The Apprentice 2012

They should change for format entirely in my opinion, it's just crap with the wrong type of people on the show. Why not be more selective in choosing the best candidates, not the stereo-types or the celeb wannabe's.

Why not give ten people a small investment each to start their own companies, and the winner gets a much larger investment or something, seeing week by week how they have built their business and all the right and wrong things they have done, the poorest performer being expelled each week. I'm sure people would find it more interesting than to see a bunch of ego's and stereo-types failing due to the stupidest things at pointless tasks we have seen time and time again.
They should change for format entirely in my opinion, it's just crap with the wrong type of people on the show. Why not be more selective in choosing the best candidates, not the stereo-types or the celeb wannabe's.

Why not give ten people a small investment each to start their own companies, and the winner gets a much larger investment or something, seeing week by week how they have built their business and all the right and wrong things they have done, the poorest performer being expelled each week. I'm sure people would find it more interesting than to see a bunch of ego's and stereo-types failing due to the stupidest things at pointless tasks we have seen time and time again.

But I doubt in one week you'd see anything remotely interesting happen.

This format works so well for the following reasons:

  • They're all fighting for themselves, but need to work together, it forces clashes, confrontation and stress
  • The tasks are in such a short time scale, they're forced into quick decisions; which results in mistakes. What they produce in such a short time is often impressive, but mistakes are inevitable
  • They're always working under pressure, which demonstrates how good they are but if forces them to stand out and be noticed as a candidate, this gives us our entertainment, good or bad

With respect, your concept would be dull and shit.
Well I'm not a TV exec.. it's just a rough idea that has a bit of substance to it. The tasks are total bollocks that make a mockery of what real business is like, the contestants are utter morons and the prize doesn't even fit the whole original concept of the show. Perhaps my idea is shit but the show is starting to reach it's expiry date to be honest and it needs freshening up somehow.

With my idea you could see a whole range of different businesses, how to get started, what not to do, how to overcome obstacles, perhaps they could directly compete with each other somehow too, it's just an idea I don't think it would be dull at all, but then it's my idea so I wouldn't!
Just watched this on catch up, they are all shit
Pretty much. The only one I can see going far at the moment is Duane... as he's been involved strongly in all 3 episodes so far.
Well I'm not a TV exec.. it's just a rough idea that has a bit of substance to it. The tasks are total bollocks that make a mockery of what real business is like, the contestants are utter morons and the prize doesn't even fit the whole original concept of the show. Perhaps my idea is shit but the show is starting to reach it's expiry date to be honest and it needs freshening up somehow.

With my idea you could see a whole range of different businesses, how to get started, what not to do, how to overcome obstacles, perhaps they could directly compete with each other somehow too, it's just an idea I don't think it would be dull at all, but then it's my idea so I wouldn't!

I haven't watched it at all this year pretty much for those reasons, it has almost become a parody of itself and is mildly entertaining for all of the wrong reasons. When it moved to BBC1 it appeared the emphasis of the programme changed for the worse somewhat.
It's like Big Brother: it's there primarily for you to shout at the tv and call all the contestants twats.
These are the worst "candidates" i have ever seen, i think they should call it a day after this one and just run the juniors for a few series then pack that in too.
Bout time they got rid of her... she was fecking terrible.

They're all seemingly useless this year though....
These are the worst "candidates" i have ever seen, i think they should call it a day after this one and just run the juniors for a few series then pack that in too.

They need to get rid of Sugar and try and persuade someone like Branson to do it IMO. And get it back to where you get a job rather than an "investment" which means you could fail every task but be an inventor like last season and pick up the winning prize.
Just about to watch tonights episode but apparently Duane got fired. Thought he was one of the frontrunners to win aswell, had a few good ideas up his sleeve in the first few episodes compared to anyone else.
Duane was a good candidate. The girl -forget her name- was by far the weakest of the three in the boardroom but she hadn't really done anything wrong in this task so didn't go.
My frontrunners gone!

Ridiculous firing... I can't understand how the fact that he's been very good in all the tasks so far hasn't helped him out here? Should have saved him really.

I think the PM of last weeks winning team is looking a good bet... Ricky Martin might stay in it too. The girls are all useless though.
Cant believe he was fired, fecking crazy. He was good!
Duane was a bit cocky and did throw a shit fit over the video, which ultimately lost them the task because the fitness companies admitted they liked the idea of it all, but didn't like the video (even praising the pitches themselves).

Stephen's team were just lucky though. In that sense, Duane was unfortunate because his team should not have lost. I've never seen the winning team be so unpopular with the experts. All three said they didn't like the idea, but one bod at Virgin decided they'll change their whole idea completely and invest. Absolute fluke.

Nick or Tom to win.

But as someone else said, it seems slightly irrelevant when it isn't a job at the end. Lose as many times as you want if Sugar can see the bucks roll in for your invention idea.
I too was quite surprised that Duane's past successes didn't get him any bargaining weight. I know Laura didn't do much wrong on this specific task, but she was awful last week and hasn't done anything that well, so on a cumulative basis I would have fired her out of the three in there.

