Pretty close
No, you know, I understand this is a special sort of era...I was a fan during Gaspart & the Figo debacle as well - it feels like a long time ago now but not so long that I've forgotten what chaos feels like
Pep changed things despite there always having been some form of exciting play during the years...I have a very different outlook on the game, the club and other leagues & clubs as a result...It's inevitable that it will impact even a club like United and I'm curious how that change will take root over time
Of course, with Pep having left, it marks perhaps a different chapter for my club now as well - who knows what will happen next?...I made a prediction that Rosell's arrival was going to slowly mark the end of the 'glory days' as I fear for his corporatism...But, perhaps that means solvency is around the corner along with a boatload of Brasilians owing to his ties
Probably why I spend a lot of time watching or attending youth matches, gives me a chance to see what the future can be like where there's less coverage & hype...It helps now living in Europe whereas before I seemed a bit eccentric in the US to follow a sport that was a world away...I feel quite spoiled in that regard