs, lots of CGI stuff, poor plot and average dialog, big hero ending

have to say i was disappointed - to read some of the review on here I was expecting the dark knight

6.5/10 is an accurate rating
They did the same thing in Iron Man 2, Rhodey just stuck the War Machine suit on and was throwing down with Stark and flying no problem, didn't make sense. One of the best parts of Iron Man 1 was him learning how to use the suit.

Yeah, but for the purposes of drama and letting the story breathe, it'd have been tedious and unnecessary to show Stane and Rhodes both leaning to use their suits.

totally agree

went for the same reason - a bit of escapism to not think about the football

it reminded me of the transformers movies - very hollywood, a few laughs, lots of CGI stuff, poor plot and average dialog, big hero ending

have to say i was disappointed - to read some of the review on here I was expecting the dark knight

6.5/10 is an accurate rating

Why? Loads of people have said it's pointless comparing the two. Other than the fact the characters were introduced in the same medium there is next to nothing that ties them together. The Dark Knight is a very good film, but it's not really "entertainment".
He had all of the plans, Snow. That's how he did it. He also stole Stark's power supply. He had not figured out the problems it had with icing up at altitude though. Essentially all of what you said was addressed in the film. No plot hole there at all.

I agree he was a pretty weak villain though and it's the final showdown which lets the film down really, it lasts for all of five minutes. And the villain was played by the great Jeff Bridges, his character could have been so much better, I think.

He had all the plans yes but if you had all the plans for a helicopter and the manual for how you control it you couldn't do it in a week. Never mind doing it like a pro. In the next movie we have a trained army guy from the airforce in a better version of the suit having difficulties learning how to control this suit.
It's called dramatic licence, Snow. All the suspense in that scene where we first see Iron Monger charging through the darkness after Pepper Potts and the others would have been lost entirely if there were a bunch of completely unnecessary scenes of him learning to use the suit. You'd make some very tedious films if you felt the need to spell everything out and connect all the dots for the audience.

Besides, we are talking about a film that takes place in the same world where a couple of gods land on Earth for a fight and where a big green man in cut-offs smashes shit up. Is it too much of a stretch of the imagination that someone could pilot a mechanised suit of armour competently?
Saw It yesterday.

First things first, Captain america bossed and held his own the entire film. Second, that was easily the best marvel film of all time, and arguably the best comic book film of all time.

Thing is though, a film like this, where its pretty much an A list of superheroes all coming together, it was always going to be hit or miss. It was a hit.
To Noodles criticism: I don't think Loki was shown up or made to look like a joke. The entire film was effectively about Loki trying to get stronger and stronger by getting his army through that worm hole thing, which meant that he wasn't really at full strength anyway which if anything makes him stronger because the Avengers had to stop him before he achieved his full power at which point he would have competed much more. As for him getting shown up in certain scenes, so what? His character is basically that of a petulant child anyway, a petulant child whose pissed off at his family and is hitting out. I thought they portrayed that quite well both in Thor and in Avengers. There was no need for him to beat everyone to a pulp. Although I do agree that the way his powers worked (i.e sometimes they hit his ghost and sometimes they hit him) was a bit annoying.
I think people's reaction to Hulk beating Loki to a pulp is a good indicator that he worked well as a villain, it was nice to see him get his comeuppance.
I finally watched it yesterday in 3D Kino and I really liked it. The only thing that I didn't like was that Hulk from being uncontrollable in a min started to control himself.

Also there were many jokes there, Hulk beating Loki was really funny.

Still, one of the best comic movies ever and possibly the best one from Marvel.
I thought he was very good in his first film too. Out of all of them, he has the hardest job by far - as great as Downey Jr is, the character of Tony Stark is far more charismatic, funny, interesting etc but for Captain America, it's difficult to sell an incredibly naive patriot who has no ego and cheesy lines about "just doing what's best for my country" etc.....and I think he pulls it off very well.

On a side note, I really like Chris Evans - has a wide repitoire of films. From the ridiculous OTT egocentric Lucas Lee in Scott Pilgrim to Sunshine, where he was suprisingly good in a dramatic role.

He's excellent in Puncture.

And also in a pretty small role in Street Kings.
Ye I went last night to take my mind off the footy - it wasnt terrible or anything, just not worthy of the huge hype

I was pretty bored TBH. The odd bit was worth watching but otherwise it was just a bog standard superhero yarn with decent special effects.

I think I'm over superhero filsm anyway. I didn't even bother watching Thor.