Dr. Funkenstein
Not CAF Geert Wilders
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So which fear of islam turned out to be irrational?Of course Islamophobia exists. Are you saying it doesnt exist in your zip code? Or in the world?
So which fear of islam turned out to be irrational?Of course Islamophobia exists. Are you saying it doesnt exist in your zip code? Or in the world?
This:So what exactly is irrational about the fear of islam?
It isn't. It's just a religion. It's maniacs abusing it to justify gruesome acts to themselves and their communities that are threatening.It's not like it's not threatening.
I also wonder how we can make fun of christianity, or other religions, and noone raises an eyelid, but if we say anything bad about islam, we're also racist.
France attack: Three killed in 'Islamist terrorist' stabbings
One more attack.
I was talking specifically about the cartoons and other disrespectful images and writing - things that are in the same vein as the Hebdo drawings. In any case, there's plenty of violence against Christians going on in the world, I'd be surprised if people don't know about it. Mind you, it doesn't seem to get the same news coverage for some reason.Christians aren't picked on consistently for 2 decades now since 9/11. Muslim travel ban, Hijab ban, minaret ban, protests when a mosque is supposed to be build, right-wing anti-muslim parties emerging everywhere in Europe. In Germany, a couple years ago, a former politician wrote a book about genetically inferior hijab girls. He literally argued they had genetically low IQ. It was a bestseller. Followed by the usual "freedom of speech" justifications. This woman on the right holds up a sign with Article 5 of German Consitution (Freedom of Speech) in the middle of anti mosque protests infront of a banner which translates to something like "Bravery of Saxonia stops flood of muslims":
"Freedom of speech" at this point of time has become nothing but a justification for dog whistle racism. Everyone knows what is being said or meant but it's not being directly said to avoid jurisdiction.
Then couple all of this with the consistent Western meddling in the Middle East.
Now do tell again how Christians are in the same boat just because stuff like Life of Brian exists and there are religion jokes about Christians out there.
More at https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-48146305The persecution of Christians in parts of the world is at near "genocide" levels, according to a report ordered by Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt.
The review, led by the Bishop of Truro the Right Reverend Philip Mounstephen, estimated that one in three people suffer from religious persecution.
Christians were the most persecuted religious group, it found.
Mr Hunt said he felt that "political correctness" had played a part in the issue not being confronted.
The interim report said the main impact of "genocidal acts against Christians is exodus" and that Christianity faced being "wiped out" from parts of the Middle East.
It warned the religion "is at risk of disappearing" in some parts of the world, pointing to figures which claimed Christians in Palestine represent less than 1.5% of the population, while in Iraq they had fallen from 1.5 million before 2003 to less than 120,000.
"Evidence shows not only the geographic spread of anti-Christian persecution, but also its increasing severity," the Bishop wrote.
Isnt this the same incident we have been discussing today?
It is.It isn't.
No, it's not.It's just a religion.
No, those people aren't even extremists.Technically the idea's of what we call a muslim extremist aren't extreme, they arer pretty mainstream in islam. The majority of muslims worldwide believes drawing the prophet or apostasy or homosexuality should be punished and also believe islam is above worldly laws. So those who take it upon themselves to punish those who have insulted islam are not seen as criminals or maniacs. It's not like there is no foundation for that in the texts and the examples set by the prophet. It's not exaclty a 'turn the other cheek' religion. It has always been a totalitarian ideology that spreads by violence and submission, not by convincing people.It's maniacs abusing it to justify gruesome acts to themselves and their communities that are threatening.
Christians aren't picked on consistently for 2 decades now since 9/11. Muslim travel ban, Hijab ban, minaret ban, protests when a mosque is supposed to be build, right-wing anti-muslim parties emerging everywhere in Europe. In Germany, a couple years ago, a former politician wrote a book about genetically inferior hijab girls. He literally argued they had genetically low IQ. It was a bestseller. Followed by the usual "freedom of speech" justifications. This woman on the right holds up a sign with Article 5 of German Consitution (Freedom of Speech) in the middle of anti mosque protests infront of a banner which translates to something like "Bravery of Saxonia stops flood of muslims":
"Freedom of speech" at this point of time has become nothing but a justification for dog whistle racism. Everyone knows what is being said or meant but it's not being directly said to avoid jurisdiction.
Then couple all of this with the consistent Western meddling in the Middle East.
Now do tell again how Christians are in the same boat just because stuff like Life of Brian exists and there are religion jokes about Christians out there.
Agreed, how can you offend some lad in the sky you don't think exists in the first place? It's basically peak snowflake behaviour in terms of getting offended on behalf of someone else.How can a non-believer commit blasphemy? I don't see any logic there.
I have a very simplistic view on this matter.