Ricky is good I think, he'll do well. Duane was good but a bit in love with himself. The whole 'I'm everyone's best mate' act wears a bit thin after a while. Also, the video on the after programme of Blue saying hello to him was one of the most awkward and pointless things I've ever seen on television.
Just watched the last episode, you could easily mistake Duanes' arrogance for being humble in defeat. I think he loves himself that much that he think's he is above it all, but to be fair, at least he has a bit about him and he really believes in himself which is probably a good thing for him.

All I can think of during the show is the delusions of the bug eyed bloke, he can think of the most ridiculous and stupid 'ideas' and he reacts as if he'd just discovered gravity. That Northern girl with the whiny voice is irritating as feck too, can't wait for her to get fired.

I think in all, Nick is my favourite. He is fully in touch with reality, and I think in the real business world I would easily choose for him to be my partner out of that lot.
They need to go back to offering a job to someone, this show has turned into a fecking 12 week long dragons den piece of shit. 12 fecking weeks to find someone to invest in? cnuts.
That's the thing, it's a sham now. Sugar will already know which idea is the one he'll go for, all the rest is smoke and mirrors. At least people actually were employed by him in the previous format. Now it just feels pre-ordained and he's gonna fire people for strange reasons.
Ricky is an insufferable, overbearing cnut. Begrudgingly I'll admit he's decent, but I really want to see him go.
That's the thing, it's a sham now. Sugar will already know which idea is the one he'll go for, all the rest is smoke and mirrors. At least people actually were employed by him in the previous format. Now it just feels pre-ordained and he's gonna fire people for strange reasons.

Yeah, this is the problem. If you get to the end and have a better idea than the others, it won't really matter what you did previously, you're pretty much guaranteed to win it.
They need to get rid of Sugar and try and persuade someone like Branson to do it IMO. And get it back to where you get a job rather than an "investment" which means you could fail every task but be an inventor like last season and pick up the winning prize.

Agreed. I was hoping this season didn't follow the same trend but there's no change. For someone who's seen every episode of every series since it started I am now officially disinterested.

My daughter still watches it so I'll keep up with excerpts or the firing but that probably won't last long either now.

Its not the "Apprentice" anymore, its the "I Would Like to Nick Your Money-Spinning Product" show.
That's the thing, it's a sham now. Sugar will already know which idea is the one he'll go for, all the rest is smoke and mirrors. At least people actually were employed by him in the previous format. Now it just feels pre-ordained and he's gonna fire people for strange reasons.

To be fair, he still fires them - at this stage - for the right reasons.

I can't disagree about Duane going (of the two Ricky brought back) because he made the video and allowed mistakes in it. He was also unfortunate because the other team were collectively shit.

But I agree that at the end it'll probably boil down to the best idea, not candidate, like last year. That was frustrating.

I still enjoy the show, it entertains me and that's what it's there for.
Why are they all so shit this time?

Ricky Martin is an insufferable cnut as is Laura.
To be fair, he still fires them - at this stage - for the right reasons.

I can't disagree about Duane going (of the two Ricky brought back) because he made the video and allowed mistakes in it. He was also unfortunate because the other team were collectively shit.

But I agree that at the end it'll probably boil down to the best idea, not candidate, like last year. That was frustrating.

I still enjoy the show, it entertains me and that's what it's there for.

Last year it didn't even come down to the best idea, it came down to the candidate Lord Sugar most wanted to work with. He threw the ridiculous franchise idea out and said that he wanted to work on that nail file.
I actually quite liked the guy who won it last year, however whether he deserved to win it or not was another question. As was said though, he certainly wouldn't have won under the old format.
Good job getting rid of Katie... she was utterly useless. I can't remember her coming out with one decent idea at any point during this...

Mind you, they're all pretty rubbish this year...
Its clear Sugar in interested in stealing whatever Azar has planned as his project/idea. (Sorry, did I say stealing I meant 'partnering with'). Azar is even more useless than Tom was last series and yet got nothing but good words from Sugar about 'speaking up at last'.

Azar to win the series.
Stephen should have been taken to the boardroom anyway. Katie should have gone but I think Stephen was and has been worse all series, all the guy does is talk and fill the room with carbon dioxide and never really says anything worthwhile.
It's pretty clear Adam & Stephen are bumchums, but when it comes down to it Stephen will stitch him right up.

I think as it stands, Tom is the strongest candidate.
I only watched the last episode on catch up now, feck me the scouser does my fecking nut in big time, annoying cnut he is. Whenever he opens his gob I find myself cringing
There's something sexy about Jade... can't put my finger one it, she's probably twice my age n all.
Its clear Sugar in interested in stealing whatever Azar has planned as his project/idea. (Sorry, did I say stealing I meant 'partnering with'). Azar is even more useless than Tom was last series and yet got nothing but good words from Sugar about 'speaking up at last'.

Azar to win the series.


Guess I should put my ass on the line's quite clear this Tom geezer is one the best the shows ever had, just uses common sense, doesn't try and go crazy, basic business sense looks fantastic on the Apprentice. He'll probably feel the need to do a risk and get a huge win next week or something now and get fired for it ><
They do sometimes try and build up a certain candidate to then fire him and get a big shock, that might happen but based on whats happened so far Tom is by far the best of the lot by some ah-hem "margin".
Jade was a complete idiot in that task, how she survived I dont know

there is also something extremely smug about her that i dont like, watch her face