The Apprentice 2012

I wouldn't say it's even preferring the old format, because this one does have it's merits, but it does render the rest of the competition redundant. I'd say that's the only thing that annoys me. Nick was a much more credible winner than Ricky based on how he had performed throughout the process, for example, yet Ricky had a superior business plan to him so was always going to be more likely to win it than him once we got to the final.

I kind of agree. It basically is what it is. The whole process basically leads upto the business plans and for that reason we can't be sure that Lord Sugar isn't firing people based on their plans rather than the task. Last year that girl (forget the name) was the standout candidate but lost it due to a dodgy business plan. In the end it all comes down to the plan.

In ny opinion Ricky was right to win it as I thought he was one of the better contenders.
I kind of agree. It basically is what it is. The whole process basically leads upto the business plans and for that reason we can't be sure that Lord Sugar isn't firing people based on their plans rather than the task. Last year that girl (forget the name) was the standout candidate but lost it due to a dodgy business plan. In the end it all comes down to the plan.

In ny opinion Ricky was right to win it as I thought he was one of the better contenders.

Yeah I agree with most of that. What I do find it annoying is when people say that it's no longer about finding an Apprentice, while the old format was. That's not true. The old format eventually came in for criticism because it turned into a job, so it's not all that much better than this one to be honest.
Even if it is a bit tired now it is still better than most of the crap pumped out by the BBC although I probably only watched about four episodes this series as opposed to religiously following some of the earlier ones.

I never tire of Nick and Margaret's facial expressions for some reason.
I had Ricky as third favourite before the final, but in the final itself he was absolutely on fire, only one winner. I thought Nick's idea was vastly underrated though, hopefully he can get it off the ground by himself, I wonder why he needs £250,000 for it though?

I hope they have a re-vamp of the show next year. Cut out the twirps who only made the cut because of their jazzed up CV's and flamboyant one-liners and change the whole task format entirely, I'm bored of the same old re-hashed tasks, and next time you call the show 'The Apprentice' with a main catch-phrase of 'you're fired', please make the actual prize and point of the show a job, or it's a bit fecking stupid.
I only just had a chance to watch this on catch up now, happy enough that Ricky won, out of all the remaining contestants he was the only one I remotely liked, Jade was useless, that business plat was total crap and how she even made it that far I dont know. Nick just came across as an arrogant wanker, Tom was okay but either looked as if he was not sleeping properly the past few weeks or he was high on drugs.