No, because your refusing to give ANY credit!...Your blithering on about the machine that made them as an excuse to not give Barlow any credit for being a song writer...
I will always give my opponents argument credence in a football debate, and always present my opinion as just that, opinion...but you're presenting yours as fact
I don't like Take That...Of course Dylan, Jackson, Wonder, even Albarn (who actually is a half decent song writer Brad) are better than Take That...I'm not trying to argue that, nor have I ever...I'm trying to argue sanity and fairness in giving them some credit for being partially responsible for their own success...however minimal it may have been
You on the other hand, and Popper to a degree, are completely unwilling to give them any credit what so ever, putting it soley down to marketing,,,essentially saying it could have been any 5 lads and it would of worked... I'm saying, however shit, or basic, you think his music is, It wouldn't have worked without Barlow...and certainly not for as long