Those getting upset about cartoons should pray and reply in kindness than resort to mindless violence. Those who knowingly draw to offend a certain group to prove a point from a legal perspective would likely be expecting some form of retaliation. They are providing ammunition to the ignorant and naive to carry out such atrocities. We can argue as much as we want about the rights and wrongs of both sides but action will have a reaction. It's almost impossible to stop certain people with a crazy mindset however much an Imam or any religious authority will shout from the pulpit.
On a positive note from all the doom and gloom, the good in humanity still exists to a great degree. This is a very tiny minority who will go out of their way to get offended or offend.
How can a non-believer commit blasphemy? I don't see any logic there.
No you can‘t,Dan Brown literally wrote a book in which Jesus was portrayed as having a kid and married. They even made a movie out of it. I can buy that book at my local store and watch the movie on Netflix.
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.Dan Brown literally wrote a book in which Jesus was portrayed as having a kid and married. They even made a movie out of it. I can buy that book at my local store and watch the movie on Netflix.
I have to say, Christians see things which mock their religion every single day. We're told to respond with forgiveness and prayer, not with anger.
Oh get a grip really I've heard all these BS arguments by right wing extremists already, you clearly have an agenda and looking at your posting history it's not a great look. So you can crawl back into the woodwork.The difference is that islamophobia doesn't exist. There's never been a case of someone getting terribly frightened with no reason when seeing a mosque or someone looking like a muslim. People who get scared of islam because they're about to get their head cut off or fear muslims will attack their freedom of speech have no irrational fear, but a very real and justified one, so that's not a phobia either.
Islamophobia is a propagandistic term introduced by extremists to silence criticism and warnings for their ideology. Using that word is helping radical islam.
Yes, absolutely. There is no right not to be offended. It's everybody's freedom of religion to not abide someone else's religious rules and ridicule anyone they want, that's exactly the same freedom of religion that allows muslims to be in France and practice their religion in the first place. Not showing the cartoons is kneeling for the totalitarian rule of islam, the claim that their religious rules apply to everybody.
I would agree it's not nice and polite to shove those cartoons under muslim's noses in front of a mosque or something. But that's not the issue with the cartoons. It became an issue because the cartoons were there, in the back of a kiosk in some obscure magazine. So those muslims actually had to make an effort to get offended, and they did. That's not because they're offended in their personal religious feelings, they're offended in their feeling islam rules over everybody so there should not be a drawing that breaks their religious rules anywhere. With a vast majority of muslims worldwide not supporting freedom of religion, and a majority of French muslims, a line has to be drawn. It's not just cartoons, it's also the oppression of moderate muslims in muslim neighbourhoods, often effectively enforcing the headscarf and banning alcohol, it's the difficulty teaching kids about the holocaust en the general antisemitism among muslims. That's not the case in France and that has to be stated clearly, to remind the French muslims who's the boss and to remind them there's freedom religion for all the French, it's not a right of a religion and certrainly not only one religion, but a right of all French citizens. France does not bow to intimidation like so many other countries and everybody who wants freedom should applaud them.
Oh get a grip really I've heard all these BS arguments by right wing extremists already, you clearly have an agenda and looking at your posting history it's not a great look. So you can crawl back into the woodwork.
Classic idiotic response. Bye.classic, you’re a racist, you have an agenda, you’re right wing...go away and stop raising problems with Islam.
Classic idiotic response. Bye.
It's the Daily Mail. Of course it's shameful rhetoric.bye bye!
more shameful rhetoric from influential people.
Look troll, someone has already pointed out this guy is a lunatic and is best ignored. I really doubt he has much influence over Muslims.bye bye!
more shameful rhetoric from influential people.
You're trying to conflate antisemitism, a millennia-long hatred of Jewish people (a race) to Islamophobia (hate against a religious identity) - both are abhorrent by the way! You say that if the critiques levied against Islam were levied against Jewish people, it would be deemed as antisemitism. You are, in my opinion, missing out context, of which Jewish people are not shooting up nightclubs, beheading teachers, or driving trucks into crowds of people. Antisemitism
So Islam gets critiqued. Does some of this wash over into Islamophobia, 100%. Is all critique and commentary on this subject Islamophobic? No. People critique Israel over Palestine and sometimes that is called out as antisemitic when it is genuine critique. Other times the critiques end up being antisemitic in their content and the response is justified etc.
The logical basis for critiquing anyone and everything is obvious.
I can only speak for myself, but I do condemn radical baptists who shoot up abortion clinics with the same vehemence as radical Muslims that kill random Catholics. And when radical atheists appear that try to achieve things through barbarity I'll criticise them too.
That said I'll be honest, if anyone is convinced that Muslims are treated in such a way in Europe that justifies beheading people we can not have that person walking our streets. It's that simple really. Cartoon this or that, I don't care. If a cartoon makes you chop someones head off you are not fit for this society.
