Another banger of an episode. I know a lot of people aren't too enthused about the choice of having each episode correspond to one day, but I got to say, I don't really notice it. It doesn't feel rushed to me, despite a shit load of things happening in such a short span of time. I feel the pacing is fine, and I think they've done an incredible job of building up to an end. It really does feel like the end is approaching, naturally.
Not every little thing is going to get wrapped up, and not every little thing needs to get wrapped up. I think they will continue with this conceit of having an episode-per-day, thing. I'd be very surprised if we got any sort of five years later, flash-forward type deal. I just don't think the show is concerned about the long-term trajectory of these characters.
As for this episode, the actors really had their chance to shine here. They always do, but I think they really got to show why this ensemble is the best out there right now. I loved that Roman was ready to knock everyone on their ass with his speech, until Uncle Ewan got up there and brought a bit of reality crashing down on him.