Tennis 2022

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This woe is me, everyone is to blame stuff is so boring.

You're not that good mate. You dropped serve because the guy you're playing is the best returner of all time, it has nothing to do with the crowd.

A grown man whining this much is embarrassing
I thought it impossible, but Kyrgios has done it. I mentally switched to rooting for Djokovic. What a fecking moron.

I just had the exact same conversation with my wife. I can't stand Djokovic but this bellend could make me vote DUP if he was on the other side of the ticket.
Actually surprised a player can get to this level with this weak of a nerve
In fairness in some people that edginess is what allows players to perform. It’s obviously a very fine line to walk and either side and it’s massively detrimental as I’m sure we will now see through to the end.
This woe is me, everyone is to blame stuff is so boring.

You're not that good mate. You dropped serve because the guy you're playing is the best returner of all time, it has nothing to do with the crowd.

A grown man whining this much is embarrassing

Isn't he moaning just to his box than general crowd?

Either way, the guy is just a child
It's such a shame. He was playing spectacular, clever tennis in the first set. If he didn't self-destruct we could have had a really great final. Also a feeling of what might have been if he had taken one of those break points in the second.

He's a disgrace to the sport.
First set was good. This is a mess. Even I'm confused and want a timeout - I'm watching a Wimbledon final that I want Novak to win :D
Has he ever been tested for Autism? ( disclaimer: this is a gennuine question and not meant as a joke ,which may not be clear in text)
Has Djokovic gone to watch Netflix or something?

Mind games? Letting Nick stew?

it’d been over two hours since he last told someone about vaccines and government conspiracies so had to nip to the changing room to tell someone to do their research.
Isn't he moaning just to his box than general crowd?

Either way, the guy is just a child
It's alright to be emotional and expressive, those characters are needed for the sport and are enjoyable viewing, but he's just so unlikeable that I just don't get the fawning from the commentators over him.

Talking about how good he is (he's not) and excusing this shite behaviour because they want a new poster boy for the sport is depressing. Oh he's had problems (haven't we all), he can play great on his day (what pro doesn't).

Just call it out for what it is; an obnoxious idiot with a chip on his shoulder, who believes the world is against him and sabotages whatever chances he is given, then blames everyone in earshot while demanding respect and courtesy.
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