The Apprentice 2012

Although last season was good, the new system meant that the last episode was a bit of a farce where everyone's ideas were shit and Sugar went with whoever had the most potential in creating a new invention in his view.

Much rather the winner was forced to work for Sugar for a year and then have the option to quit as they usually do.

Despite my gripe of the system now, all the episodes preceding the final one should be good.
Anyone else find, that as enjoyable as it is, it's rather forgettable?

I literally can't even remember who won it last year and I watched every episode!
It certainly does. But that's what Sky+ was made for. I'm quite looking forward to getting home the pub tonight, pissed, 4 points clear, same games played, to watch a load of numpties run around - being numpties.
Im going to have this on the TV and El Plastico on my computer
I have become bored of this, it has become a staging show for idiots who know nothing about nothing.

I much prefer the American version - the celebrity model where you don't get people wanting to make a name for themselves.
Here we go, as always we begin with the applicants throwing horrible cliches our way, "i will roar my way to the top", "i am like a shark in business" ect.

I am not keen that we have gone down the path of fighting for an investment instead of a job, if you want an investment why not feck off to dragons den?
Ricky Martin - "I am the alpha male of the group"

okay then...
Forgot to set it to record tonight before I went out. Anyone know when it's being repeated on BBC one?
that feck she got fired, she was an annoying cnut
Stupid cnut. She just wouldn't shut up. Thankfully she's gone, the annoying cnut.

Gabrielle is quit sexy. :drool:
"Let's take it in turns! We're taking it in turns to talk to customers... wait your turn!"

fecking Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime... they're not playing sodding video games. Just get some sales any which way possible.

Anyway, decent opener... though there needs to be more in the way of out right idiocy. I think my favourite part of the whole episode was when one of the blokes saw the designs the "design team" had come up with and, totally dead-panned, said "You really thought outside the box there" ... superb.
The one that got fired was fit!

She should have just shut up in the boardroom and I think the blonde that did nothing would have gone.

Thought the architect was woman was alright and was rooting for her, until she went ballistic in the board room - cow!
Yeah she was fit but still an annoying cnut, imagine the poor sod who winds up married to that yoke, Christ life would not be worth living anymore
The show is so stale to me now. I got about halfway through and just thought wow this is so fecking boring, it's identical to what happens in previous years. Usually I love it but it seems it's past its' expiry date for me!
Theyre taking turns.....when they couild just separate..........Im kinda speechless. I must be missing something.

I think this is to do with filming. There appear to be some strange rules on this programme (like no internet access, so they consistently struggle to understand what certain things are or find places), but I think they're only allowed to split into a maximum of two sub-teams per team. Otherwise they'd all go off separately and they'd need eight film crews just for one team.

I think that's why anyway. Happens every year and they always look daft just hanging onto one another instead of flying solo.
But if there are ten people in an area and they all go up to the same person or they wait for the person because they're taking it in turns while bitching about them, they're dumb and have no excuse. The Irish woman seems like a right moan aswell, can tell she's going to be a snake and a suck up.
The show is so stale to me now. I got about halfway through and just thought wow this is so fecking boring, it's identical to what happens in previous years. Usually I love it but it seems it's past its' expiry date for me!

I agree, especially so as the people they find tend to be morons.

You shouldn't be able to apply for it, you ought to be very qualified and headhunted thus removing the reality tv elements of it.
Can I have the annoying Irish bird in the sweepstakes, please?

The Bulgarian bird had the same kind of eyes as Berba! I was rooting for her on that basis alone :lol:
Watched last nights episode. The girls seemed pretty poor. It wasn't the fact that they lost; it's the fact that most of them seem like weak candidates. Not one struck me as a potential winner.

The boys didn't cover themselves in glory either, and the product was abysmal, but they won and did something right. One or two of them seem to look like decent candidates and look like they could go quite far.
The one that got fired was banging, I mean annoying but those eyes. :drool:

She looked like a Tony Soprano mistress type, beautiful, cracking in bed and absolutely mental.