The difference is that islamophobia doesn't exist. There's never been a case of someone getting terribly frightened with no reason when seeing a mosque or someone looking like a muslim. People who get scared of islam because they're about to get their head cut off or fear muslims will attack their freedom of speech have no irrational fear, but a very real and justified one, so that's not a phobia either.
Islamophobia is a propagandistic term introduced by extremists to silence criticism and warnings for their ideology. Using that word is helping radical islam.
There is no logic. You are right. My view is that this is more than just the cartoon and the brutal murder of a teacher and the poor old lady in the Church. This is pure terrorism on the public. But this is made worse by others intervening and saying all sorts of things.
There was a very good interview on Al Jazeera English with a French guy who explained that these extremists have been reported time and again to the French authorities and why they are unable to stop it.
There will be lunatics everywhere all the time. They need to be stopped. But not demonising a whole religion.
It's the Daily Mail. Of course it's shameful rhetoric.
Look troll, someone has already pointed out this guy is a lunatic and is best ignored. I really doubt he has much influence over Muslims.
Yes.so you immediately discount anything from the mail?
Christians aren't picked on consistently for 2 decades now since 9/11. Muslim travel ban, Hijab ban, minaret ban, protests when a mosque is supposed to be build, right-wing anti-muslim parties emerging everywhere in Europe. In Germany, a couple years ago, a former politician wrote a book about genetically inferior hijab girls. He literally argued they had genetically low IQ. It was a bestseller. Followed by the usual "freedom of speech" justifications. This woman on the right holds up a sign with Article 5 of German Consitution (Freedom of Speech) in the middle of anti mosque protests infront of a banner which translates to something like "Bravery of Saxonia stops flood of muslims":
"Freedom of speech" at this point of time has become nothing but a justification for dog whistle racism. Everyone knows what is being said or meant but it's not being directly said to avoid jurisdiction.
Then couple all of this with the consistent Western meddling in the Middle East.
Now do tell again how Christians are in the same boat just because stuff like Life of Brian exists and there are religion jokes about Christians out there.
Look troll, someone has already pointed out this guy is a lunatic and is best ignored. I really doubt he has much influence over Muslims.
Woah...easy there, fella. You don’t want to put yourself in danger.Christ.
Having a right and being right are different things.
Getting angry over a cartoon by a tiny, fringe satirical magazine is a problematic response. It's like getting angry because of a meme on the internet.
You don't have to like it or find it funny by all means. But if it bothers you so much that you're getting angry about it, then yes you have issues. The adult response is to roll your eyes and move on.
An issue is that a sizeable minority of the Muslim population feels the cartoons (blasphemy) are a bigger offence than the terror attacks. So when a cartoon is published, knowing what has resulted in the past, instead of showing forbearance and muting the outrage for the sake of the future victims of an inevitable terror attack, they instead contribute to the feeling within the community that plays a big part in why the attacks occur.
Yeah I agree I think the reaction of some to a cartoon has driven these people to commit these barbaric murders.
A few have already put it much more eloquently that i could but they are right that the only real way to stop these extremists and these terror attacks is for the Muslim community themselves to try to educate their own to be more tolerant and assimilate into western culture. The extremist element of the Muslim community and Islamophobia are both diseases that feed each other and are stuck in a vicious cycle.
He was Malaysia Prime Minister and was replaced this year. Doubt he doesn't have influence.Look troll, someone has already pointed out this guy is a lunatic and is best ignored. I really doubt he has much influence over Muslims.
The lunatics getting stopped is certainly one thing, but when a large number of Muslims (even people on this forum) think it's right or normal to get angry and riled up about some satirical cartoons of a fringe publication we have a wider problem. I explained it before, but if a large part of the community gets angry over something so harmless and interprets it as an attack on them, then some lunatic is bound to cross the line and respond with an actual attack. These cartoons make fun of every religion but only one religion's followers widely interpret that as an attack. The rest just roll their eyes and don't give a feck. And then when the attacks happen we see so much deflection, "good on both sides" or false equivalence arguments from both prominent and normal people that it beggars belief.
The Muslim community in Western Europe is seemingly far more religiously conservative and dogmatic on its beliefs than other communities on average. This chafes and causes problems in secular liberal democracies like the one in France. The fact so many of its followers value respect of its religious laws and customs so highly (almost above everything else) is evidently highly problematic. Because they live in countries that went through religious wars, then Enlightenment and then revolution to create states and societies built on reason and not beliefs. The fact there's intense friction between Islamic conservativism and Western liberalism is so self-evident, that it's beyond any reasonable doubt.
Pointing this issue out is not demonising Islam. Nor is ignoring it and burying your head in the sand going to make things better.
I agree I think these incidents all stem from the complete overreaction of sections of the Islamic World.
I have to say, Christians see things which mock their religion every single day. We're told to respond with forgiveness and prayer, not with anger.
You can't put that down on "bad guys on both sides". Sorry.